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  • James Lyman on Revelation 11:19 - 10 years ago
    God, Yahweh is well aware of what happened to the temple in Jerusalem Destroyed Defamed , but here, and as yet,the Holy Spirit hasn 't shared enough to put it properly, but I think that this Ark,is not the saviour of animals and a few men, but it is Jesus, the saviour of the world, who when crucified, caused the drapes to give way to the holy of holies in the temple, opening the direct dialogue to God the Father and His Son, Jesus, the Saviour to the entire world, and that through the gentile church, all mankind will, through this very ark, find salvation forever. Maybe the lightnings and associated thunderings are the celebratory announcements from the heavenly realm, while the earthquake and hail are cleansing mechanisms. As I said, this is just a "spur of the moment " thought...prayer to follow! Jim

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