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Ephesians Chapter 6 Discussion Page 2

Ephesians Chapter 6 Discussion Page 2

  • GiGi - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago

    Sorry that you have lost your beloved son. That is such a hard loss.

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    Elaine and her husband need your loving embrace as they grieve this loss. Comfort them and help them. Make them strong as a couple and may they seek you together more than ever. Touch their hearts and renew them in their hope. May Elaine's husband come to know you through this. he needs you now. We ask this in Your name Jesus. Amen.
  • Rick - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Shannon Putting on the whole armour of God has nothing to do with smoking cigarettes I'm not

    saying its a good thing just that it is not hardly going to stop God working in you. Just not best for

    your body the temple of the Spirit. Also God can help you deal with that or anything else by his Son Jesus

    Christ, remember he lead captivity [that which we physically desire outside of His Word] Captive when

    we believe. When we rise up and believe he delivers in all categories!
  • Shannon Lane on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    is there any since in outing on the hole armor of god if you smoke sigerretts throughout the regousing of your day?
  • Hazel carty on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Father epuipped me with the whole LORD the belt of truth

    breastplate of righteousness

    the shield of faith

    the helmet of salvation

    and the sword of the SPIRIT,

    strenghtend my feet LORD healp me to stand and shout JESUS is alive

  • GiGi - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Martha, this is a tough situation to be in without being married to a minister, but even harder if the abuser is a pastor.

    I suggest that the abused document the abuse: any pictures, dr, records, text messaging to friends, etc. that can sow past abuse. I do not recommend remaining in a situation if the abused will be physically endangered. I think making an "safe escape plan" would be a good thing to arrange with a trusted friend or organization that helps in such situations. When the abused is then out of the situation and safe, then I do agree that you should take this before the elders with 2-3 witnesses and evidence, so that the abused will not be punished by the leadership for going against the pastor.

    So, along with the safe escape plan, one would need to secure a legal separation and a no-contact order from the courts. Before one would do all of this, the abused should do what she can to secure income for expenses after the separation occurs until there can be court action for the distribution of income earned within the marriage.

    I don't believe one needs to be divorced to receive such funds. Also, before all of this is initiated, secure a safe place to move to, even if temporary. If there are children, take them, too, away from the abuser.

    I suggest that one do all that one can do to separate completely from the relationship. The abuser has broken the marriage covenant wit violence. This is talked about in Malachi 3:14-15. The treachery here has been interpreted as abuse by some commentaries, but others say it is the husband divorcing the wife of his youth to marry a younger woman.

    I suggest that one consult a trusted Christian counselor with no connection to the church of the minister and family friends/relatives, to get help with this along spiritual, physical, emotional, and legal lines.
  • Rick - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Hi Martha Ephesians 5:25-29 fits much better, also just the term minister itself means their supposed to Love respect cherish have self control, patience, and honor others before Himself I.E. example to others. My point

    has always been I'd rather see a sermon then hear one also respect is earned not just given. I don't know your whole situation I'd get advice from others who know of the situation and bring it before two or three believers.

    No matter who the individual is if there not committed to the doctrine that is unbelief. Let the Word do the Work

    we are not held accountable for someone else's unbelief no matter who they may be.
  • Martha on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Does a woman have to stay in a marriage of abuse if she married to a so called Minister?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    2 Corinthians 3:13-18,
  • Chris - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Traci, I can't think of any reason why covering your face should bring dishonour to God. Some people need to do so (& not referring to some Muslim women who do); especially if a person's skin suffers under sunlight (Xeroderma pigmentosum) or some other medical problem on the face that requires a covering.
  • Traci on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Do I dishonor God by covering my face?
  • Farren Hall on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Praise God
  • English sacha - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Is that you Mishael ? You don't have to confirm or deny , I think I recognise your heart . Much love in Christ .
  • Jamison - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Your comments are as of a well seasoned veteran of the lord. I also love waking early, before the birds, since I was a young boy. Sitting on the front porch eating cereal off a tv tray.
  • Joy Unspeakable Awaits Us - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    I've worked in govt agencies; control is key in a big office.

    Without looking around to see what everyone else was doing (walking around, visiting friends and not working; eating breakfast on company time, etc)

    I performed my duties AS UNTO THE LORD) always. I visited with friends on breaks and at lunch. I was at my desk on time. I joined the company choir at Christmas every year. I lasted 45 years plus 2 years volunteer work at my Church in benevolence. Street ministry 2-3 times a week for years.

    I took care of my Dad with Alzheimer's; later my mother with Dementia.

    When I retired, I didn't know what to do with myself, so I did street ministry in my neighborhood.

    Life is lived less complicated when we help others. You don't have time to be depressed or soured on life watching stupid TV. :D

    I feel my age, but ministering in this comment room keeps me nearer to my Lord. As long as I can sit in the closet and pray loud. My neighbor may think I'm nuts LOL.

    Don't let the times we're living in, drag you down spiritually. Do good to others and be kinder to yourself. I love getting up before the birds do, and listen to them break out in song, to praise God. That's when I talk to Him. I worship Him. He is my best friend. I talk, He listens. He's closer than many of us think.

    I think heaven is going to be loads of happiness. Our poor minds can't really latch on to joy. Our world is getting so dark. I pray we'll be the light of Christ as long as we're here.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Hello Maria. As you know, the letter was written by the Apostle Paul to the Christians at Ephesus. As Paul related the correct behaviour of children & fathers to each other (in verses 1-4), he also speaks to servants. The Greek word here is 'Douloi', which is correctly applied to 'slaves'. However, I think that word can also refer to bond-servants, or those in such employ working for their masters, in a voluntary or paid capacity. I'm unsure how prevalent such a strict slave/master position existed in those days, though I'm sure that there were those who were in such employ; remember Onesimus & Philemon, in the letter to Philemon?.

