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The world is filled with war, terrorism, and threats of more war and terrorism. This has been a constant in every age. Yet, all nations long for peace. Leaders negotiate for it. Millions pray for it. Of course, armies fight for it. Everyone wants it. Yet it remains more elusive than ever. The second horse and rider foretold by Christ—the red horse of war—certainly makes clear that an end to war is not yet just beyond the horizon.
Universal Desire
All people long for happy, peaceful, abundant lives. But how many today actually enjoy this kind of wonderful life?
Knowledge is exploding! Mankind has produced astonishing materialistic progress. Breakthroughs in science and technology have never been greater. But have they been able to bring a rich, full, joyful life to everyone? Have education and the knowledge explosion brought this? Has religion succeeded in producing peaceful, abundant lives worldwide? Have governments found the answers to mankind’s greatest questions? Are statesmen providing the example leading to the way that produces true happiness?
In every case, the clear answer is NO! Plain answers are lacking.
Vast new frontiers of expanding scientific knowledge have not brought the happiness that leaders and scientists foretold would accompany them. Neither have laborsaving devices, which were supposed to bring people more leisure time to “enjoy themselves.” Instead, mental illness, loneliness, self-pity and despair, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, as well as other forms of escapism, and general dissatisfaction with life, are everywhere.
Thousands of wars have been fought in the name of religion. Hundreds of millions of lives have been wiped out in the name of peace! Still there is no peace! Humanly devised solutions always fail to bring lasting peace—anywhere in the world.
Efforts are being made by economists, politicians, sociologists, and other “thinkers.” But it will not turn out all right. Religion, politics and other conservative movements, however well intentioned, will fail—abysmally.
At every turn, mankind has bungled and botched all efforts to solve its biggest problems. As a result, humanity suffers from every conceivable evil and ill. Misery, confusion, unhappiness, discontent, desperation—and military confrontation!—abound.
But there is a way that produces true happiness and peace.
Ugly History
War is the primary means by which nations have settled disputes throughout history. It is considered a natural state of affairs, while peace has been considered a time of recuperation from the previous conflict, and when preparation is being made for the next war.
Georges Clemenceau, the WWI French statesman, said this: “I don’t know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war” (Quotes for the Air Force Logistician, United States Air Force Logistics Management Agency, p. 66).
Recall General Douglas MacArthur’s famous speech, stating man’s dilemma in the starkest terms: “We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door” (April 19, 1951, speech to the United States Congress).
But the Bible says world peace will come—and soon!
The presidential historian and columnist, Peggy Noonan, summarized the jumbled, awful course that has been man’s history: “In the long ribbon of history, life has been one long stained and tangled mess, full of famine, horror, war and disease. We must have thought we had it better because man had improved. But man doesn’t really ‘improve,’ does he? Man is man. Human nature is human nature; the impulse to destroy coexists with the desire to build and create and make better” (“His Delicious, Mansard-Roofed World,” The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 26, 2001).
While men have created many amazing technological inventions, they cannot “create” peace. Scientists have unleashed the power of the atom, but are powerless to “unleash” peace upon Earth. Astronomers have discovered much about the size, majesty and precision of the universe, but they cannot “discover” the way to peace. They can find galaxies far away throughout the universe, but they cannot “find” peace here on Earth. Neither can leaders end famine, disease, poverty, overpopulation, religious confusion and hatred, as well as every other misery, evil and woe that unchecked human nature can produce.
I repeat: The Bible declares that peace, and solutions to all these troubles, will come—and soon.
One World Government?
Men today are planning a world government behind the scenes—a new world order. Discussions are well underway in certain corners of Europe toward this end. Various treaties have begun to point the way.
In 1966, as God began to reveal His truth to me, I had the opportunity to meet with my United States Congressman—William McCulloch—a highly respected man in his time. I was nominated to attend the United States Naval Academy. All nominees were required to have a personal interview with their Congressman prior to acceptance. When the interview ended, Mr. McCulloch asked if I wished to ask any questions.
I had only one.
I was learning about a world-ruling government to be established at the Return of Jesus Christ. So I asked the Congressman’s opinion of one world government—if it were in the hands of men. His answer was immediate and emphatic, “I do not believe it would work, but if I did, I would shout it from the housetops.” This made a lasting impression on me. I never forgot what a Congressman of over 30 years’ experience in the world’s most powerful government stated.
Since that time, many have suggested one world government IS the only way to world peace and stability. But many questions arise. Who would bring it? How would it be phased in? What laws would it administer? How would they be enforced? Would sovereign nations relinquish authority to it? Would it succeed, or would it eventually oppress and enslave all mankind? These questions always stop thinkers, planners, leaders and scientists in their tracks!
Therefore, world peace remains elusive as ever. Seemingly everyone yearns for it, but no one knows how to obtain it. Why? Why cannot the experienced leaders and intelligent thinkers of our time find the way to peace? Why do people understand the only solution that could bring peace is one world government, yet at the same time acknowledge this is utterly impossible if left to men? We might ask: If men are incapable of governing their own individual lives, how could they possibly govern the entire world?
Why No Peace?
Mankind, in his rebellion against God, likes to present his own versions of civilization in the best possible light. In this regard, we saw Ezekiel foretold that modern false religious leaders, with political leaders at their side, will deceitfully declare, “Peace; and there was [is] no peace” (13:10). God shows that peace will continue to evade those who forsake His ways.
It has been said that all nations are either preparing for war, at war or recovering from war. We saw that history recorded over 14,500 wars just through the mid-1960s. How many more have come since?
