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  • Faithfull on Daniel 11:31 - 10 years ago
    Daniel 11 31 Viewing the King James Version Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Daniel 11 31 And arms shall stand on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate military personal not of his own shall aid the antichrist the false messiah The sanctuary of strength having then been resurrected as the rebuilt temple of King David the daily sacrifice is perpetual reverence unto God daily devotion pray The desolation here is a feeling of hopelessness a spiritual desolation by Abomination Just the presence of the evil of this man is abomination anywhere he is Let us just call him Mr Roman The kind of guy you do not want to talk to without being with Jesus at that time Understand his arms are mercenary s all in a day for a dollar

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