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  • Adam on Leviticus 20 - 9 years ago
    It speaks to men who break The Law. That is to say, the offender is he who trespasses against The Law God 's law, his judgements, statutes, commandments For example Exodus 22 1 If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it, OR A LAWNMOWER he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep, LAWNMOWERS FOR A LAWNMOWER. It is not for a man to draft the relief he wants for God has already laid down the law, the relief, the remedy as concerns a breach of The Law by a wrongdoer. Men who turn to laws of a nation for relief or redress offend the Ten Commandments, mainly 1 and 2 for nations, Canada, U.S.A, are graven images. Some rely on Romans, obey the governing authorities and ordinances of man thinking that means worldly government when God wrote 127 times obey my commandments. Governments send our children to war to kill and God said, thou shalt not kill. Let he who will be deceived be deceived...

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