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  • Insight 777 on Judges 16 - 9 years ago
    Hair is an excellent marker of the physical health of a human as shows the nutrition received as it grows. An example of this is a sample of hair can show if a person has been poisoned with arsenic. Samson was fed the bread, doctrine, of the Lord God and was extremely strong. Height in the past was a powerful gauge of economic progress as most often people that had the best nutrition grew larger. Samson represented health, economic progress and the willingness to love those who did not love him. The cutting of Samson 's hair represents the attempted destruction of the doctrine of the Lord God that Samson had as he professed love for a person that wanted him to die and wanted the doctrine of the Lord God to die. Samson however never lost his love of the Lord God. The use of the number 7 may reflect the 7 year tribulation that comes in the end of days. If so, then Samson may represent the military power of Israel that is destroyed during WW3 however it is shown that the end result is the Philistine people in power and the wealth of the Philistines is also destroyed. They will think they have won the war but the war will not be over and they will die.

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