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  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 18:30 - 10 years ago
    Everyone knows that only God can save us. So if we say that Jesus is not God, then Jesus can 't be save us. So how do we explain this? The answer is, Jesus and God are one and the same. Thomas knew this when he said to Jesus, 'My Lord and my God. ' Paul knew it, too, when he called Jesus 'God our Savior. John knew it also when he said in John 1, verse 2, '... and the Word was God. ' So why don 't we know it today. It is because we have been deceived by Satan. Satan knows that if we say that God did not fulfill his promise to by coming as Jesus, then by default, we are saying that he, Satan, is God. We only have two choices, God as Jesus or Satan.I can say it no other way. We can say this is not true, but it is. There is no other way to explain the stubborn resistance God 's own people have to the name of Jesus. I will give you Psalm 18, verses 30 and 31, to prove my point. 'What a God he is! How perfect in every way! All his promises are true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind him. For who is God exect our Lord? Who but he is a Rock? The point is, Jesus is the Rock an which we build. But people will say, what about the Father? Isn 't he God? The answer is, Yes he is. He is the way God directs his affairs. Jesus said so. But Jesus is always the way God speaks to us and saves us. Ask God to help you understand!

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