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  • Lu2677 on Psalms 76 - 7 years ago
    Hi Bruce, Psalms 76:7; the context of this verse is; fear of His wrath. Don't take my word for it, even thou I have given you his.Question is; can you take his Word for it? Might be a big day in your life if he shows mercy and you do take his word for it. Psalms33:8,Ecc.3:14,Romans3:18,Matthew10:28,Job23:13-16,Job25:1-2,James4:12. Typical for people to believe the lie."Don't be afraid of him"
  • Daniel J. Smith - In Reply on Psalms 76 - 5 years ago
    LU2677, I believe Bruce is referring to not fearing the people and things of this world. Of course we need to fear God. I don't doubt that Bruce understands that, as it it made very clear in Scripture, especially Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever."

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