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  • George chimere jerry on Psalms 18:33 - 10 years ago
    He MAKES my feet like hinds feet and he SETS me upon my high PLACES...note these 3 key words.he makes which is a continous thing,he sets which is also continous.studying the hind thats the animal you would understand that it is a mountain animal and all its steps are calculatedto keep it from falling.remember the mountain is not a smooth path.and here it says he MAKES nd SETS.that means for every trouble we face he MAKES AND SETS.he doesnt stop there,he places us on our high places..not a place but places...for every trouble we face,he keeps us on high places..the places is plural .OH how wonderful.but remember that evry animal trusts his instincts,evry human beign trust his leg...we always have this assurance that when we stand we wont wobble and fall.that is how God wants us to trust him.remain hidden in christ brethren

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