very true Adam. Its true all these things have to pass, once they try for one world religion and bring the beast system with the AC known to all. We will know that our Lord & Savious Yeshua will be the focus. The last 3 years of fear in a unicorn virus has shown many have had to choose and it went either way. The finacial revolution is the test, will people sell out once they can no longer buy or sell unless tey conform. the war is already been in play, but the physical war is not to fear, the spiritual war is our focus. stay strong brother
A good example is likening God to a tap of water. We drink as much as we wish. We turn the tap as much as we want, The tap is there, the water is there, but we drink as much as we turn that tap. The more we turn it the more we drink. It is up to us. God is always there. As simple as that.
About the kids brother, the problem with kids nowadays is not only a matter of overprotectiveness and lack of punishment. I think it is mainly of what people teach to their children. On top of that nowadays kids get their standards in life, not from the family, or the church and the Word of God, but mostly from the internet. Often from the rich and famous, the celebrities, who usually are drug or alcohol addicts, violent (don't you see how the gangsters are heroized on TV?) with broken families where fornication and adultery are the usual thing. Sex and violence is what the Kkids eat nowadays. As there is no censorship on the net, kids see and learn all sort of weird things there and then spread them to others.
And as there are no borders nowadays the sin is propagating from one country to another very easily. Sin is like a virus, a spiritual covid, that goes from a place to another easily if there is nothing to stop it. And nowadays there is nothing to stop it. It is written that the people of the end times will be the worst of all times. And we see that in our countries, don't we?
Wel,l maybe I say the same thing as you do but with different words. GBU
I think we have seen a partial collapse of society in the last 3 years. A huge amount of lies and deception around the virus and lots of financial incentives for people to capitalize on it. Some were intentionally profiting off death, even killing people for money. Hiding of evidence, tampering with statistics and graphs to make things seem different than they are. People trusted their leaders and were deceived. People are more divided than ever and hate their governments, which have become more controlling and more communist than ever.
It does seem like these are precursors to the end times. Wars and rumors of wars. US congressmen are pushing war so hard, they are almost lusting for war with Russia. It's absolutely sickening. The war would have been over long ago if it weren't for the US giving Ukraine billions in weapons. Tax dollars are being used to murder people. That is evil. We have never been closer to WW3 than right now and they act like they badly want that. They are willing to spend your money in order to send your kids into battle to die, so they can fulfil their religious vendetta against their bogey man Russia. A lot of the news propaganda hides how evil and corrupt Ukraine is and how the current administration has private business dealings over there they may be giving them money to help cover up. The corruption and evil is deep and sadly I think nearly everything on TV news is a lie these days.
Melody Williams, It has been 3 years since you asked your question if we think this virus is a plague. I can tell you after living through it for 3 years that yes, it is. We are living in the end times and Jesus will be returning soon. These are the times of Noah and Christians are being persecuted very strongly! These are times to get your heart right with God and pray for forgiveness for all your sins. Peace be with you and God bless
As Sammi said, people cause much of the suffering by our mistreatment of others and ourselves.
But, like the earthquake in Turkey/Syria and many illnesses that people can acquire, it is God who allows the suffering from these "natural" disasters and diseases. He created the viruses, bacteria, etc. that have plagued mankind since the fall. He created the earth's topography both above and below ground and changes that cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.
Satan likes to afflict people as well, which God allows. Job is an example of that.
Hmm, One Eighty, interesting comments you have made here. I'll wait for the remainder of your thoughts and reply then.
A month or so back the Admin posted that in order to post one needs to have an account. So, perhaps that was the issue. But glad it got figured out for you and you can contribute once again. Thanks and God bless this evening. going to bed early. Trying to shake a nasty respiratory virus that is putting me down pretty much this week. I would appreciate your prayers.
Heavenly Father I thank you for your son Jesus more then anything in life. Without His courage, strength & death we would not know what to do. Lord I ask that you be with GiGi, as you know, she is fighting a respiratory virus w/a cough, being tired & wheezing. Give her the strength to fight this Lord as she ask for a quick recovery w/out asthmatic problems or painful breathing. Oh, and thank you for keeping covid away from her. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen....Love, Hugs & Prayers your way
To avoid hogging all the space here; I will conclude here for now.
As with a computer hacker and viruses used to take down a system; we need to be familiar with the toolbox the enemy has and his tactics. A general statement is that he uses possession for some not in the faith; and oppression for believers as the "complimentary" tactic. Satan is what I call the "equal opportunity destroyer". If outright persecution fails; he then resorts to false doctrine. If that fails he will dangle a carrot in front of us; then accuse us once we take the bait. He will use our own weaknesses over and over again through our thoughts; he will use people to accuse us if that doesn't work and circumstances to overwhelm us; music and entertainment to mesmerize us; news of the world to grip us with fear; etc. The sword of the Spirit is said to be the only offensive weapon available to us ( Ephesians 6:11-12). Of course to use that all of our defensive armor and gear needs to be present and accounted for as an active element in our daily battles.
