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  • John on Leviticus 20:14 - 9 years ago
    God 's word is very clear about mam laying with another man it is sin. Just because the Supreme Court made it into law same sex marriage does not change it from being sin. They will stand before God one day and give an account of what they have done with so many more who are not born again. Sin is sin no matter what sin you do its sin. They only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ no other way. Yes there is a heaven and hell, The born again who follow Jesus will go to Heaven, the ones who reject Jesus will go to hell. That will be for eternity. Because of sin in the world today look around: we see flooding, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes,murders, wars, killigs, people have sex chrilden. Look at the mess in the US the government has made, Man cannot fix what they have done. Only God can do that if only they turn from there sins and turn to God and ask forgiveness. The end of times is near, Jesus will return and take out the born again Christians, so many will be left behind. My prayer is that they ask Jesus into there hearts and follow him.

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