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  • A disciple on Psalms 95 - 7 years ago
    "Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms." Psalms 95:2 How do we lift up our hearts and minds out from the cares and fears and drudgery this present evil world, and all that the ungodly are threatening? LOOKING UNTO JESUS! How do we comfort ourselves and one another, and beat back the enemy by speaking the Words of God? LOOKING UNTO JESUS! If we understand anything about the Psalms, it must first be how the Spirit describes the inner life of Christ and all those who love Him, and of the evident truth about what we are set to encounter in this world for Jesus' sake. Whatever the devil and his seed have imagined to do, when God removes His restraint let us bravely stand strong and true in the Lord: "No cross, no crown!" LOOK UNTO JESUS AND REJOICE FOR OUR GREAT AND HAPPY WORLD TO COME WITH HIM!

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