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  • Isaac Yeboah on 1 Corinthians 6 - 13 years ago
    Greetings from our blessed lord and savior jesus christ to u all. This chapter really tells us, as christians, not to pull the same yoke with heathens, cos the bible says, what frendship has God and baal. Christians should not take their matters to the worldly people to judge for them, for GOD is our chief judge and our chief justice, therefore we ought to depend on him always no matter what. Again it says, our bodies are the temple of GOD where as, if we defile our bodies through any means, GOD is definately going to destroy us cause it says, any tree which does not bear forth good fruit would be ut off. Thank you and continue to dwell in the grace and hope that ur reward is great in heaven. GOD BLESS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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