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  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    The first seal is open by Christ (lamb). The guard of the four that guard God`s throne are creatures (not Beasts) and with a thundering voice says, come and see with understanding. Now read, Mark 13 where Jesus explains this, let no man decieve you, Matt. 24, Luke 21. 2nd Thessalonians 2. These books and chapters tell about the same exact revelation that will come to passed. Some use Christian or Christ-man decieving and leading people to the false prophet. I see this as super preachers getting on board for money or just stupit and another are locust preachers here or coming. As 2 Corinthians 11 so let's look at chap. 11 paul is saying in the first verse that he wants to open up his heart and just talk to them/us. And in the 2nd verse is saying he wants to espouse us to one husband and that he may present us as a chaste virgin to CHRIST.3RD verse, but I fear,least by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve ( wholly seduced,had sex). Throught his subtil,ty (slick snake talk) so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in 4 For if he that cometh preacheth "another" (instead in the MMS) instead of jesus whom we have not preached. And it goes on to say if you listen to other spirits or gospels of good news you may just end up with him. Watch out for super preachers and the falling away to a new gospel that will lead you to antichrist.and if you go on to 2 corinthians 11:14,15 the word transformed is disquised satan disquises himseif looking like rightous but looks like a lamb but is the dragon and 15 is hislocust preachers disquised as ministers. A happy church of hell bound lovers.are coming. Do you really want to jump in the sack with them. Not! Mark 13:17 is a spiritual verse meaning just that because its not of woman having flesh babies, its meaning is jumping in the sack with anitchrist and not waiting for the true husband our Christ. 17. But woe to them that are with child,and to them that give suck in those days. Give suck means to be helping the system that one world system that is satans. Like I said there are four stages of the locust and some are here getting things ready at the end time events. Hey! They preach his fly away doctrine already and beg for money. Now, The sight we will see is satan dressed up acting as Jesus but he has a fake crown that was given to him. Now in this day and time he will problably ware the clothes as politicians ware today and it will be his power that captures the eyes. The way its written is how we know he is a fake king coming with fake crown and poison bow. What will really fools people are all his power,like bringing lighting from the sky. Oh! It looks real and all power comes from God so God is letting us know this satan is fake but looks like the real deal. Joel tells us its God`s locust army. All power comes from God to get His plan done. He wants to know who waited for Him. God let's us know,He let's us know because this bow translates toxic poison. Satan is here to play god and he only wants souls to spiritual death. The wars and rumours of wars must needs be so its the opposit of war and satan wants the world to love him in peace to steal your soul.. When it happens all the world will jump on the wide road to hell, except them that love the Lord and wait. We can broadcast seeds all day & night but to have the living water ( Christ ) to make it grow. It takes God through Christ to hear your love to send the Holy Spirit to you for understanding. Ask Him for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding in the word. Cry your love to Him, let Him know you need help to see the truth. Isaiah 43:26 says let Him know that you have been trying to be good and reading the word and that you love Him. Let Him know your heart is with Him and you love Him and you want the Holy Spirit to be one with your spirit.Remember God held you and formed you and He loves you. He gave you life and we are all His. Each of us are loved by Him. Read that 43 chapter of Isaiah. Now the 2nd seal. Now we know this kill one anothere means Family and friends turning their loved one to death. And this sword as you read the word you know that the sword is the mouth and antichrist blows smoke and lies. In 12:15 cast out of his mouth a flood of lies. Just spotted 13:11 where it speaks of satan "and he had two horns like a lamb" (look just like Jesus)" and he spake like a dragon"(why? Because he was/is the dragon satan).in 16:13 we read the frogs that come out of his mouth . Out of the mouth of the dragon unclean spirit.(lies) the beast.( Lies)and false prophet lies. All three rolls he lies. Talk later

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