It would be nice to see churches that would really see themselves as Churchill for example did in the war room when he said "we will fight in the trenches; etc. we will never surrender" The odds may appear against us in the battle but Christ has already won the war. Death itself for the saint is a victory ( Psalm 116:15) as well as precious in His sight. We have overcome the second death through His atonement ( Rev. 2:11). The world system run by Satanic forces tries to convince us that might is right; we through pride continue to ride out the dreams of victory through man's efforts; and other such sentiment. This world is not our home; we are aliens in this life and pilgrims ( Eph. 2:12). We are already seated in heavenly places ( Eph. 2:4-6) with Christ our High Priest ever interceding for us ( Heb. 4:14-16). Let us faithfully follow the captain of our salvation to the end ( Heb. 2:9-10) Agape
There is a sister (a really good sister) in Christ here that when the covid pandemic started she believed all those conspiracy theories and didn't go to get the jabs. Her right to do what she believed right for her to do. But what she was also doing was talking to others and persuading them not getting the jab. A lot of people believed her and followed her, believers that is. The elders of the church talked to her repeatedly, but she wouldn't listen and still kept affecting people. When we wish to hear God's voice we should often listen to the people that God has annointed in the church for this job, so it was actually God telling her to stop doing that, she was getting his other children into a deadly situation. Well, she wouldn't listen. Until she got the virus herself. In the hospital she found herself a small step before death. But God showed mercy to her and she didn't die. After a long time she came out of the hospital but almost 2 years later on she still has some problems with her lungs, also kinetic problems. After she escaped death she changed her mind and started talking and affecting believers to definetely go and get the jabs. So was it good that God was complelled to humble her or it would have been better if she listened in the first place and avoid all that trouble?
heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You bring Noah's treatment to a good end that involves healing and restoration of health to this little body. Boost up his immunities so that he can have this treatment and not have any illnesses related to low immunity. We ask that You clean the air all around him of any viruses and bacteria that could infect him. We ask that only clean germ-free hands touch him. We ask that everyone who attends to Noah does so gently, with compassion, and expertise. Father, this little one needs You so much. Please hear our prayers and answer swiftly. Amen.
"Bowl Judgements" or The Plagues of Exodus ? the answer here is yes to both, but much of what is written won't come into spiritual fulfillment until that time of 666 when the anti-christ appears on the scene first
All five trumpets are sounding, their bowls/vials are being poured out but won't come into spiritual completion until 666.
The first plague of Exodus began IMO at the releasing of the corona virus which is a warning to us as was to Egypt.
The 2nd plague coming will be another warning from God, but the 3rd will not be. Luke!
Revelation 6:5-8 The famine; pestilence; and Death and Hell.
The concept of judgment with the sword; famine and pestilence is clear from Jeremiah 14:12; 27:13 and 42:17; Ezekiel 5:12; 7:15 and 14:21. There are two of these three judgments together in portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and certainly other places as well. What is unique here is the pale horse signifying death and the "beasts of the earth". This has been defined as a possible veiled reference to viruses or bacteria; or perhaps literally animals attacking people. What we see in this pale green horse is the power behind all this; men being accelerated to hell (as Isaiah 5:14 states hell has enlarged herself). Matthew 24 also discusses wars and famines and verse 9 gets into the 5th seal of persecution of saints.
In looking at the Restrainer ( 2 Thess. 2:6-7) we also can look at the fact that once removed; not only will wickedness spread at accelerated pace; but also judgments and the rate the lost are being sent to hell. Perhaps the Tribulation believers will be pretty much exempt from these plagues as it seems martyrdom is the most common form of death. There is no specific mention until the trumpet judgments of the 144,000 and possibly others being protected from certain judgments. These verses seem to show by and large lost people are judged this way even BEFORE the mark of the beast is instituted. It is God who ultimately determines the course of pestilence as well as war; and clearly no efforts of man will curb this judgment. Obviously; starvation will not only come from the wars; but by the droughts and other natural disasters unleashed; again mentioned as a particular signs and wonders action the 2 Prophets engage in as "often as they will." ( Rev. 11:6). Again; there appears to be some lag time for these prophets to appear; and perhaps end their ministry just after the midpoint of the 7 years. It is unclear if a delay occurs between the Rapture and first seal as well.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You asking in the name of Your Son, Jesus, to bring healing to Van quickly. We ask that You kill the bacteria or virus that is harming his body. We ask that you cause Van's body to successfully fight against this illness, having his white blood cells work efficiently to attack and neutralize the germ that is causing his sickness. We ask that You strengthen him and make him well. Thank you for your answer, Father. We trust Van will return to health soon. Amen.
Thank You Father The life of God flows in my blood and cleanses my arteries of all matter that does not pertain to life. My heart beats with the rhythm of life, carrying the Life of God throughout my body, restoring LIFE AND HEALTH ABUNDANTLY. ( John 17:23; Eph. 2:22).
I have a strong heart. Every heart beat floods by body with life and cleanses me of disease and pain. Ex. 23:25Mark 11:23.
I command my blood cells to destroy every disease germ and virus that tries to inhabit my body. I command every cell of my body to be normal In Jesus' Name. Rom. 5:17; Luke 17:6
Every cell that does not promote life and health in my body is cut off from its life source. My immune system will not allow boils and infection to live in my body In Jesus' Name! Luke 17:6; Mark 11:2
I am redeemed from the curse of the law and my heart beats with the rhythm of life. The spirit and life of God's Word flows in me cleansing my blood of every disease and impurity.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death; therefore, I will not allow sin, sickness or death to lord over me! Rom 8:2; 6:13,14
The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, permeating His life through my veins, sending healing throughout my body Rom 8:11.
