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  • Jacob on Acts 7 - 9 years ago
    In early Acts the gospel of the Kingdom is being preached just like John the baptist preached Matt 3:2 because it was at hand. It was wihtin reach. If they would have received it Matt 11:14 John the Baptist would have been Elijah and the Lord would have set up His literal physical visible Kingdom but they rejected Him. Matt 12 records the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost vs 31 and He begins to speak in parables in Ch 13. They crucify Him and He prays from the cross that they will be forgiven in Lk 23:34. Then they are getting a second chance to receive their King in early Acts see ch 2. The house of Israel is being spoken to see vs 36,22, 14,5, which are Jews. The gospel is to the Jew first. The nation as a whole rejects Him again and Stephen preaches this sermon and if the nation as a whole would have received the message Jesus would have come back then. That 's why He was STANDING. Compare vs 55 with Mark 14:62 and 16:19. The church age wasn 't revealed until Paul got saved and all the prophecies could have still came to pass without any contradictions. But since they rejected Him the Gentiles were grafted in, Thank the Lord.

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