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  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    This great Psalm of David gives great comfort to all of us facing death.
    We know that our times are in God's hands, and no matter what people do to us to hurt us, there the everlasting hands of God the father is there to hold us. Then when our hour of death comes, just as the Lord Jesus said on the cross into thy hands I commit my spirit. We can rest secure for eternity in the hands of God the father, knowing full well that he has a house for us not made with human hands in heaven. Praise God we don't have to worry about death, as it is but a shadow, and the LORD is there to comfort us every step of the way. As my earthly father passed on into the hands of the Father I took comfort in these words of Jesus on the cross. My earthly father committed my mother to me just before he passed, and this reminded me of Jesus when he told his mother Mary to behold her son, speaking of John. What a blessing it is to be used of God in the various times of our lives to bring comfort to others, just as God gives us comfort in our times of sorrow. Praise God when Jesus calls for us to come up hither, all those in the grave will be raised to life eternal, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

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