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  • Doris Early on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    The "wise" men from the eastp came to King Herod of Jerusalem inquiring of where the Messiah was that was born...they were astologers and had followed a star. The poin being they had traveled a long, long, distance and had a large caravan.refere to as the Magi. By the time they found the YOUNG CHILD, he was not in a manger according to Matt. Chapter 2. He was in a House. Probably 2years old. King of Jerusalem Herod, being jealous sought to kill JESUS he made a decree to kill all children the age of 2 and under. THE SHEPHERDS WERE THE ONES THAT THE ANGLES CAME TO TO FIRST ANNOUNCE JESUS' BIRTH When the shepherds found the infant he WAS IN a MANGER.

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