Ecclesiasticus Chapter 24 Discussion

  • Luke - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 2 years ago
    It shouldn't be in any KJV's the authorized version, unless maybe it is a very old bible.
  • The Story of the Son of God - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 2 years ago
    The Apocrypha (book is out on the red LINK page, along with 66 approved books of the KJV Bible.

    The Apocrypha consists of giants and THE CHALDEANS.

    It has no bearing on the story of Jesus Christ. The SUBJECT of the Bible is about JESUS CHRIST. It is Jesus's story alone, all by itself; from Genesis to Revelation.

    Mishael o
  • Adam - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 2 years ago
    Hi Ling, the original KJV was printed with the apocrypha which includes that book. Most aren't printed with it anymore and there is doubt that these books were God inspired.
  • Ling on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 2 years ago
    Why is Ecclesiasticus in some KJVs?
  • Eric on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 9 years ago
    The Holy Spirit is revealed as the female Wisdom mother of the Word of God.
  • Jack on Ecclesiasticus 24:24 - 10 years ago
    The Ecclesiasticus Sirtach 24 24 is mind banding for me as I have seen the verse 24 omitted completely in some bibles or mistranslated in others.Can someone please help me understand that "issue " ? I have noticed that this particular verse translated from original Greek was in brackets Oxford translation What is going on in here?? It is very important verse if really existed originally!!! Please respond!! Thank you! God Bless!!
  • James of Berea on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 10 years ago
    I agree with Eric Just yesterday I had a conversation with someone who mistakenly thinks this chapter refers to Mary the mother of Jesus Very unfortunate Especially the person took verse 18 out of context This chapter is a personification of Wisdom analogous to Proverbs 8 9 It makes no reference to Mary Here are some verses of especial importance in this chapter 24 that may help to resolve confusion in regard to false claims of reference to Mary in this chapter 1 5 9 19 24 25 29 Unfortunately the printing on this webpage does not include quotation marks to mark the boundaries of Wisdom s speech Wisdom personified begins speaking in the 1st person at verse 3 above Wisdom personified breaks from speaking at verse 22 where the narrator resumes in verse 23
  • Eric on Ecclesiasticus 24 - 11 years ago
    Chapter 24 gives us great understanding of the Bride of Christ. Jn 3.29 "He who has the Bride is the Bridegroom.

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