Men seem to invariably go to war in search of peace. Eventually, wars usually come to a truce, which always fails to yield permanent peace. This is because men cannot, and never will, find the way to peace on their own—without outside help. In reality, they have no chance to achieve world peace. Why?
As part of an extensive prophecy about world conditions in our time, Isaiah answers: “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes there shall not know peace” (59:8). The solutions of men always lead to more wars, ruin, misery, death and destruction. Paul quoted Isaiah in the New Testament: “And the way of peace have they not known” ( Rom. 3:17).
While men may talk about, call for and pretend to seek peace, world leaders always seem to fall back on the tool of war to achieve it—and suffering, misery and unhappiness increase in its wake. Even Napoleon warned, “You have got to be very careful with war, because, with all the excitement, you may grow to love it.” Nations have grown to love war—indeed, they are addicted to it. For 6,000 years, man has proven himself unable to break the cycle of war.
I have stood at the very lectern in the United Nations General Assembly where so many presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings and popes have called for world peace. I could not help but think of which had ever made a difference—from 1946 in San Francisco, when that institution was founded in the wake of World War II, to today.
The institutions of men are woefully uninformed—and ultimately toothless—concerning the causes of peace, leading to the right effects all peoples long for—world peace. In the end, neither diplomacy nor war has worked, while knowledge of the right causes that lead to peace remains unseen, eliminating any hope of success.
The Failed Governments of Men
The governments of men—all of them—simply do not work. They have never succeeded in finding permanent solutions to what are, for them, insoluble problems.
You have probably supposed that the governments of modern nations generally reflect God’s Way. This is almost everyone’s assumption. Yet, while God does, in fact, establish and remove nations—and leaders—this is not His world! This is why the Bible foretells the arrival of a divine government to replace the confused, competing, inefficient and ineffective governments of men that are so powerless to solve the world’s biggest problems.
Look at the governments of this world. Generally, there are three types—monarchies, dictatorships and democracies.
Monarchies involve nobility—royalty—where bloodline is the key to succession of power. When a king or queen dies, a prince or princess ascends the throne. This cycle can last for centuries. History records that monarchies are almost always replaced, either violently or peacefully, with the king or queen often allowed to retain minimal power.
Dictatorships and totalitarian governments are usually created through violence—by coup or revolution. They are often short-lived, with something similar replacing them.
Democracies and republics are collaborative or representative. Leaders are elected, and represent “the will of the people.” This involves a voting or balloting process to select one candidate in preference to others. This form is generally considered the best of men’s governments. Yet the great twentieth-century British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, called democracy “the worst form of government except [for] all…other[s]…” This is a startling admission from an insider.
Fruits of Democracy
In one of the most profound statements in the Bible, Jesus instructed, “You shall know them by their fruits,” and, “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them” ( Matt. 7:16, 20). He also taught, “For the tree is known by [its] fruit” ( Matt. 12:33). These verses are primarily speaking about leaders, but the principle has broad application.
Let’s examine, for instance, the fruits of the “tree” called “politics, voting and democracy.” This system is based on competition between political parties. Each party seeks to gain an advantage over the other and will even undercut good ideas if it will cast a bad light on the opponent. During the period preceding an election (called “election year politics”), the challenger opposes the incumbent at every turn, and on virtually every issue, to present himself as different, and in the best light, solely to get elected. Over time, this has a devastating effect on the unity of a country that is supposed to stand behind its government. This openly—and often bitterly—divides the citizenry of any nation.
Democracy is the form of government in three-fourths of the world’s nations. Think of just some of its fruits: favoritism, endless debates and arguments, bribes, lust for power, corruption, lying and deceit, scandals and cover-ups, greed, exploitation, maneuvering and manipulation, relentless accusation, inefficiency, vanity, decisions based on polls, voter apathy, strife and backstabbing. Democratic politics are shot full of division and disagreement, over nearly every issue that arises.
The fruit of democracy is chaos!
But, as bad as democracies are, they are far better than any other form of government—when it is in the hands of men. Democracy at least attempts to ensure more individual “freedoms” than other kinds of humanly devised government.
In the end, however, none of man’s governments work either very well or for very long.
Men’s governments do not have any of the answers to mankind’s biggest questions. It has not been given to men to understand the path to peace—or, for that matter, the way to abundance, happiness, health and prosperity. No wonder the greatest thinkers, leaders, educators and scientists have failed miserably in their quest for peace on Earth!
They lack the essential knowledge necessary to solve them.
Is it also any wonder God inspired Hosea to record, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you” (4:6)? Mankind could have known, understood and had access to far more important, vital knowledge about how to live, but chose to reject it. As a result, God rejected—cut off—man from access to Him. And this cuts men off from the very solutions to the terrible, worsening problems they now have.
God has not yet revealed to mankind collectively the only solution to its unending wars, and world troubles.
Not God’s World
Why can the governments of men not get along, avoid war—and find peace and agreement? Why such constant instability, scandal and division among leaders everywhere? Why so much favoritism, antagonism between parties, ethics violations, political arm-twisting and lobbying, infighting, poor judgment, corruption, bribery, misrepresentation—and outright lying—in virtually all national governments? Why are there seemingly endless revolutions and military coups? Why no shortage of demagogues, dictators and revolutionaries, always promising to make things better, yet invariably bringing worse problems and conditions?
Where did the governments of men come from? Who is behind them?—Who guides them? What is the source of the strife and competition in today’s world? We must ask again in this light: Is this God’s world—reflecting His Way, and His direction and guidance?
