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  • Behold the lamb of God on John 8:11 - 10 years ago
    Only one way to sin no more when you have failed the law of sin and death. Marvel not that ye must be born again. Then you are not sinning. Sin is a transgression of the law and makes all men guilty without excuse. Grace and salvation are the Gifts of God. It is His righteousness in you. We had none of our own nor could we. No not one. Vessels filled. Saved to the uttermost on Gods scale. Amen DO NOT discount the righteousness of God. Read... 1 John 5 13.... 1 John 5 20 .. Hebrews 7 25 7 28!!!... Ephesians 2 8, Romans 8 1 2, Romans 6 22 defines a saved person "now ". The End is "surely " written note. Trust in the Lord he meant this John 6 44. He will do that. And he did this FOR US . Not us...Him! Hebrews 9 12 It is finished.

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