In Jesus' Name I forbid my body to be deceived in any manner. Body, you will not be deceived by any disease germ or virus. Neither will you work against life or health in any way. Every cell in my body supports life and health.
Let's look at the principle that could be the key to you being a partaker of God's provision concerning your healing.
There is probably no other subject as important to your healing and health than the principle of CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT. We see in Romans 4:17-22 that Abraham became fully persuaded that God would do what He had promised. The way he became fully persuaded was by calling those things which were not manifest as though they were.
Good morning Kay, well, too bad we haven't met in person yet! I am sure we could teach each other a thing or two!
I am 65 and recently retired due to lower back arthritis and severe trouble with respiratory viruses exacerbating asthma. The classroom full of kiddos was no longer the best place for me to be! I love to garden and am slowly regaining better endurance for some of the prep work in preparing the ground for planting. I can work for about 1 hour then need to rest my back for the day. My husband wishes to do woodworking, so I hope to learn that with him. We will be building planter boxes when i can get up and about better. That will teach us some of the skills for more advanced woodworking projects. Who knows, maybe it will become a "cottage industry" for us in our retirement. Maybe our sons will get the "bug" and work with us on projects, too.
Whatever we can do as a family, I am happy for that. Our oldest son got us all into learning to use guns. We go shooting as often as we weather permits up in the hills by our house. he is a good teacher, very knowledgeable and safety conscious. We love to camp together and try to go for at least one family camping trip each year. My sons like to hike, but I cannot do that due to my back.
I don't know if you experienced this or not, but each of our sons went through a time as young adults when they did not want to have a thing to do with parents. So we have been working on developing better adult relationships with each of them over the last dozen years or so. they are becoming more relational with us over this time. I pray every day for them to be drawn to return to the Lord again. I pray for my oldest sons new wife to turn from Islam to Jesus and I pray for God to bring the best women for my other two sons to be their wives. All are in their thirties.
Thank you for sharing. As believing parents we do our best to raise our children up in faith, but at some point we need to release them wholly to the Lord.
I would also point out that the first 6 generations all lived 895 to 930 years, with Afam living the longest of those generations.
Genesis 5:5,8,11,14,17,20
The next 3 generations had widely varying ages. Enoch lived 365 years and was translated rather than died - Genesis 5:23. Enoch is the first clearly identified prophet and his age and ages of the next two generations that died before the flood had prophetic significance. Enoch's age is a solar year of days as we now understand it, even though there is strong evidence that at that time a lunar calendar with years of 360 days was used. Methuselah lived the longest at 965 years - Genesis 5:27. Methuselah died the year the flood came and I believe his name means "When he dies it will come". Lemach lived 777 years and died 5 years before the flood - Genesis 5:31. I should not need to point out the significance of the number 7 in prophesy.
Noah is the last generation to live over 900 years at 950 years - Genesis 9:29.
The generations after Noah all have significantly shorter life spans after the flood. I believe this due in part to the loss of the water vapor canopy surrounding the entire earth that was created on the second day of creation. That canopy I believe protected mankind from virtually all solar radiation. Volcanic activity that condensed the canopy and that ultimately broke up the waters of the great deep also increased particulates in the atmoshere. Increased solar radiation and particulates probably contributed to increased mutations and cancers in both man and animals. The removal of the canopy also introduced seasons and a wider variations in global temperature zones along with seasonal extremes leading to famine. Combined with a change from a purely vegetarian diet to an omnivorous diet, new pathways for cross-species transmission of viruses of other disease agents may have created more pestilence. The division at Babel led to more wars. The birth pangs of Revelation took hold.
I agree with you that the nations of this world are totally unjust and will get the wrath of God to the uttermost. The reason I made that original comment is because I always admire God's law and esteem all its precepts to be perfect. When I was in school, I thought our country's supreme law of the land, the constitution, was great but then when I got saved and read the Bible, the constitution is foolishness compared to how righteous the law of God is. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. I do not trust our wicked and awful government to execute people because 10 or so years ago a federal law was put in place to never execute pedophiles again and with all the coronavirus vaccine passports. Its amazing how many christians who profess to believe in the bible but do not believe in Romans 1 and what the bible says about the sodomites. A church in fort worth, texas just got evicted because they preached to hard on the sodomites. Jesus said the last days would be like the days of Lot.
Dear Aaron, i see what u mean. Thank u and i belive soo the public is not the same as chiefs :D. And in public we dont know all things who have happend and dont know from day to day. We can se that in this corona virus thing. In Northen Skandinavia is all open for all now. Hospital have some restrictions. And Canada it goes beyond all bounds. And if i remember correctly, Canada was the first to also have the chip implanted in humans.
And a few years ago, Swedish and Norwegian citizens received a survival letter delivered in the mailboxes about what they should do if something unforeseen should happen. So yes the authorities know.
God bless us with visdom and understanding. We are the ones living in the last days, yes. And many missionaries are aware of the end-time judgment TODAY. People are killed for their faith in Jesus. We also know that the day of the Lord is near. We who seek to find His will with our lives.
Still, it is good to know that our time is coming to an end. Therefore, it is important now that everyone who understands this. Surrenders their lives to the Lord in full surrender. This also applies to the material things. We can not even rely on our salary. And it probably will not get better. But the followers of the Lord are happy and winners always in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, we have hope in our heart. That He have given us. Come Dear Jesus come soon. Amen. Love u all in Christ, that is the only thing left of the law. Stay blessed.