Most religionists and churchmen blindly assume it is. Thus, they conclude that if, as they usually put it, “All Christians work together, in love and unity, to make this world and its governments a safer and better place for everyone”—or for democracy and freedom, as some emphasize—“we can bring peace, happiness and prosperity to all.” Many naïvely believe that if they can “fix the world”—or even just improve it—they can usher in God’s kingdom on Earth. Also, and even more naïve, is that many believe they can influence governments to become more godly.
This is fantasy!—a completely wrong view, and it is not what God expects—or wants! Nowhere did Jesus say, “Go into the world and strive to make it a better place by becoming part of it.” He said, “Go you into all the world and preach the gospel”—about His coming government—as well as teach “all things whatsoever I have commanded you” ( Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:20). And the Bible also commands, “Come out from among them [the world], and be you separate” ( II Cor. 6:17), and further, speaking of society’s Babylonish ways, “Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues” ( Rev. 18:4).
Why did Jesus instruct His disciples to come out of the world’s systems and governments?
The Bible speaks of Satan who “deceives the whole world” ( Rev. 12:9). Remember, it says, “the whole world.” Recognize that this staggering statement is in your Bible—the one in your house!
For now, let’s focus on one aspect of the enormous understanding within this passage. If Satan has deceived the entire world, how can it be God’s world? Since the whole world is deceived—and the apostle John also recorded that “the whole world lies in wickedness” ( I John 5:19)—modern civilization cannot be of God. It is cut off from Him ( Isa. 59:1-2; Jer. 5:25).
Now, if you do not accept Revelation 12:9 as revealed knowledge from God, any hope of personally breaking free of this deception is lost! If you do, think! Worldwide deception would certainly include influence upon, and control over, the human governments of all nations.
Message About Government
Prior to Jesus’ birth, an angel appeared to His mother, Mary. Here is what she was told: “...the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto...Nazareth, to a virgin...and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, you that are highly favored...you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: and He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end” ( Luke 1:26-28; 31-33).
Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom [His government] is not of this world” ( John 18:36). Pilate asked, “Are you a king then?” Jesus responded, “You say that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world” (18:37). Jesus Christ was born to be a King!
Here is what was foretold in Isaiah about Christ. It begs to be repeated at this point: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever” (9:6-7).
When Christ establishes God’s government on Earth, it will usher in peace for all nations!
Literal Nations and Peoples
Soon the whole world will see that “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever” ( Rev. 11:15). Just as there is no doubt that countries today represent real, literal, physical governments (kingdoms), this passage leaves no doubt that God’s coming government is also real and literal.
Jesus Christ was born to rule all nations of the earth forever. This is the central theme of the entire Bible: “And out of [Christ’s] mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron...and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” ( Rev. 19:15-16).
Have you ever been told about these passages? Any of them? I never learned or even heard of them in the church of my youth—yet here they are, available with unmistakable clarity.
The City of Peace, Finally!
The capital city of the modern Jewish nation of Israel is Jerusalem. Though this city has known nothing but war, strife and bitter division throughout its history, its name means “city of peace.” This is because Christ will return there to establish His kingdom. The Prince of Peace will rule from the City of Peace. Beginning in this single city, peace will spread around the world ( Isa. 2:1-4; Micah 4:1-4). Eventually, it will “break out” everywhere!
Final, true—permanent—world peace and prosperity will come in your lifetime. It is as certain as the Word of God! In the end, the world will not be disappointed! Awesome news lies ahead.
Most assume that God is trying to save the world now—that today is the only opportunity for salvation for all mankind. The whole world has been deceived about salvation and the most important questions and answers of life. Most people have no idea why they were born—why they were put on Earth. No wonder they do not understand why man cannot find peace, happiness, health and abundance on his own.
We must ask: When Jesus establishes His world-ruling government, who else might be part of the structure He establishes? If the governments of men require the efforts of many, who assist a supreme leader, is God’s government different? No!
Daniel Is Plain
Let’s examine some of what the prophet Daniel recorded about God’s kingdom.
Just before Jesus’ Return, God officially grants Him the authority to rule the world to which He is returning. Notice: “There was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed” (7:14).
Again we ask whether Christ rules alone, or are others to rule with Him? Exactly how does God intend to manage all the peoples and nations of Earth?
More verses in Daniel 7 are critical to understand: “But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever” (vs. 18).
Believe this verse for what it says! The ultimate calling of Christians is to join with Christ to share rulership in the kingdom of God over all nations and all peoples. Truly, Christ will be “King of kings and Lord of lords” ( Rev. 19:16).
These other kings and lords can be you or anyone willing to accept God’s terms for entering His kingdom.
What could be plainer? No wonder Jesus stated, “And he that overcomes, and keeps My works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of My Father,” ( Rev. 2:26-27), and, “To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne...” (3:21).
Luke 1:32 revealed Christ will sit in Jerusalem on the Throne of David. When Christ Returns, the saints will rule with Him—on Earth!—as spirit-composed beings in the kingdom of God.
How Much Longer?
All want to know when Christ will return. This is why the disciples asked Him, “What shall be the sign of Your coming?” ( Matt. 24:3).
Just a few weeks later, in Acts 1, prior to Jesus’ final ascension back into heaven, the disciples proved they still did not either understand or really accept His previous explanation. So they probed further. Notice: “...they asked of Him, saying, Lord, will You at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in His own power” (1:6-7).
But this book has removed all doubt of whether time is very short!
Think. The New Testament Church was to be established just 10 days after this encounter (read Acts 2:1). Why would Jesus answer, “it is not for you to know the times or the seasons” if God’s kingdom was to be the Church—as so many millions believe!—which was to be almost immediately established on Pentecost just 10 days later?
