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  • Julia on 1 Corinthians 10 - 9 years ago
    verse 2 shows us that the same way they were baptised under the cloud and in the sea is the same way we 've been baptised by immersion in the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus .The same way they did eat spiritual meat is the same way we are feeding on the Word of God which is our spiritual meat.The same way they drank of the water from the rock is the same way we drink from Christ the Living water,The same way God was not pleased with some of them is the same way He is not pleased with the way some of us are walking,most of us are still Lukewarm Christians and the same way they were thrown into the wilderness is the same way those that are Lukewarm,idolators,fornicators,murmurers among us shall remain in the wilderness which is the great tribulation at the time of rapture .so this scripture depicts the same way we are waiting on the Lord as it was an example for those of us living in the end is important that we live a life worthy of His calling until the day we meet the Lord Jesus Christ.

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