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This is the text and a scan of the actual, original, first printing of the 1611 King James Version, the 'HE' Bible, for Ecclesiasticus Chapter 34. The KJV does not get more original or authentic than this. View Ecclesiasticus Chapter 34 as text-only. Click to switch to the standard King James Version of Ecclesiasticus Chapter 34
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1 Of dreames. 13 The praise and blessing of them that feare the Lord. 18 The offering of the ancient, and praier of the poore innocent.
1 The hopes of a man voyd of vnderstanding are vaine, and false: and dreames lift vp fooles.1
2 Who so regardeth dreames, is like him that catcheth at a shadow, and followeth after the winde.2
3 The vision of dreames is the resemblance of one thing to another, euen as the likenesse of a face to a face.3
4 Of an vncleane thing, what can be cleansed? and from that thing which is false, what trueth can come?4
6 If they be not sent from the most high in thy visitation, set not thy heart vpon them.6
7 For dreames haue deceiued many, and they haue failed that put their trust in them.
8 The Law shall be found perfect without lies: and wisedome is perfection to a faithfull mouth.
10 He that hath no experience, knoweth little: but he that hath trauailed, is full of prudence.
11 When I trauailed, I saw many things: and I vnderstand more, then I can expresse.
12 I was oft times in danger of death, yet I was deliuered because of these things.
13 The spirit of those that feare the Lord shall liue, for their hope is in him that saueth them.
14 Who so feareth the Lord, shall not feare nor be afraid, for hee is his hope.
15 Blessed is the soule of him that feareth the Lord: to whom doeth hee looke? and who is his strength?
16 For the eyes of the Lord are vpon them that loue him, he is their mightie protection, and strong stay, a defence from heat, and a couer from the Sunne at noone, a preseruation from stumbling, and a helpe from falling.16
17 He raiseth vp the soule, and lighteneth the eyes: hee giueth health, life, and blessing.
18 Hee that sacrificeth of a thing wrongfully gotten, his offering is ridiculous, and the giftes of vniust men are not accepted.18
19 The most high is not pleased with the offerings of the wicked, neither is he pacified for sinne by the multitude of sacrifices.19
21 The bread of the needie, is their life: he that defraudeth him thereof, is a man of blood.
22 Hee that taketh away his neighbours liuing, slayeth him: and hee that defraudeth the labourer of his hire, is a bloodshedder.22
23 When one buildeth, and another pulleth downe, what profite haue they then but labour?
24 When one prayeth, and another curseth, whose voice will the Lorde heare?
25 He that washeth himselfe after the touching of a dead body, if he touch it againe, what auaileth his washing?25
Ecclesiasticus Chapter 34 Sidenote References (from Original 1611 KJV Bible):
1 Of dreames.
2 Or, hath his minde vpon.
3 Prou.27. 19.
4 Iob 14.4.
6 Or, regard them not.
16 psal.33. 18. and 61. 1,2.
18 Prou.21. 27. , Or, the mockeries.
19 Pro. 15.8.
22 Deut.24. 14,15. cha. 7.20.
25 Num. 19. 11,12.
* Some content on this page courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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