What that will actually be like for you or me is really in the Lord's hands as to our sphere of influence and opportunities to disciple others. For me, my focus is really our three sons, now in their thirties, who all tuned from the faith in their late teens. I am persevering in prayer for them, hoping for opportunities to share about Jesus, asking for God to send people to them who will share about Jesus, bring them wives that will love the Lord and help my sons return to the Lord.
I am pretty much staying at home since the pandemic began because of health factors which can make a covid infection very harmful to me. I am being cautious. Glad that I can be home to enable me to avoid gathering with people. My husband works from home, so I have company during the day at intervals. We get together as a family a few times a month. I see a few friends who have had covid or been vaccinated like me. I do trust the Lord in all of this. But just like I avoid other triggers for my asthma, I can avoid exposure to respiratory viruses now that I am not working and around people who can infect me. I haven't faired well with flu and cold viruses, so I know to be wise in this time. We pack a lunch and go on long drives, stop to eat at a scenic beach or park and then head back home. That works for me. haven't gone stir crazy yet!
But being off work has allowed me more than ever to digest God's Word and I am so glad to find it online. This website has been helpful to me. I have been here just a few months. Have a good evening. We will most likely interact more over time. Thank you for your reply.
I think I have a good idea about what is going to happen . Russia is making its moves in the Ukraine , I'm inclined to think that this is a distraction from what will go down in Israel shortly . It's odd to me that no one seems to have considered that this virus has been a deliberate act on the part of Putin . He is a psychopath and has a history of poisoning people . It's all very exciting and a bit scarry but I know that Christ will interviene and when he arrives...will he find faith on the earth ? We mustn't get too scared , look up for our redemption draweth nigh .
Thanks Bro Dan. My other one finally would not even turn on. So I have been trying to use my older I phone which has really small keys and screen. Was frustrating. So, had my birthday last weekend, and got a new laptop. WooHoo!
Being retired and still need to rest my aching back throughout the day. I bought a new laptop a little over a year ago and it has been so helpful as I have to pass time in my recliner so much. I was able to participate on this site and to search many topics of many sites to increase my knowledge of God's Word and work throughout history. Been quite fruitful for me. So, not being online much this past month or so has been a bummer. But I am thankful we were able to buy a new laptop.
I am filling journals with my findings and thoughts. That way, I can reference these when I wish to respond to someone's post here or speak with someone I know when we visit. i don't go out much because of covid and only meet with a few friends and family members. God has kept me well from viruses since March of 2020, which helps me control my asthma without exacerbations.
I am glad to see you back on the forum. There are a handful of folks we haven't heard from for a few weeks. You were one of them that I was wondering about. I have been praying for these posters and hope they come back to posting soon. I appreciate hearing their viewpoints and am helped by their contributions.
God bless Gigi never be offended for seeking! o o o ooo ooo Jesus said to Peter you will deny me 3 times before the cock crows Now I do not Know what I would do then.But now I am Tim Legarie and I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and set me freeeeeeeeee.In the movie we talked about were the police man was convinced he was guilty of rape he was drinking and when you drink it can allow in evil spirits like he believed he was guilty of raping his daughters because he blacked out and would believe anyone that told him what he had done evil spirits.BEWARE!He was not guilty,innocent but the devil had convinced him in his blackout that he was guilty and even put it into his head.Temperance temperance temperance Nothing can not be done good!If not done for God! Revelation the dragon from the sea china the virus powers and princeapalities.We are all on this journey together we can grow o o o o o o o! 123 Father Son Holy Spirit guide us all Lord with your wisdom ,and knowledge.AMEN
I tend to agree. With so many people that are adamant about the vaccine being harmful only to get the virus then to urge others to get vaccinated before it is too late. I know it is rushed more than our childhood vaccination trials. I believe this is out of necessity.
Being Healed builds your Faith - In Reply - 3 years ago
People in Sweden are now taking a chip into their hands to identify they've been fully vaccinated. It is linked to the internet.
Thank Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and others. The Five.
Reality is that a nation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean accidentally or intentionally, exposed a deadly virus to earth. In history there were past Corona virus outbreaks. CDC put that info on Google to be read.
I get a flu shot every year. More people die from flu than covid.
You Can take all your illnesses to Jesus. Your faith has to be educated (Bible) and exercised. Read in the 4 Gospels about how Jesus healed people. How did they touch Jesus with their need.
Touch Jesus with your faith now:
I pray against sickness in my coming and going. I pray against any form of sickness coming near me, my family, or near my vicinity. I claim my healing against: (speak your disease out now) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare by the power and authority of the Holy Ghost, that no illness, spirit of infirmity or sickness attack from the enemy shall prevail against me in Jesus's mighty name. I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.
I confess Jesus Christ as my infinite Healer, and by His holy stripes and mighty authority, I declare that I am totally healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.I render every satanic attack against me bound and cast out into outer darkness and dry places forever. Every evil spirit of sickness, must bow down right now to the authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ.
I say with confidence that I am the healed of the LORD Jesus Christ. I cover myself and family with Christ's precious holy blood of Jesus and I declare by His power and righteousness, dominion and authority that it shall continue to be well with me and my family.
In Jesus of Nazareth holy name. Praise His Name!
Hallelujah. Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul, I am healed!!
