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teach me how to pray
V.1. I am always going to bless The LORD GOD! When you see my lips moving, and when you don't - as long as I live, I will bless The LORD. I will exalt Him and bless His Name.
V.2. The only boasting which I will do is boasting "How Great GOD Is". People with a humble heart will have no problem with this. It will resonate with their souls, and they will join in the Exaltation of The LORD!
V. 3. Please join me in the Exaltation of The LORD; help me promote His Name!
v.4. When I sought The LORD, I found Him to be RIGHT THERE. He heard me when I called Him, and He successfully, effectively and miraculously delivered Me from EVERYTHING I was afraid of. I'm learning because of His deliverance NOT TO FEAR ANYTHING BUT HIM!
v.5. All those that looked to Him were relieved! And they were not ashamed for having looked to Him.
v.6. I was humbled by my circumstances, and I cried out to The LORD. I had no other choice and no alternatives. But when I cried out to HIM, He saved me from EVERY one of my troubles.
v.7. My testimony is that The LORD has an Angel who encamps around me and all those that trust Him. The Angel is mighty and effective and he RESCUES and DELIVERS ALL those that fear and trust in The LORD.
V.8. You can experience this for yourself - The LORD is Good! Experience it with your Natural and your Spiritual Senses. Taste it and see it for yourself. Everybody who trust in Him is blessed!
v.9. It's appropriate and beneficial to Fear The LORD, and it will lead you into Godly Wisdom and Knowledge. Everyone that knows The LORD and is called by His Name. There is nothing lacking to those that fear Him.
v.10. Young lions and those that seem young and as strong as lions that hunger and have less than what they would seem to need. They can't satisfy their needs by their own strength. . .
T. John McBride
This what they did they put nails in his back, in his arm, in his feet
When you are stress out pray to God
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
GOD bless all those who have trusted in the Name of the SAVIOR the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
March 27, 2022
i'm praying at 12 midnight coming from psalm 27
love you and miss you mom
"Remember Lot's wife."
Several times when it came, I'd think on it for a bit - but truly didn't 'get' any further instruction on it - until two days ago.
I was working around the house - and the Holy Spirit AGAIN brought that verse to my mind - but this last time, He
started instructing me.
He laid on my heart that there are some professing Christians who, in the midst of these hard times are looking BACK. They long for the 'good old days'; they long for a better economy, better jobs, lower prices, opportunities to have fun, know....'normal' American or western life.
These are dangerously committing the sin of Lot's wife, and are in danger of similar judgment. They are heedless, forgetting Christ's warning for such a time as this!!!
Those believers who are looking ahead, looking unto Jesus, looking for the glory yet to be revealed, looking for His coming
don't look back and hanker after 'what was' - but yearn for what lies ahead...Like Paul the apostle, they FORGET what is BEHIND
and press toward what is ahead, their faces forward.
They are believers who count all dung in comparison to knowing Christ, and are constantly hungering after Him; they are those who love His appearing and long to hasten the day; they are those who could care less if the 'good old days' come back or not - because they are not worldlings; who want 'their best life now", in this present time and place; they understand that their citizenship is in heaven, and that is their true home.
What kind of believers are we, then, in view of this dear sisters and brothers? We need to ask ourselves TODAY, while it is yet TODAY - which direction are our faces pointed? Looking back? Or looking forward? SELAH.
Here is my attempt to summarize Hebrews:
Jesus superior to the prophets: Hebrews 1:1-3
Jesus superior to angels: Hebrews 1:4-14, Hebrews 2:1-8
Jesus able to represent humanity: Hebrews 2:9-18
Jesus superior to Moses: Hebrews 3:1-6
Warnings about hardening our hearts to God's calling: 3:7-19
Warnings about missing God's rest provided by faith in Jesus: 4:1-13
Jesus provides bold access as our high priest: 4:14-16, Jesus meets high priest requirements: Hebrews 5:1-10
Warning about being dull of hearing and unprepared for a deeper teaching: Hebrews 5:11-14, 6:1-8
Encouragement to believe that they are ready for deeper teaching: Hebrews 6:9-12
Teaching about the importance of God giving His oath to Christ He would be a priest forever: Hebrews 6:13-20
Teaching the superiority of the order of Melchisedek that Christ belongs to over the Levitical priesthood order: Hebrews 7:1-28
Christ's priesthood serves the heavenly reality that the law only was an earthly copy of: Hebrews 8:1-5
The superiority of the New Covenant over the Old: Hebrews 8:6-13,
The superiority of Christ's complete sevice over the incomplete Levitical service: Hebrews 9:1-28
The superiority of Christ's sacrifice: Hebrews 10:1-22
Warnings about drawing back: Hebrews 10:23-39
Importance of and examples of faith: Hebrews 11:1-40
Exhortation to submit to chastisement: Hebrews 12:1-29
Exhortation to practically live out their Christian faith and benediction: Hebrews 13:1-25
Jesus superior to