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  • Nisha 313 on Psalms 34 - 9 years ago
    FEARING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER is the best thing that can ever happen to us, Let 's just go through a few benefits that come with fearing the one and only true God. He always remain the same, He 's always with us and never forsaking us, He is alwalys available when we need Him, never sleeping. Nothing is ever too much for HIM to handle, or too hard for Him. He is full with mercy, grace, and compassion. He don 't stay angry very forgiving, Very Faithful, don 't have respect of a person. basically if he did it before for anyone He will do it for you. He also is our creator and He have chosen us and wrote all our life story and only He can take us to where we are suppose to be. This is just a few benefits of fearing the Lord, Our Heavenly Father. In return all He want us to do is to fear Him, study his word, follow his law, and to Love Him and others. Love is very very important. Be Blessed

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