Find more prayers in Psalms and say them out loud.
I will pray for you and your family. Lord Jesus, we know that You hold is in Your hand. We lift up Grace and her family as they recover from Covid this week. We praise You, for You heal and restore us when we have an illness. Let this virus quickly leave the bodies of Grace and her family, leaving them well and unharmed. We ask this of You, Lord Jesus. Amen.
I agree, if this was such a dangerous "pandemic" (panic with "dem" inside of it). then we would definitely be testing and requiring vaccinations for those breaking our laws be illegally crossing our border when those who come here legally are required to be vaccinated or else quarantine. I think this administration is deliberately trying to spread covid across the United States because they think their party has something to gain with the pandemic continuing, especially if it gets more "out of control" (as they would describe it). My guess is that it will die down in a year or so, because that is what happened with the other SARS viruses. I think it will continue to mutate but each mutation will weaken it, not strengthen it.
So, as citizens we should be prepared to stand up to those who are restricting our liberty rights through mandates and other scare tactics.
Soo thru.
I am glad the the Houses of God is filled again. So the plague of viruses have turn some hearths, is it not soo? Ty all for good explanations. Love u all in Christ.
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
[Why does people believe that you have to take the chip in your hand to be the mark of the beast' as opposed the vaccine? I believe many of my christian friends have been decieved, but on the other hand it seems many christians believes the mark of the beast will happen once we know who the Antichrist is and we as christians we will not see this happening as we will be rapture before this.] The word of God reads in Revelation 13: 16 to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:" This vaccine has a chip in it that I believe will flow through your body until it reaches a small blood vein where the chip will be stuck the smallest blood vein in the body is in the right hand and the forehead.
Many people are being deceived about the vaccine even after they get the vaccine they can still get the virus. Biden is making camps for the people that refuse to take the vaccine. I believe the antichrist will appear after the beast which is a computer "this is a one world order". The church will see some of the one world order before it is taken out of this world. This is just the beginning of the beast more is yet to come
A good example is likening God to a tap of water. We drink as much as we wish. We turn the tap as much as we want, The tap is there, the water is there, but we drink as much as we turn that tap. The more we turn it the more we drink. It is up to us. God is always there. As simple as that.
About the kids brother, the problem with kids nowadays is not only a matter of overprotectiveness and lack of punishment. I think it is mainly of what people teach to their children. On top of that nowadays kids get their standards in life, not from the family, or the church and the Word of God, but mostly from the internet. Often from the rich and famous, the celebrities, who usually are drug or alcohol addicts, violent (don't you see how the gangsters are heroized on TV?) with broken families where fornication and adultery are the usual thing. Sex and violence is what the Kkids eat nowadays. As there is no censorship on the net, kids see and learn all sort of weird things there and then spread them to others.
And as there are no borders nowadays the sin is propagating from one country to another very easily. Sin is like a virus, a spiritual covid, that goes from a place to another easily if there is nothing to stop it. And nowadays there is nothing to stop it. It is written that the people of the end times will be the worst of all times. And we see that in our countries, don't we?
Wel,l maybe I say the same thing as you do but with different words. GBU
Remember: the disciples questioned two things with JESUS: Matt. 24:3
1 - what shall be the SIGN of thy coming?
2 - and of the END of the world?
We cannot forget the prophetic message, and the warnings of our Lord JESUS, about the two above signs, as follow: Matt.24:4-8
1- Pre-tribulation Period - Beginning of sorrows
(My view: We are already living/ we already entered in this period. I'm awaked.
JESUS listed seven terrible events as the beginning of sorrows, and they are the signs of the END of the world, and JESUS's coming:What signs?
1- Appearance and manifestation of false Christs/false messiah ( John 5:43-47 combined with Revelation 13:11-a false lamb);
2- Wars and rumours of war ; (fulfilling LITERALLY);
3- nation shall rise against nation ; (in process / processing)
4- and kingdom against kingdom; (Kingdom of GOD X Kingdom of Devil - Rev.11:15 and 12:7-12- Take a look.) ;
5- famines ; (in process / it's processing)
6- pestilences ; (more recent - Coronavirus-COVID 19. Global cases
Updated Jul 18. confirmed 767,972,197 - deaths 6,950,642)
7- earthquakes in divers places. (more recent - Turkey)
JESUS said: 8-all these are the beginning of sorrows.
There will not be any gap between the period of sorrows(Pre-Tribulation)and the beginning of Tribulation, this will be sequential:
JESUS said: Matt.24:9-16
9 Then shall they(they whom?)deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise(false preachers of GOD's Word (sects, false movements gospel, dead churches-Rev.3:1,etc.)and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound(consequence of the apostate environment),the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall ENDURE unto the END,the same shall be saved
But the worst comes
It does seem like these are precursors to the end times. Wars and rumors of wars. US congressmen are pushing war so hard, they are almost lusting for war with Russia. It's absolutely sickening. The war would have been over long ago if it weren't for the US giving Ukraine billions in weapons. Tax dollars are being used to murder people. That is evil. We have never been closer to WW3 than right now and they act like they badly want that. They are willing to spend your money in order to send your kids into battle to die, so they can fulfil their religious vendetta against their bogey man Russia. A lot of the news propaganda hides how evil and corrupt Ukraine is and how the current administration has private business dealings over there they may be giving them money to help cover up. The corruption and evil is deep and sadly I think nearly everything on TV news is a lie these days.