The same is true for us today. We cannot know exactly when Christ’s kingdom will come, but we can now know a very close approximation. At the end of Luke’s long prophecy that parallels Matthew 24, Jesus stated, “When you see these things come to pass, know you that the kingdom of God is [near] at hand” ( Luke 21:31).
Jesus did want His disciples to know that “you shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you” ( Acts 1:8)—but not to know precisely when the kingdom would arrive. The same is true for all who are converted today. They can know that they will receive power now to grow and overcome—and to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, until He does return.
False teachers almost universally proclaim that the kingdom of God is now on Earth. They contradict the Christ they profess to follow.
Not Activists
True Christians are not activists seeking to “make this world a better place”—thereby bringing God’s kingdom to Earth. They have their “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” ( Eph. 6:15). They walk through life having their “feet” covered with the knowledge of how the true gospel spells the only way to final world peace. They understand with certainty that the kingdom of God—bringing “government and peace” ( Isa. 9:7)—is coming. They know what lies ahead for this world. They do not go off to serve and kill in the endless, futile wars of men and nations—or participate in the affairs of failing, doomed governments.
They do not take matters into their own hands, and try to supposedly “spread the kingdom”—or, the more popular term, get involved in “kingdom-building”—thereby attempting to neutralize God’s purpose, which is to show man that he is not capable of governing himself!
How can one spread what is not yet here?
All who understand the truths of this book are no longer in the dark about God’s Plan—or their awesome potential role within it. A new world order is coming—but it is far from what men are planning.
Citing Isaiah 52:7, Paul also recorded, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings [good news] of good things.” He further cited Isaiah: “But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah said, Lord, who has believed our report?” ( Rom. 10:15-16).
Sadly, most people will not believe “God’s report” of what lies ahead for civilization. They will not believe that they are unable to bring world peace through human effort. Many will shout “Peace, peace”—and most will eagerly continue believing their false predictions, even in the face of abject failure.
The professing Christians of this world will continue desperately striving to bring about the kingdom of God and world peace through organizations and efforts of men. Deceived religious leaders will tell them that this is their “Christian duty.” Vast numbers will see this as the sole mission of their church.
I repeat, this is not God’s world! The devil governs a vast realm of fallen spirits. Together, they deceive, confuse and exert far-reaching influence over all the governments and activities on Earth, including the many religions of men. Get this! These governments cannot be fixed or improved. They must be REmoved!—by God!
But understand. True Christians never disobey—or resist—civil authority—unless that authority directly instructs them to disobey the higher authority of God ( Acts 5:29). Christians never participate in protests or demonstrations, even non-violent ones, never mind violent ones—or participate in any form of war, which is of course always much more violent. Not ever! Remember Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is My kingdom not from hence [meaning, from here—this world]” ( John 18:36). But understand. Participating in the governments of men and obeying or submitting to them are entirely different matters. Christians do not confuse the two! They yield to—as very models of obedience—men’s governments at every level. Romans 13:1-7, among other scriptures, explain what God expects.
Millions are looking for peace and security around every corner—but they will be bitterly disappointed—in the short term. This is because world conditions, leading into a final devastating period of worldwide calamity, will get infinitely worse before they ultimately get better.
Greatest Phrase Ignored
Most people know of what is called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Many can recite it from memory, having practiced this without understanding that it is simply a model or guideline for how to pray. I learned it at age four. It begins, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth...” ( Matt. 6:9-10). Of the masses who recite it, how many actually think about the phrase “Thy kingdom come”—or, for that matter, God’s “will [His Master Plan] being done on Earth”?
For 2,000 years, countless millions have sought to follow Jesus’ instruction, praying, “Thy kingdom come” without ever really pondering the staggering meaning behind this small phrase. Almost none know what you saw earlier, that Jesus stated just 23 verses later, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness” ( Matt. 6:33).
The Ultimate Good News
Beyond all the bad news is wonderful good news—and it is just as detailed! Sadly, few speak of it! Most talk only about the end of the world and the supposed annihilation of humanity. This is because they are ignorant of the most important parts of Bible prophecy. We teach more on Bible prophecy by far—and most importantly the truth of it!—than anyone else. You do not need to be ignorant. But you must study diligently.
Soon after Christ’s Return and the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth—not in heaven—suffering will disappear. War will be a thing of the past. So will terrorism. Crime will vanish. Children will play safely everywhere. Drugs and alcohol will no longer enslave people. Poverty will be gone. As will illiteracy. Mass healings will occur. A pure language will help re-educate the population ( Zeph. 3:9). Earth’s polluted environment will finally be restored. Air will be clean. Pure drinking water will be abundant. Even the nature of animals will be changed.
As “King of kings,” Christ will rule all nations as they have never been ruled. He will be compassionate, perfect in character, truthful and full of wisdom—as well as have love for those He governs. He will never compromise God’s Law, which is summarized as the way of outgoing concern for others. While firm, He will administer the commandments in every nation with patience and understanding, and grant forgiveness to all who seek it, sincerely desiring to change.
The world will become a perfect environment for all to finally be able to live God’s Way according to His perfect Law—which is the way of peace, prosperity and joy. Religious deception and confusion will no longer exist. Humanity will finally be humble, and thus teachable. Everyone will learn God’s truth: “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” ( Isa. 11:9). What a marvelous time is coming. You will want to read my inspiring book Tomorrow’s Wonderful World – An Inside View! It offers a picture from God’s Word truly beyond the grandest plans of men.
Only one God could bring such powerful intervention in the affairs of men… The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked!
