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  • RNM GEN 10-24 on Genesis 10 - 9 years ago
    GEN 10-24...Stephan Woehr 's: I agree with most of what you said, I believe also, that we are all part of the human race, and all creations of GOD But the part where you believe we can all trace our lineage back to Adam is where I think you may be wrong. Even though it is inconsequential and not worth arguing about. Their is more to it than just pigmentation, Its possible that before the flood their could have been one race, it doesn 't say one way or the other. Most believe it was after the flood, at Babel, when God confounded the tongue, and man was scattered across the face of the Earth. Their had to be more to the changes in physical appearance between the races that is not explained, maybe just not meant for us to know. It doesn 't effect my faith one way or another, PRAISE THE GOD OF CREATION, AND HIS HOLY SON AND PRAISE HIS HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS THE POWER THAT CONTAINS ALL THINGS. AMEN!!

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