As Sammi said, people cause much of the suffering by our mistreatment of others and ourselves.
But, like the earthquake in Turkey/Syria and many illnesses that people can acquire, it is God who allows the suffering from these "natural" disasters and diseases. He created the viruses, bacteria, etc. that have plagued mankind since the fall. He created the earth's topography both above and below ground and changes that cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.
Satan likes to afflict people as well, which God allows. Job is an example of that.
A month or so back the Admin posted that in order to post one needs to have an account. So, perhaps that was the issue. But glad it got figured out for you and you can contribute once again. Thanks and God bless this evening. going to bed early. Trying to shake a nasty respiratory virus that is putting me down pretty much this week. I would appreciate your prayers.
To avoid hogging all the space here; I will conclude here for now.
As with a computer hacker and viruses used to take down a system; we need to be familiar with the toolbox the enemy has and his tactics. A general statement is that he uses possession for some not in the faith; and oppression for believers as the "complimentary" tactic. Satan is what I call the "equal opportunity destroyer". If outright persecution fails; he then resorts to false doctrine. If that fails he will dangle a carrot in front of us; then accuse us once we take the bait. He will use our own weaknesses over and over again through our thoughts; he will use people to accuse us if that doesn't work and circumstances to overwhelm us; music and entertainment to mesmerize us; news of the world to grip us with fear; etc. The sword of the Spirit is said to be the only offensive weapon available to us ( Ephesians 6:11-12). Of course to use that all of our defensive armor and gear needs to be present and accounted for as an active element in our daily battles.
It would be nice to see churches that would really see themselves as Churchill for example did in the war room when he said "we will fight in the trenches; etc. we will never surrender" The odds may appear against us in the battle but Christ has already won the war. Death itself for the saint is a victory ( Psalm 116:15) as well as precious in His sight. We have overcome the second death through His atonement ( Rev. 2:11). The world system run by Satanic forces tries to convince us that might is right; we through pride continue to ride out the dreams of victory through man's efforts; and other such sentiment. This world is not our home; we are aliens in this life and pilgrims ( Eph. 2:12). We are already seated in heavenly places ( Eph. 2:4-6) with Christ our High Priest ever interceding for us ( Heb. 4:14-16). Let us faithfully follow the captain of our salvation to the end ( Heb. 2:9-10) Agape
Third and final part. A true story.
There is a sister (a really good sister) in Christ here that when the covid pandemic started she believed all those conspiracy theories and didn't go to get the jabs. Her right to do what she believed right for her to do. But what she was also doing was talking to others and persuading them not getting the jab. A lot of people believed her and followed her, believers that is. The elders of the church talked to her repeatedly, but she wouldn't listen and still kept affecting people. When we wish to hear God's voice we should often listen to the people that God has annointed in the church for this job, so it was actually God telling her to stop doing that, she was getting his other children into a deadly situation. Well, she wouldn't listen. Until she got the virus herself. In the hospital she found herself a small step before death. But God showed mercy to her and she didn't die. After a long time she came out of the hospital but almost 2 years later on she still has some problems with her lungs, also kinetic problems. After she escaped death she changed her mind and started talking and affecting believers to definetely go and get the jabs. So was it good that God was complelled to humble her or it would have been better if she listened in the first place and avoid all that trouble?
heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You bring Noah's treatment to a good end that involves healing and restoration of health to this little body. Boost up his immunities so that he can have this treatment and not have any illnesses related to low immunity. We ask that You clean the air all around him of any viruses and bacteria that could infect him. We ask that only clean germ-free hands touch him. We ask that everyone who attends to Noah does so gently, with compassion, and expertise. Father, this little one needs You so much. Please hear our prayers and answer swiftly. Amen.
All five trumpets are sounding, their bowls/vials are being poured out but won't come into spiritual completion until 666.
The first plague of Exodus began IMO at the releasing of the corona virus which is a warning to us as was to Egypt.
The 2nd plague coming will be another warning from God, but the 3rd will not be. Luke!
The concept of judgment with the sword; famine and pestilence is clear from Jeremiah 14:12; 27:13 and 42:17; Ezekiel 5:12; 7:15 and 14:21. There are two of these three judgments together in portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and certainly other places as well. What is unique here is the pale horse signifying death and the "beasts of the earth". This has been defined as a possible veiled reference to viruses or bacteria; or perhaps literally animals attacking people. What we see in this pale green horse is the power behind all this; men being accelerated to hell (as Isaiah 5:14 states hell has enlarged herself). Matthew 24 also discusses wars and famines and verse 9 gets into the 5th seal of persecution of saints.
In looking at the Restrainer ( 2 Thess. 2:6-7) we also can look at the fact that once removed; not only will wickedness spread at accelerated pace; but also judgments and the rate the lost are being sent to hell. Perhaps the Tribulation believers will be pretty much exempt from these plagues as it seems martyrdom is the most common form of death. There is no specific mention until the trumpet judgments of the 144,000 and possibly others being protected from certain judgments. These verses seem to show by and large lost people are judged this way even BEFORE the mark of the beast is instituted. It is God who ultimately determines the course of pestilence as well as war; and clearly no efforts of man will curb this judgment. Obviously; starvation will not only come from the wars; but by the droughts and other natural disasters unleashed; again mentioned as a particular signs and wonders action the 2 Prophets engage in as "often as they will." ( Rev. 11:6). Again; there appears to be some lag time for these prophets to appear; and perhaps end their ministry just after the midpoint of the 7 years. It is unclear if a delay occurs between the Rapture and first seal as well.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You asking in the name of Your Son, Jesus, to bring healing to Van quickly. We ask that You kill the bacteria or virus that is harming his body. We ask that you cause Van's body to successfully fight against this illness, having his white blood cells work efficiently to attack and neutralize the germ that is causing his sickness. We ask that You strengthen him and make him well. Thank you for your answer, Father. We trust Van will return to health soon. Amen.
