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  • Reggie on Proverbs 7 - 13 years ago
    On this independence day, while gleaning back over earlier chapters of Proverbs,as the sun is softly coming over the pine trees,vs.4 leapt out at me "SAY" unto WISDOM thou art my sister and "CALL" UNDERSTANDING thy kinswoman. It is dawning on my heart that we are commanded by the Lord, by the Word of God to verbalize, to confess, to speak, to confess the Word daily that WISDOM is mine and that UNDERSTANDING is mine! Even if you feel dumber than a bucket of paint. We are to call things that are not or at least have not been a working reality in our lives as though they are a present tense "NOW REALITY" regardless of circumstances, or the way we feel! I now confess, i say wisdom is my sister and understanding is my kinswoman! Why sister and kinswoman is being used here metaphoricaly? I think because one honors, respects, treasures, and protects their sisters,aunts, and mothers with tender love and purity.Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom.10;13 Saved from future wrath and present ignorance! Praise the Lord!

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