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  • StephendeRafael on 1 Corinthians 6 - 13 years ago
    God is telling us through his servant Paul that we are spirit-filled bodies. But this spirit is offended by sin, the sins that Paul delineates, especially fornication, which is a sin against thr body. Why? There is such strong emotion in the body generated by sex, which should be unabated love for one's partner. So if we indulge out of marriage, where do these strong feelings end up. They dissapate, dissolve, become nought. The spirit is offended and longs to flee, back to the father from wence he was sent. The spirit is happy with purity, like a chaste virgin, a holy warrior of God, a servant of God who abides in obediant observation of the commandments of God. Is this not so? Test what I say and you will see that it is.

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