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Finally—World Peace!
The world is filled with war, terrorism, and threats of more war and terrorism. This has been a constant in every age. Yet, all nations long for peace. Leaders negotiate for it. Millions pray for it. Of course, armies fight for it. Everyone wants it. Yet it remains more elusive than ever. The second horse and rider foretold by Christ—the red horse of war—certainly makes clear that an end to war is not yet just beyond the horizon.
Universal Desire
All people long for happy, peaceful, abundant lives. But how many today actually enjoy this kind of wonderful life?
Knowledge is exploding! Mankind has produced astonishing materialistic progress. Breakthroughs in science and technology have never been greater. But have they been able to bring a rich, full, joyful life to everyone? Have education and the knowledge explosion brought this? Has religion succeeded in producing peaceful, abundant lives worldwide? Have governments found the answers to mankind’s greatest questions? Are statesmen providing the example leading to the way that produces true happiness?
In every case, the clear answer is NO! Plain answers are lacking.
Vast new frontiers of expanding scientific knowledge have not brought the happiness that leaders and scientists foretold would accompany them. Neither have laborsaving devices, which were supposed to bring people more leisure time to “enjoy themselves.” Instead, mental illness, loneliness, self-pity and despair, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, as well as other forms of escapism, and general dissatisfaction with life, are everywhere.
Thousands of wars have been fought in the name of religion. Hundreds of millions of lives have been wiped out in the name of peace! Still there is no peace! Humanly devised solutions always fail to bring lasting peace—anywhere in the world.
Efforts are being made by economists, politicians, sociologists, and other “thinkers.” But it will not turn out all right. Religion, politics and other conservative movements, however well intentioned, will fail—abysmally.
At every turn, mankind has bungled and botched all efforts to solve its biggest problems. As a result, humanity suffers from every conceivable evil and ill. Misery, confusion, unhappiness, discontent, desperation—and military confrontation!—abound.
But there is a way that produces true happiness and peace.
Ugly History
War is the primary means by which nations have settled disputes throughout history. It is considered a natural state of affairs, while peace has been considered a time of recuperation from the previous conflict, and when preparation is being made for the next war.
Georges Clemenceau, the WWI French statesman, said this: “I don’t know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war” (Quotes for the Air Force Logistician, United States Air Force Logistics Management Agency, p. 66).
Recall General Douglas MacArthur’s famous speech, stating man’s dilemma in the starkest terms: “We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door” (April 19, 1951, speech to the United States Congress).
But the Bible says world peace will come—and soon!
The presidential historian and columnist, Peggy Noonan, summarized the jumbled, awful course that has been man’s history: “In the long ribbon of history, life has been one long stained and tangled mess, full of famine, horror, war and disease. We must have thought we had it better because man had improved. But man doesn’t really ‘improve,’ does he? Man is man. Human nature is human nature; the impulse to destroy coexists with the desire to build and create and make better” (“His Delicious, Mansard-Roofed World,” The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 26, 2001).
While men have created many amazing technological inventions, they cannot “create” peace. Scientists have unleashed the power of the atom, but are powerless to “unleash” peace upon Earth. Astronomers have discovered much about the size, majesty and precision of the universe, but they cannot “discover” the way to peace. They can find galaxies far away throughout the universe, but they cannot “find” peace here on Earth. Neither can leaders end famine, disease, poverty, overpopulation, religious confusion and hatred, as well as every other misery, evil and woe that unchecked human nature can produce.
I repeat: The Bible declares that peace, and solutions to all these troubles, will come—and soon.
One World Government?
Men today are planning a world government behind the scenes—a new world order. Discussions are well underway in certain corners of Europe toward this end. Various treaties have begun to point the way.
In 1966, as God began to reveal His truth to me, I had the opportunity to meet with my United States Congressman—William McCulloch—a highly respected man in his time. I was nominated to attend the United States Naval Academy. All nominees were required to have a personal interview with their Congressman prior to acceptance. When the interview ended, Mr. McCulloch asked if I wished to ask any questions.
I had only one.
I was learning about a world-ruling government to be established at the Return of Jesus Christ. So I asked the Congressman’s opinion of one world government—if it were in the hands of men. His answer was immediate and emphatic, “I do not believe it would work, but if I did, I would shout it from the housetops.” This made a lasting impression on me. I never forgot what a Congressman of over 30 years’ experience in the world’s most powerful government stated.
Since that time, many have suggested one world government IS the only way to world peace and stability. But many questions arise. Who would bring it? How would it be phased in? What laws would it administer? How would they be enforced? Would sovereign nations relinquish authority to it? Would it succeed, or would it eventually oppress and enslave all mankind? These questions always stop thinkers, planners, leaders and scientists in their tracks!
Therefore, world peace remains elusive as ever. Seemingly everyone yearns for it, but no one knows how to obtain it. Why? Why cannot the experienced leaders and intelligent thinkers of our time find the way to peace? Why do people understand the only solution that could bring peace is one world government, yet at the same time acknowledge this is utterly impossible if left to men? We might ask: If men are incapable of governing their own individual lives, how could they possibly govern the entire world?
Why No Peace?
Mankind, in his rebellion against God, likes to present his own versions of civilization in the best possible light. In this regard, we saw Ezekiel foretold that modern false religious leaders, with political leaders at their side, will deceitfully declare, “Peace; and there was [is] no peace” (13:10). God shows that peace will continue to evade those who forsake His ways.
It has been said that all nations are either preparing for war, at war or recovering from war. We saw that history recorded over 14,500 wars just through the mid-1960s. How many more have come since?
