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  • Toni on Joshua 24:15 - 10 years ago
    God sets before us two ways life or death blessing or cursing. He tells us to choose this day. Deuteronomy 30 19 . Every person must decide what they will do with Jesus. There is no riding the fence. Either we will accept God 's free gift to the world and follow Jesus, which means giving up the world and its idols, but gaining spiritual freedom and life eternal. Or, we will reject that chief Cornerstone and continue in sin and worldly pleasures that will lead to damnation eternally. But one way or the other, every man, woman and child, must choose the path they will take on this journey of life. Like Joshua said, as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord. It 's good to serve the Lord. It 's peace. It 's joy. It 's truth. It 's light. It 's health. And it 's life. What will you decide?

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