<< | THE WISDOME OF Iesus the sonne of Sirach, Or Ecclesiasticus. Chapter 7(Original 1611 KJV Book of Ecclesiasticus) |
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Viewing the 1611 King James Version of Ecclesiasticus (Ecclesiasticus) Chapter 7, also known as: THE WISDOME OF Iesus the sonne of Sirach, Or Ecclesiasticus. Sirach,Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, , Ecclesiasticus, Sirach, Sir, Ecclus, Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach,.
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1 Wee are exhorted from sinne, 4 from ambition, 8 presumption, 10 and fainting in prayer: 12 from lying and backebiting, 18 and how to esteeme a friend: 19 A good wife: 20 a seruant: 22 our cattell: 23 our children and parents: 31 the Lord and his Priests: 32 the poore and those that mourne.
1Doe no euill, so shall no harme come vnto thee.
2Depart from the vniust, and iniquitie shall turne away from thee.
3My sonne, sow not vpon the furrowes of vnrighteousnesse, and thou shalt not reape them seuen folde.
4Seeke not of the Lord preheminence, neither of the King the seate of honour.
5Iustifie not thy selfe before the Lord, and boast not of thy wisedome before the king.5
8Bind not one sinne vpon another, for in one thou shalt not be vnpunished.
10Be not faint hearted when thou makest thy prayer, and neglect not to giue almes.
12Deuise not a lie against thy brother: neither doe the like to thy friend.12
13Use not to make any maner of lie: for the custome thereof is not good.
14Use not many words in a multitude of Elders, and make not much babling when thou prayest.14
15Hate not laborious worke, neither husbandrie, which the most High hath ordeined.15
16Number not thy selfe among the multitude of sinners, but remember that wrath will not tary long.
17Humble thy soule greatly: for the vengeance of the vngodly is fire and wormes.
18Change not a friend for any good by no meanes: neither a faithfull brother for the gold of Ophir.
19Forgoe not a wise and good woman: for her grace is aboue gold.
20Whereas thy seruant worketh truely, entreate him not euill, nor the hireling that bestoweth himselfe wholly for thee.20
21Let thy soule loue a good seruant, and defraud him not of liberty.
22Hast thou cattell? haue an eye to them, and if they be for thy profit, keepe them with thee.22
23Hast thou children? instruct them, and bow downe their necke from their youth.
24Hast thou daughters? haue care of their body, and shewe not thy selfe cheerefull toward them.
26Hast thou a wife after thy minde? forsake her not, but giue not thy selfe ouer to a light woman.26
27Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrowes of thy mother.
29Feare the Lord with all thy soule, and reuerence his priests.
30Loue him that made thee with all thy strength, and forsake not his ministers.
32And stretch thine hand vnto the poore, that thy blessing may be perfected32
33A gift hath grace in the sight of euery man liuing, and for the dead deteine it not.
34Faile not to bee with them that weepe, and mourne with them that mourne.
35Be not slow to visit the sicke: for that shall make thee to be beloued.
36Whatsoeuer thou takest in hand, remember the end, and thou shalt neuer doe amisse.
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for Ecclesiasticus Chapter 7
5 Psal.142. 2. eccles.7. 17. iob9. 20. luke 18.11.
12 Gre. plough not.
14 Mat.6.5,7 , Or, vaine repetition.
15 Gre. created.
20 Leuit.19. 15.
22 Deu.25.4
26 Or, hateful
32 Deut. 15. 10. , Or, thy liberality.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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