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  • Brian on Psalms 83:18 - 13 years ago
    It has always interested me that these "scholars" remove the name, Jehovah, from their translations but fail to do so with the false gods that are also mentioned in scripture. Molech (or Moloch) comes to mind as does Rephan (Remphan). Acts 7:43 I'm glad to see it here!

    I remember hearing about a woman who learned about Psalms 83:18. She had no idea that God's name was indeed Jehovah or that it was in the King James Bible at all. She was greatly angered when she brought it up with her priest and he told her that he did know all about it. But it was his reply that angered her most..."What's in a name?" he said. On this point alone she decided to leave the church and asked that her name be removed from the prayer list, etc. The priest told her he would remove it but not until she paid her overdue "tithes." So she sent him a check. She soon got a call from the priest..."I received your check but you forgot to sign it so I can't remove your name until I receive a sigend one." Her response.. "Oh, really? Well what's in a name, anyway?"

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