    So, in Ephesians chapter 6:5-9, Paul is speaking to those who were in servitude to their masters & also he spoke to those masters who were believers - how both should behave one toward the other. You can also look at 1 Peter 2:18-21, for the Apostle Peter's similar dealing with this matter. So, these passages cannot apply to a husband/wife relationship, where the bond together in marriage is of a deep shared love, commitment & sacrifice, rather than of an eight hour paid employment situation.

    So Paul instructs such servants to be obedient to their masters, giving them due honour & respect with all seriousness (fear & trembling), & with singleness of heart (i.e. with a heart & mind to give the best service you can) - as one would strive to fully obey & in work, for the Lord. And Peter gives us another view of this relationship: if the servant/slave is wrongfully treated or falsely accused, he should take the wrong even if he is innocent in the matter. So, yes, you need to obey your boss, giving him due respect & doing your work as best you can for him & the company. If he is 'worth his salt', he will notice your exemplary behaviour & likewise treat you fairly & reward you. As well, your Christian witness by your work ethics will speak volumes to him & others in his employ.
  • Maria Gabrielle on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Not sure about verse 5, calling upon servants to obey our masters of the flesh. I can relate if, for instance, the master is the husband & the wife is his servant and/or in relation to the Parent-Child relationship. I mean, I obey my boss at work, but not "with fear & trembling".

  • BSP on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Verse 16-faith is compared to a large shield that covers most of the body. Faith in God and his promises can shield us from all the wicked one's burning arrows.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    We are always against the influence of the enemy and are armor is Gods word in thought and action in Love.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Look at Romans 12:9 Abhor means treat with absolute disgust, but Love the person despise the sin. Abhor that which is evil all evil of devil.
  • Should you react aggressively and with hatred against the devil on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Should you act aggressively and with malice against the devil?
  • Mountain Preacher on Ephesians 6:4 - 3 years ago
    This whole armour of God completely covers us EXCEPT for one spot , that was our BACK ! As long as we go forward for Christ we are safe from Satan's attacks
  • Lou on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Thy Grace is sufficient for me, O Mighty Lord Jesus Christ. Thy Grace is sufficient.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    John 4:21-23. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

    Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

    But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    There's not a place or day we do this.

    Colossians 2:16-17 (KJV) Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

    Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

    The sabbaths was given to Israel.

    Jesus gave us rest!

    We rest in him.

    If you thriving to "achieve" something by your efforts Isn't that considered works?

    God bless
  • Sacha - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Ms Doe , the commandment to honour our parents was given to the children of Israel and i believe it assumes that the parents are God fearing and bringing up their children in the fear and love of the Lord ,my parents were violent mentally ill alcoholic atheists ! As far as im concerned God and Jesus are my Father and Mother and i belong to them ,my dad is dead now but my mum still lives and is horrible to me on a regular basis ,she seems to enjoy it so i let her have her fun and just ignore her , she has helped me in so many ways by teaching me patience and calmness and how to ignore unpleasant people and not let them upset me even slightly , Mark ch 3 verse 31-35 , Matthew ch10 verse 34-37 , Luke ch9 verse 59-62 , i thank God for my parents ,they taught me many valuable lessons ,i was aware from a very young age that people are capable of great cruelty for no reason other than they enjoy being cruel and i learnt how to spot these kinds of people quickly and avoid them , i hope you can learn from your parents without allowing them to distress you too much ,its not easy but if you lean on God and Jesus and recognise them as your family who you can trust with all your heart you will be on the right path ,lean on God ,He is your Heavenly Father ,He feeds you clothes you keeps you safe and sane and cheerfull ,may He always do so and may He draw you closer and closer to Him every day ,tell Him how you honestly feel ,He understands your pain and sadness ,He is the very Best Father any one could have ,surrender your heart to Him ,He will keep it safe i promise .
  • Ms. Doe - In Reply on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    when there is mental abuse are we still required to obey our parents. is their any stipulations when we are not to obey are parents except for if they are leading us wrong in our belief of GOD. Are you required to honor them if they are turning your children against you and other family members..
  • Deborah M Lewis on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    when there is abuse are we still required to obey our parents. is their any stipulations when we are not to obey are parents except for if they are leading us wrong in our belief of GOD and other reasons not to obey our parents. that is all i have to say about this topic when you know and don't see leaders obeying GOD and living by the bible KJV are you still to reference them and obey them when they are calling you a lier about something you know from GOD are you to obey them when you don't see the fruits of the HOLY GHOST are you still to obey them if they are telling you what to do and they have lied to your face and told you they never said what they said.

    wondering about this.
  • Eli eli on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago

    is the sword of the spirit
  • Martha Eaves on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    I love this chapter but learned something this morning through the Spirit. Would love to share it. In verse 14:This was a belt worn by Roman soldier made of metal and thick heavy leather and was the carrying place for his sword. What drew my attention was the word "sword". He has a special place for (his) sword. This was so he could be ready for action at any given moment. We should have that same readiness. Now remove the letter "s" and you have "word" we have a special place for our "s" word. That place is called our heart and we must keep it there.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Ephesians 6:4 - 3 years ago
    Hi john nsasa thats such a comforting verse ,one of the verses that really gets to me is matthew ch28 v20...'and ,lo, i am with you alway ,even unto the end of the world '.Amen .
  • John nsasa on Ephesians 6:4 - 3 years ago
    I am strengthened by the words Jesus said in Mathew 6. Encouraging us not to worry, for God cares for us and cast all our care on him

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