I have a strong heart. Every heart beat floods by body with life and cleanses me of disease and pain. Ex. 23:25 Mark 11:23.
I command my blood cells to destroy every disease germ and virus that tries to inhabit my body. I command every cell of my body to be normal In Jesus' Name. Rom. 5:17; Luke 17:6
Every cell that does not promote life and health in my body is cut off from its life source. My immune system will not allow boils and infection to live in my body In Jesus' Name! Luke 17:6; Mark 11:2
I am redeemed from the curse of the law and my heart beats with the rhythm of life. The spirit and life of God's Word flows in me cleansing my blood of every disease and impurity.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death; therefore, I will not allow sin, sickness or death to lord over me! Rom 8:2; 6:13,14
The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, permeating His life through my veins, sending healing throughout my body Rom 8:11.
In Jesus' Name I forbid my body to be deceived in any manner. Body, you will not be deceived by any disease germ or virus. Neither will you work against life or health in any way. Every cell in my body supports life and health.
Let's look at the principle that could be the key to you being a partaker of God's provision concerning your healing.
There is probably no other subject as important to your healing and health than the principle of CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT. We see in Romans 4:17-22 that Abraham became fully persuaded that God would do what He had promised. The way he became fully persuaded was by calling those things which were not manifest as though they were.
I am 65 and recently retired due to lower back arthritis and severe trouble with respiratory viruses exacerbating asthma. The classroom full of kiddos was no longer the best place for me to be! I love to garden and am slowly regaining better endurance for some of the prep work in preparing the ground for planting. I can work for about 1 hour then need to rest my back for the day. My husband wishes to do woodworking, so I hope to learn that with him. We will be building planter boxes when i can get up and about better. That will teach us some of the skills for more advanced woodworking projects. Who knows, maybe it will become a "cottage industry" for us in our retirement. Maybe our sons will get the "bug" and work with us on projects, too.
Whatever we can do as a family, I am happy for that. Our oldest son got us all into learning to use guns. We go shooting as often as we weather permits up in the hills by our house. he is a good teacher, very knowledgeable and safety conscious. We love to camp together and try to go for at least one family camping trip each year. My sons like to hike, but I cannot do that due to my back.
I don't know if you experienced this or not, but each of our sons went through a time as young adults when they did not want to have a thing to do with parents. So we have been working on developing better adult relationships with each of them over the last dozen years or so. they are becoming more relational with us over this time. I pray every day for them to be drawn to return to the Lord again. I pray for my oldest sons new wife to turn from Islam to Jesus and I pray for God to bring the best women for my other two sons to be their wives. All are in their thirties.
Thank you for sharing. As believing parents we do our best to raise our children up in faith, but at some point we need to release them wholly to the Lord.
Genesis 5:5,8,11,14,17,20
The next 3 generations had widely varying ages. Enoch lived 365 years and was translated rather than died - Genesis 5:23. Enoch is the first clearly identified prophet and his age and ages of the next two generations that died before the flood had prophetic significance. Enoch's age is a solar year of days as we now understand it, even though there is strong evidence that at that time a lunar calendar with years of 360 days was used. Methuselah lived the longest at 965 years - Genesis 5:27. Methuselah died the year the flood came and I believe his name means "When he dies it will come". Lemach lived 777 years and died 5 years before the flood - Genesis 5:31. I should not need to point out the significance of the number 7 in prophesy.
Noah is the last generation to live over 900 years at 950 years - Genesis 9:29.
The generations after Noah all have significantly shorter life spans after the flood. I believe this due in part to the loss of the water vapor canopy surrounding the entire earth that was created on the second day of creation. That canopy I believe protected mankind from virtually all solar radiation. Volcanic activity that condensed the canopy and that ultimately broke up the waters of the great deep also increased particulates in the atmoshere. Increased solar radiation and particulates probably contributed to increased mutations and cancers in both man and animals. The removal of the canopy also introduced seasons and a wider variations in global temperature zones along with seasonal extremes leading to famine. Combined with a change from a purely vegetarian diet to an omnivorous diet, new pathways for cross-species transmission of viruses of other disease agents may have created more pestilence. The division at Babel led to more wars. The birth pangs of Revelation took hold.
And a few years ago, Swedish and Norwegian citizens received a survival letter delivered in the mailboxes about what they should do if something unforeseen should happen. So yes the authorities know.
God bless us with visdom and understanding. We are the ones living in the last days, yes. And many missionaries are aware of the end-time judgment TODAY. People are killed for their faith in Jesus. We also know that the day of the Lord is near. We who seek to find His will with our lives.
