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  • DONNA on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Wow. sometime we can miss alot in God word. it was three . Matthew 2:8-13 (man-talking about one)
    (Men) can mean more then one. as you read it say. when they. --which they saw, they departed . went befor them. Vs 10. when they. they rejoiced Vs 11 and when they were they saw the young child and when they had open their treasures they presented , unto him. the number mean alot to God. he do alot in numbers three is the Father the Son and the holy spirit . so they were presented the the gifts to all in one. ( my Thought) is Sometime we can be it is about us, Lets look at it like this, NO one can say well I gave him two gift to your one. or my gift was better then your gift. each wise men gave him a gift.

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