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  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 111:9 - 10 years ago
    Psalm 111 says, 'Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart. ... He has paid a full ransom for his people. He has guaranteed his covenant with them forever. ... ' This is talking about God coming to the earth as Jesus and dying in our pace on the cross. This is how the ransom for us was paid. But the problem is, most people do not believe that Jesus is God. Most people think that he is a lesser being or person. But many are not sure who Jesus is. So I make this point right now. Jesus is God Almighty, and he has come to save us. Don 't be confused by Jesus calling himself the Son Of God. He called himself the Son of Man, too. He did this to idetity himself with both God and man. He was the God Man. In other words, the term Son of God for Jesus is a title he used to identify himself while walking on the earth as a man. Let 's not forget what John said about him in John 1, verse 2. "... And the Word was God. ' And let 's not forget the words of Thomas in the upper room. 'My Lord and my God. ' Yes, God as Jesus has come to save us, and he did this by giving him life as a ransom for many. May God bless you!

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