as our preacher taught us, not to grieve our Holy Spirit. i never stop doing my best to be more closer to God. grieving my Holy Spirit, means i am getting farther to God. so i attend the services every thurs and sundays two services and soul winning, breakfast prayer, hr prayer and pray everyday..
I love ephesian4:17 that is one of my favorite scriptures in the bible...This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind..... This scripture is very deep its basically saying let ur new life be a testimony... That's what we have to do as christians.... every day our life will be a witness that we wont have to tell ppl we're christians our life will be a witness.... i've been saved nw going on two yrs. it's being hard but i thank god for calling me to be one of his chossen!! i wouldnt trade it for the world.... be encouraged in know their is no DARKNESS in God we should walk in the light.... let our light shine to the blessed:)
Verses 4 & 5 dispute the validity of all denominations. There is but ONE church; established at the time of Christ's death. There is ONE docturine, and that is found throughout the New Testement. Grace is given, but not to those who do not follow ALL of God's commands, including the immersion in water for the remission of sins.
if you stole, do not steal again. work hard for your receiving. and give to those who need. if you remain idle, you will be tempted to steal again. so occupy yourself with work.
My thoughts on Ephesians 4:11 encompasses the fact that God will call on anyone he chooses to unite His children and prepare them for the specific work for which they are call to do. However, the choosing of apostles is not done in this time because according to the scrptures and biblical scholars an apostle is a man that has seen Christ's resurrection and who he chose himself. Pastors watch over God's people who have been entrusted in the pastor's care. A pastor who is led by God can choose leaders such as teachers and evangelist from his congreation all to help to unify the people of God. One major factor which I believe is that God will equip the leaders to do that particular ministry. Also, there are some who will rhink that they have been called to do lead in these ministries, but often fail because they accept the title without realizing that it is God and God alone who can equip them for the ministry of evangelism, of teacher in the Word of God. I strongly believe that these ministries should not require from the congregation monies or financial gain.These actions can most assure caused discord among the saints not unity.
"With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;"
( Ephesians 4:2-3) Love is the bond that keeps us as we come unto perfect unity in Jesus Christ. The outworking of that love is peace.
I think God is trying to get Oness believers and Trinitarians believers to come together and not be so divided saying the other side is going to hell because they don't believe in One True God. John 3:16 says if I believe in Jesus I should not perish. Jesus also says you can't get to the Father but through Him. Col 3:16 says that whatsoever you do in word or deed do it all in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by Him (Jesus). So if you baptize in the name of Jesus you aren't leaving out the Father. I am going to Heaven dispite what any denomination says. I believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and I can't get to the Father but by him. So I was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. This fighting over the GodHead is not right we all have to have faith in God. Jesus ios the head of the Church and since He is God and Head is this not the God Head.
Jesus has been given all power so who is more powerful than Him? He is the only Savior. So if you believe in Jesus and have obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ you will be saved.
If a man say that he has known Christ, let him do away with oldness because you cannot worship God in carnity, it is an insult to Him. This is the time any person who want serve God will serve in spirit and truth and not with double minded.
After Reading this i dont think i can go back to sin anymore and it was nice reading this Bible verse i will try as much as possible to lead a good life to please my Creator.Amen
The scriptue was originally part of a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church at Ephesis. He was letting them know that God
is not tripartite, triple headed being or entity with multiple bodies (as some ancients represented their chief gods in triple form. The God of the universe stands as God alone and is Father or creator of us all. When Paul noted that God was "in all," he was addressing those who were a part of the church (who had received God's spirit), and because of this, they were being reminded that God was in all of them and that their very existence was dependent on God.
I am constrained to answer Phil Artlip's ridiculous comments concerning the 5 fold ministry of the church, not having any purpose of evangelizing the lost. No one having recieved thelove of God in their heart-- no sane intelligent person could make the statement those outside will have to deal with it , for we are not to go compel them to come to Christ. Thats nuts!! Evangelist !! duh thats like go evangelize not the saved but those that are without. Artlip was complaining his comments were quickly removed, well if i was checking out comments both your comments would have already wiped out. Artlip yuo need to repent!
