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  • Jeff davis on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    What i get out of it is the more you seek the wisdom of God, the more knowledge he allow's you to recieve.And this fact is for anyone who think's that the world is billion's of year's old,it's not!If you read the word of God(Bible)He (GOD) say's that the world is about six thousand year's old.Were coming upon the seventh,according to the word of God.Another thing is,Jesus is God( Isaiah 9:6), Deuteronomy 6:4, John 10:30, 1 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 4:4-6,ect. it states in the Bible about 2,800 times that there is only ONE God!Jesus is the saviour and there is only one( Isaiah 43:11),and again in Luke 1:47...God my saviour..It seem's pretty straight forward to me,"My sheep hear my voice",are you hearing the word of God? Don't let man's interpetation miss lead you"sheep in wolves clothing",this once saved, alway's saved stuff.Even Paul said"I die daily",so what do you think he's talking about?Do youself a favor,and repent,be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin's( Acts 2:38,39)that's the"KEYS" to heaven,Jesus gave them to Peter and taght him how to start the"church".Any other way is a thief and a robber,only the straight and the narrow way lead's to salvation.All the baptizum's in the Bible( Acts 8,10,12,18,22...)are in the NAME of The Lord Jesus Christ,not in the title's father,son,and the Holy Ghost.Stop and the name of Jesus to lead you down the right path!Has anyone ever prayed father,son,and Holy Spirit for a healing and recieved one?There is NO power in the title's!All you do,in word and or deed, do in the NAME of Jesus Christ,that's what God's word instruct's us to do!Do you speak in toung's?Jesus' mother did,and so did the first 120 that gladly recieved the Holy Spirit,in the upper room where Jesus told them to wait for the promise of the Father,Who showed up?Jesus did!!!Not the first part of a three-som,or the second,or the third,it was ALL JESUS and even Thomas said after he doughted,"My Lord and My God!There wasn't 2 Spirit's standing there!Just Jesus,and if you don't believe this salvation message, then you will die in your sin's,according to the "WORD of GOD",you have 2 ear's to hear with,listen...God is calling you.............................

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