Men seem to invariably go to war in search of peace. Eventually, wars usually come to a truce, which always fails to yield permanent peace. This is because men cannot, and never will, find the way to peace on their own—without outside help. In reality, they have no chance to achieve world peace. Why?
As part of an extensive prophecy about world conditions in our time, Isaiah answers: “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes there shall not know peace” (59:8). The solutions of men always lead to more wars, ruin, misery, death and destruction. Paul quoted Isaiah in the New Testament: “And the way of peace have they not known” ( Rom. 3:17).
While men may talk about, call for and pretend to seek peace, world leaders always seem to fall back on the tool of war to achieve it—and suffering, misery and unhappiness increase in its wake. Even Napoleon warned, “You have got to be very careful with war, because, with all the excitement, you may grow to love it.” Nations have grown to love war—indeed, they are addicted to it. For 6,000 years, man has proven himself unable to break the cycle of war.
I have stood at the very lectern in the United Nations General Assembly where so many presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings and popes have called for world peace. I could not help but think of which had ever made a difference—from 1946 in San Francisco, when that institution was founded in the wake of World War II, to today.
The institutions of men are woefully uninformed—and ultimately toothless—concerning the causes of peace, leading to the right effects all peoples long for—world peace. In the end, neither diplomacy nor war has worked, while knowledge of the right causes that lead to peace remains unseen, eliminating any hope of success.
The Failed Governments of Men
The governments of men—all of them—simply do not work. They have never succeeded in finding permanent solutions to what are, for them, insoluble problems.
You have probably supposed that the governments of modern nations generally reflect God’s Way. This is almost everyone’s assumption. Yet, while God does, in fact, establish and remove nations—and leaders—this is not His world! This is why the Bible foretells the arrival of a divine government to replace the confused, competing, inefficient and ineffective governments of men that are so powerless to solve the world’s biggest problems.
Look at the governments of this world. Generally, there are three types—monarchies, dictatorships and democracies.
Monarchies involve nobility—royalty—where bloodline is the key to succession of power. When a king or queen dies, a prince or princess ascends the throne. This cycle can last for centuries. History records that monarchies are almost always replaced, either violently or peacefully, with the king or queen often allowed to retain minimal power.
Dictatorships and totalitarian governments are usually created through violence—by coup or revolution. They are often short-lived, with something similar replacing them.
Democracies and republics are collaborative or representative. Leaders are elected, and represent “the will of the people.” This involves a voting or balloting process to select one candidate in preference to others. This form is generally considered the best of men’s governments. Yet the great twentieth-century British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, called democracy “the worst form of government except [for] all…other[s]…” This is a startling admission from an insider.
Fruits of Democracy
In one of the most profound statements in the Bible, Jesus instructed, “You shall know them by their fruits,” and, “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them” ( Matt. 7:16, 20). He also taught, “For the tree is known by [its] fruit” ( Matt. 12:33). These verses are primarily speaking about leaders, but the principle has broad application.
Let’s examine, for instance, the fruits of the “tree” called “politics, voting and democracy.” This system is based on competition between political parties. Each party seeks to gain an advantage over the other and will even undercut good ideas if it will cast a bad light on the opponent. During the period preceding an election (called “election year politics”), the challenger opposes the incumbent at every turn, and on virtually every issue, to present himself as different, and in the best light, solely to get elected. Over time, this has a devastating effect on the unity of a country that is supposed to stand behind its government. This openly—and often bitterly—divides the citizenry of any nation.
Democracy is the form of government in three-fourths of the world’s nations. Think of just some of its fruits: favoritism, endless debates and arguments, bribes, lust for power, corruption, lying and deceit, scandals and cover-ups, greed, exploitation, maneuvering and manipulation, relentless accusation, inefficiency, vanity, decisions based on polls, voter apathy, strife and backstabbing. Democratic politics are shot full of division and disagreement, over nearly every issue that arises.
The fruit of democracy is chaos!
But, as bad as democracies are, they are far better than any other form of government—when it is in the hands of men. Democracy at least attempts to ensure more individual “freedoms” than other kinds of humanly devised government.
In the end, however, none of man’s governments work either very well or for very long.
Men’s governments do not have any of the answers to mankind’s biggest questions. It has not been given to men to understand the path to peace—or, for that matter, the way to abundance, happiness, health and prosperity. No wonder the greatest thinkers, leaders, educators and scientists have failed miserably in their quest for peace on Earth!
They lack the essential knowledge necessary to solve them.
Is it also any wonder God inspired Hosea to record, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you” (4:6)? Mankind could have known, understood and had access to far more important, vital knowledge about how to live, but chose to reject it. As a result, God rejected—cut off—man from access to Him. And this cuts men off from the very solutions to the terrible, worsening problems they now have.
God has not yet revealed to mankind collectively the only solution to its unending wars, and world troubles.
Not God’s World
Why can the governments of men not get along, avoid war—and find peace and agreement? Why such constant instability, scandal and division among leaders everywhere? Why so much favoritism, antagonism between parties, ethics violations, political arm-twisting and lobbying, infighting, poor judgment, corruption, bribery, misrepresentation—and outright lying—in virtually all national governments? Why are there seemingly endless revolutions and military coups? Why no shortage of demagogues, dictators and revolutionaries, always promising to make things better, yet invariably bringing worse problems and conditions?
Where did the governments of men come from? Who is behind them?—Who guides them? What is the source of the strife and competition in today’s world? We must ask again in this light: Is this God’s world—reflecting His Way, and His direction and guidance?
