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  • Chris on Romans 3:23 - 12 years ago
    I'm a practising Christian. I regard myself as having 'signed up' at some point in my past, and attend a boisterous CofE church. But in my darkest moments of doubt it occurs to me how absolute is the vision of Man in these words. Christians want nothing short of perfection (for themselves and unfortunately sometimes of others). How can we, human-all-too-human beings use that vision in our daily lives without an huge subconcious arrogance. Sometimes it seems I become aware of that secret arrogance and flip over into the most morbid thoughts of isolation and worthlessness in immense cold Universe. In that state I watch myself gradually return to a smug forgetfulness of the intuition. Yes, I have sinned/do sin. Yes, I ask forgiveness. But what rings most true to me is Jeremiah 17:9.

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