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  • Timothy Wayne George on Daniel 2 - 12 years ago
    Daniel is greatly loved by God, and therefore the vision is given to him in the night. God knows what is in the dark, and he reveals the light. The head of gold is the kingdom of Babylon; the silver is the kingdom of the Medes and Persia; the brass is the kingdom of Greece under Alexander the great; the iron the Roman Empire, and the iron with clay the revival of the Roman Empire known as the EU today. The Lord Jesus is the Stone that will brake into pieces the image because iron, and clay cannot mingle together because it is partly strong as well as weak. Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. His Kingdom will last forever. Be wise kings kiss the Son less he be angry, for God sets up kings, and removes them. God changes times, and seasons. We have BC and AD the Lord Jesus split the time into two at his first coming being the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. When he comes the second time he will be the lion of the tribe of Judah who will take the title deed to this world from the devil when he sets up his eternal Kingdom. Praise God that he reveals secrets to his servants, and we will reign with him when he comes again.

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