Most religionists and churchmen blindly assume it is. Thus, they conclude that if, as they usually put it, “All Christians work together, in love and unity, to make this world and its governments a safer and better place for everyone”—or for democracy and freedom, as some emphasize—“we can bring peace, happiness and prosperity to all.” Many naïvely believe that if they can “fix the world”—or even just improve it—they can usher in God’s kingdom on Earth. Also, and even more naïve, is that many believe they can influence governments to become more godly.
This is fantasy!—a completely wrong view, and it is not what God expects—or wants! Nowhere did Jesus say, “Go into the world and strive to make it a better place by becoming part of it.” He said, “Go you into all the world and preach the gospel”—about His coming government—as well as teach “all things whatsoever I have commanded you” ( Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:20). And the Bible also commands, “Come out from among them [the world], and be you separate” ( II Cor. 6:17), and further, speaking of society’s Babylonish ways, “Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues” ( Rev. 18:4).
Why did Jesus instruct His disciples to come out of the world’s systems and governments?
The Bible speaks of Satan who “deceives the whole world” ( Rev. 12:9). Remember, it says, “the whole world.” Recognize that this staggering statement is in your Bible—the one in your house!
For now, let’s focus on one aspect of the enormous understanding within this passage. If Satan has deceived the entire world, how can it be God’s world? Since the whole world is deceived—and the apostle John also recorded that “the whole world lies in wickedness” ( I John 5:19)—modern civilization cannot be of God. It is cut off from Him ( Isa. 59:1-2; Jer. 5:25).
Now, if you do not accept Revelation 12:9 as revealed knowledge from God, any hope of personally breaking free of this deception is lost! If you do, think! Worldwide deception would certainly include influence upon, and control over, the human governments of all nations.
Message About Government
Prior to Jesus’ birth, an angel appeared to His mother, Mary. Here is what she was told: “...the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto...Nazareth, to a virgin...and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, you that are highly favored...you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: and He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end” ( Luke 1:26-28; 31-33).
Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom [His government] is not of this world” ( John 18:36). Pilate asked, “Are you a king then?” Jesus responded, “You say that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world” (18:37). Jesus Christ was born to be a King!
Here is what was foretold in Isaiah about Christ. It begs to be repeated at this point: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever” (9:6-7).
When Christ establishes God’s government on Earth, it will usher in peace for all nations!
Literal Nations and Peoples
Soon the whole world will see that “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever” ( Rev. 11:15). Just as there is no doubt that countries today represent real, literal, physical governments (kingdoms), this passage leaves no doubt that God’s coming government is also real and literal.
Jesus Christ was born to rule all nations of the earth forever. This is the central theme of the entire Bible: “And out of [Christ’s] mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron...and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” ( Rev. 19:15-16).
Have you ever been told about these passages? Any of them? I never learned or even heard of them in the church of my youth—yet here they are, available with unmistakable clarity.
The City of Peace, Finally!
The capital city of the modern Jewish nation of Israel is Jerusalem. Though this city has known nothing but war, strife and bitter division throughout its history, its name means “city of peace.” This is because Christ will return there to establish His kingdom. The Prince of Peace will rule from the City of Peace. Beginning in this single city, peace will spread around the world ( Isa. 2:1-4; Micah 4:1-4). Eventually, it will “break out” everywhere!
Final, true—permanent—world peace and prosperity will come in your lifetime. It is as certain as the Word of God! In the end, the world will not be disappointed! Awesome news lies ahead.
Most assume that God is trying to save the world now—that today is the only opportunity for salvation for all mankind. The whole world has been deceived about salvation and the most important questions and answers of life. Most people have no idea why they were born—why they were put on Earth. No wonder they do not understand why man cannot find peace, happiness, health and abundance on his own.
We must ask: When Jesus establishes His world-ruling government, who else might be part of the structure He establishes? If the governments of men require the efforts of many, who assist a supreme leader, is God’s government different? No!
Daniel Is Plain
Let’s examine some of what the prophet Daniel recorded about God’s kingdom.
Just before Jesus’ Return, God officially grants Him the authority to rule the world to which He is returning. Notice: “There was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed” (7:14).
Again we ask whether Christ rules alone, or are others to rule with Him? Exactly how does God intend to manage all the peoples and nations of Earth?
More verses in Daniel 7 are critical to understand: “But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever” (vs. 18).
Believe this verse for what it says! The ultimate calling of Christians is to join with Christ to share rulership in the kingdom of God over all nations and all peoples. Truly, Christ will be “King of kings and Lord of lords” ( Rev. 19:16).
These other kings and lords can be you or anyone willing to accept God’s terms for entering His kingdom.
What could be plainer? No wonder Jesus stated, “And he that overcomes, and keeps My works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of My Father,” ( Rev. 2:26-27), and, “To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne...” (3:21).
Luke 1:32 revealed Christ will sit in Jerusalem on the Throne of David. When Christ Returns, the saints will rule with Him—on Earth!—as spirit-composed beings in the kingdom of God.
How Much Longer?
All want to know when Christ will return. This is why the disciples asked Him, “What shall be the sign of Your coming?” ( Matt. 24:3).
Just a few weeks later, in Acts 1, prior to Jesus’ final ascension back into heaven, the disciples proved they still did not either understand or really accept His previous explanation. So they probed further. Notice: “...they asked of Him, saying, Lord, will You at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in His own power” (1:6-7).
But this book has removed all doubt of whether time is very short!
Think. The New Testament Church was to be established just 10 days after this encounter (read Acts 2:1). Why would Jesus answer, “it is not for you to know the times or the seasons” if God’s kingdom was to be the Church—as so many millions believe!—which was to be almost immediately established on Pentecost just 10 days later?