My comments were quickly erased while others remained! Once more... Eph 4:11...Lit: And He...Christ...gave some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors, and equip the saints,for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all come into the unity of the faith unto a Perfect Man...These 5 are for His CHURCH, not to save the worl!! Those who are outside are God's worry, not ours... 1 Cor 5:12-13. Blessings, Brother Phil Artlip
Eph 4:11-13: Literal: And He (Christ) gave some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some, Pastors, and, Teachers (5.) For the equippng of the saints, for the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all come into the unity of the faith and the full knowledge of the Son of God unto a Perfect Man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of the Christ. That's it! Not to run out and "save" the world! Those who are without God deals with ( 1 Cor 5:12-13.) Brother Phil...
How definitions reshape themselves to fit our cultured traditions! This verse seems to list giftings rather than offices in corporations, as our organizing has established. We often appoint a pastor to function as administrator, evangelist, teacher, and prophet. It seems that prophesies in the Bible were always divinely inspired rather than through the prophet's intellect. He spoke messages (present or future tense) without understanding them himself. As I understand it, Teacher; was one gifted to teach precept and doctrine(by speaking or writing). Pastor is similar to; shepherd, one who feeds. Apparently, these are Christ- given gifts rather than just learned and appointed positions.
A WOMAN WITH MEEKNESS on Ephesians 4 - 14 years ago
Walk in the way of the Lord and always go to him
when burdens seems tough;
With Jesus fully in your heart and knowing that he never said that it would be easy and sometimes it gets rough;
He binds the broken hearted and gives strength from above,
Knowing through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the true realm of inner beauty and then there
is LOVE.
On days when anger wants to tarnish the beauty that GOD has firmly planted then he can lead to healthy measures without putting on the GLOVE.
Even when we might be hurt by harmful words then pray silently for the Spirit to cleanse it so that the evil words spoken by others; I get meek quiet without the rumble.
Because we all fall short of the Glory and it is important to try to prevent the tumble.
( Ephesians 4:2-3) Love is the bond that keeps us as we come unto perfect unity in Jesus Christ. The outworking of that love is peace.
John 3:16 says if I believe in Jesus I should not perish. Jesus also says you can't get to the Father but through Him. Col 3:16 says that whatsoever you do in word or deed do it all in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by Him (Jesus). So if you baptize in the name of Jesus you aren't leaving out the Father. I am going to Heaven dispite what any denomination says. I believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and I can't get to the Father but by him. So I was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. This fighting over the GodHead is not right we all have to have faith in God. Jesus ios the head of the Church and since He is God and Head is this not the God Head.
Jesus has been given all power so who is more powerful than Him? He is the only Savior. So if you believe in Jesus and have obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ you will be saved.
is not tripartite, triple headed being or entity with multiple bodies (as some ancients represented their chief gods in triple form. The God of the universe stands as God alone and is Father or creator of us all. When Paul noted that God was "in all," he was addressing those who were a part of the church (who had received God's spirit), and because of this, they were being reminded that God was in all of them and that their very existence was dependent on God.
Thank you for renewing my life. I thank you for your son Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your love and many many blessing through Christ Jesus
when burdens seems tough;
With Jesus fully in your heart and knowing that he never said that it would be easy and sometimes it gets rough;
He binds the broken hearted and gives strength from above,
Knowing through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the true realm of inner beauty and then there
is LOVE.
On days when anger wants to tarnish the beauty that GOD has firmly planted then he can lead to healthy measures without putting on the GLOVE.
Even when we might be hurt by harmful words then pray silently for the Spirit to cleanse it so that the evil words spoken by others; I get meek quiet without the rumble.
Because we all fall short of the Glory and it is important to try to prevent the tumble.