Still, it is good to know that our time is coming to an end. Therefore, it is important now that everyone who understands this. Surrenders their lives to the Lord in full surrender. This also applies to the material things. We can not even rely on our salary. And it probably will not get better. But the followers of the Lord are happy and winners always in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, we have hope in our heart. That He have given us. Come Dear Jesus come soon. Amen. Love u all in Christ, that is the only thing left of the law. Stay blessed.
What that will actually be like for you or me is really in the Lord's hands as to our sphere of influence and opportunities to disciple others. For me, my focus is really our three sons, now in their thirties, who all tuned from the faith in their late teens. I am persevering in prayer for them, hoping for opportunities to share about Jesus, asking for God to send people to them who will share about Jesus, bring them wives that will love the Lord and help my sons return to the Lord.
I am pretty much staying at home since the pandemic began because of health factors which can make a covid infection very harmful to me. I am being cautious. Glad that I can be home to enable me to avoid gathering with people. My husband works from home, so I have company during the day at intervals. We get together as a family a few times a month. I see a few friends who have had covid or been vaccinated like me. I do trust the Lord in all of this. But just like I avoid other triggers for my asthma, I can avoid exposure to respiratory viruses now that I am not working and around people who can infect me. I haven't faired well with flu and cold viruses, so I know to be wise in this time. We pack a lunch and go on long drives, stop to eat at a scenic beach or park and then head back home. That works for me. haven't gone stir crazy yet!
But being off work has allowed me more than ever to digest God's Word and I am so glad to find it online. This website has been helpful to me. I have been here just a few months. Have a good evening. We will most likely interact more over time. Thank you for your reply.
Being retired and still need to rest my aching back throughout the day. I bought a new laptop a little over a year ago and it has been so helpful as I have to pass time in my recliner so much. I was able to participate on this site and to search many topics of many sites to increase my knowledge of God's Word and work throughout history. Been quite fruitful for me. So, not being online much this past month or so has been a bummer. But I am thankful we were able to buy a new laptop.
I am filling journals with my findings and thoughts. That way, I can reference these when I wish to respond to someone's post here or speak with someone I know when we visit. i don't go out much because of covid and only meet with a few friends and family members. God has kept me well from viruses since March of 2020, which helps me control my asthma without exacerbations.
I am glad to see you back on the forum. There are a handful of folks we haven't heard from for a few weeks. You were one of them that I was wondering about. I have been praying for these posters and hope they come back to posting soon. I appreciate hearing their viewpoints and am helped by their contributions.
Be blessed today, Bro Dan.
Thank Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and others. The Five.
Reality is that a nation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean accidentally or intentionally, exposed a deadly virus to earth. In history there were past Corona virus outbreaks. CDC put that info on Google to be read.
I get a flu shot every year. More people die from flu than covid.
You Can take all your illnesses to Jesus. Your faith has to be educated (Bible) and exercised. Read in the 4 Gospels about how Jesus healed people. How did they touch Jesus with their need.
Touch Jesus with your faith now:
I pray against sickness in my coming and going. I pray against any form of sickness coming near me, my family, or near my vicinity. I claim my healing against: (speak your disease out now) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare by the power and authority of the Holy Ghost, that no illness, spirit of infirmity or sickness attack from the enemy shall prevail against me in Jesus's mighty name. I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.
I confess Jesus Christ as my infinite Healer, and by His holy stripes and mighty authority, I declare that I am totally healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.I render every satanic attack against me bound and cast out into outer darkness and dry places forever. Every evil spirit of sickness, must bow down right now to the authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ.
I say with confidence that I am the healed of the LORD Jesus Christ. I cover myself and family with Christ's precious holy blood of Jesus and I declare by His power and righteousness, dominion and authority that it shall continue to be well with me and my family.
In Jesus of Nazareth holy name. Praise His Name!
Hallelujah. Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul, I am healed!!
Find more prayers in Psalms and say them out loud.
I will pray for you and your family. Lord Jesus, we know that You hold is in Your hand. We lift up Grace and her family as they recover from Covid this week. We praise You, for You heal and restore us when we have an illness. Let this virus quickly leave the bodies of Grace and her family, leaving them well and unharmed. We ask this of You, Lord Jesus. Amen.
They are full of carcinogens neurotoxins and heavy metals. All meant to kill not help. There is even a us patent for the coronavirus.
So, as citizens we should be prepared to stand up to those who are restricting our liberty rights through mandates and other scare tactics.
Soo thru.
I am glad the the Houses of God is filled again. So the plague of viruses have turn some hearths, is it not soo? Ty all for good explanations. Love u all in Christ.
John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
Be comforted in the Holy Spirit.
[Why does people believe that you have to take the chip in your hand to be the mark of the beast' as opposed the vaccine? I believe many of my christian friends have been decieved, but on the other hand it seems many christians believes the mark of the beast will happen once we know who the Antichrist is and we as christians we will not see this happening as we will be rapture before this.] The word of God reads in Revelation 13: 16 to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:" This vaccine has a chip in it that I believe will flow through your body until it reaches a small blood vein where the chip will be stuck the smallest blood vein in the body is in the right hand and the forehead.
Many people are being deceived about the vaccine even after they get the vaccine they can still get the virus. Biden is making camps for the people that refuse to take the vaccine. I believe the antichrist will appear after the beast which is a computer "this is a one world order". The church will see some of the one world order before it is taken out of this world. This is just the beginning of the beast more is yet to come
God Bless
Stay prayed up and ready to go up
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