The same is true for us today. We cannot know exactly when Christ’s kingdom will come, but we can now know a very close approximation. At the end of Luke’s long prophecy that parallels Matthew 24, Jesus stated, “When you see these things come to pass, know you that the kingdom of God is [near] at hand” ( Luke 21:31).
Jesus did want His disciples to know that “you shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you” ( Acts 1:8)—but not to know precisely when the kingdom would arrive. The same is true for all who are converted today. They can know that they will receive power now to grow and overcome—and to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, until He does return.
False teachers almost universally proclaim that the kingdom of God is now on Earth. They contradict the Christ they profess to follow.
Not Activists
True Christians are not activists seeking to “make this world a better place”—thereby bringing God’s kingdom to Earth. They have their “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” ( Eph. 6:15). They walk through life having their “feet” covered with the knowledge of how the true gospel spells the only way to final world peace. They understand with certainty that the kingdom of God—bringing “government and peace” ( Isa. 9:7)—is coming. They know what lies ahead for this world. They do not go off to serve and kill in the endless, futile wars of men and nations—or participate in the affairs of failing, doomed governments.
They do not take matters into their own hands, and try to supposedly “spread the kingdom”—or, the more popular term, get involved in “kingdom-building”—thereby attempting to neutralize God’s purpose, which is to show man that he is not capable of governing himself!
How can one spread what is not yet here?
All who understand the truths of this book are no longer in the dark about God’s Plan—or their awesome potential role within it. A new world order is coming—but it is far from what men are planning.
Citing Isaiah 52:7, Paul also recorded, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings [good news] of good things.” He further cited Isaiah: “But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah said, Lord, who has believed our report?” ( Rom. 10:15-16).
Sadly, most people will not believe “God’s report” of what lies ahead for civilization. They will not believe that they are unable to bring world peace through human effort. Many will shout “Peace, peace”—and most will eagerly continue believing their false predictions, even in the face of abject failure.
The professing Christians of this world will continue desperately striving to bring about the kingdom of God and world peace through organizations and efforts of men. Deceived religious leaders will tell them that this is their “Christian duty.” Vast numbers will see this as the sole mission of their church.
I repeat, this is not God’s world! The devil governs a vast realm of fallen spirits. Together, they deceive, confuse and exert far-reaching influence over all the governments and activities on Earth, including the many religions of men. Get this! These governments cannot be fixed or improved. They must be REmoved!—by God!
But understand. True Christians never disobey—or resist—civil authority—unless that authority directly instructs them to disobey the higher authority of God ( Acts 5:29). Christians never participate in protests or demonstrations, even non-violent ones, never mind violent ones—or participate in any form of war, which is of course always much more violent. Not ever! Remember Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is My kingdom not from hence [meaning, from here—this world]” ( John 18:36). But understand. Participating in the governments of men and obeying or submitting to them are entirely different matters. Christians do not confuse the two! They yield to—as very models of obedience—men’s governments at every level. Romans 13:1-7, among other scriptures, explain what God expects.
Millions are looking for peace and security around every corner—but they will be bitterly disappointed—in the short term. This is because world conditions, leading into a final devastating period of worldwide calamity, will get infinitely worse before they ultimately get better.
Greatest Phrase Ignored
Most people know of what is called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Many can recite it from memory, having practiced this without understanding that it is simply a model or guideline for how to pray. I learned it at age four. It begins, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth...” ( Matt. 6:9-10). Of the masses who recite it, how many actually think about the phrase “Thy kingdom come”—or, for that matter, God’s “will [His Master Plan] being done on Earth”?
For 2,000 years, countless millions have sought to follow Jesus’ instruction, praying, “Thy kingdom come” without ever really pondering the staggering meaning behind this small phrase. Almost none know what you saw earlier, that Jesus stated just 23 verses later, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness” ( Matt. 6:33).
The Ultimate Good News
Beyond all the bad news is wonderful good news—and it is just as detailed! Sadly, few speak of it! Most talk only about the end of the world and the supposed annihilation of humanity. This is because they are ignorant of the most important parts of Bible prophecy. We teach more on Bible prophecy by far—and most importantly the truth of it!—than anyone else. You do not need to be ignorant. But you must study diligently.
Soon after Christ’s Return and the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth—not in heaven—suffering will disappear. War will be a thing of the past. So will terrorism. Crime will vanish. Children will play safely everywhere. Drugs and alcohol will no longer enslave people. Poverty will be gone. As will illiteracy. Mass healings will occur. A pure language will help re-educate the population ( Zeph. 3:9). Earth’s polluted environment will finally be restored. Air will be clean. Pure drinking water will be abundant. Even the nature of animals will be changed.
As “King of kings,” Christ will rule all nations as they have never been ruled. He will be compassionate, perfect in character, truthful and full of wisdom—as well as have love for those He governs. He will never compromise God’s Law, which is summarized as the way of outgoing concern for others. While firm, He will administer the commandments in every nation with patience and understanding, and grant forgiveness to all who seek it, sincerely desiring to change.
The world will become a perfect environment for all to finally be able to live God’s Way according to His perfect Law—which is the way of peace, prosperity and joy. Religious deception and confusion will no longer exist. Humanity will finally be humble, and thus teachable. Everyone will learn God’s truth: “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” ( Isa. 11:9). What a marvelous time is coming. You will want to read my inspiring book Tomorrow’s Wonderful World – An Inside View! It offers a picture from God’s Word truly beyond the grandest plans of men.
Only one God could bring such powerful intervention in the affairs of men… The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked!
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