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  • Insight 777 on Jeremiah 10 - 9 years ago
    There is another possibility of understanding verses 3 to 5. It might not be referencing a Christmas tree at all. It could be referencing the use of cell phones and other machines that use a cell tower like laptops. In some places cell towers are actually disguised as palm trees so that they fit into the landscape more naturally. They are expensive to make and the computer technology uses silver and gold in the circuits. It might be that Israel is being warned to not be afraid of this usage of technology as a threat. It could also be a warning not to hack into the conversations for intel. Verse 10 seems to lead one to think the Lord will create a natural occurrence such as a solar flare, EMP, that will take out electronics. I think Verse 14 is talking about computers. Verse 21 may be referencing pastors that use TV and the internet for money, personal gain, and not to truly help people understand the words of GOD. When TV and the internet goes down then the flocks or followers of that type of evangelism will scatter meaning be disconnected.

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