Esther Chapter 6 Discussion

  • Esther Spells on Esther 6 - 2 years ago
    The king could not sleep that night

    So he decided to read a book

    The book of his legal records

    He decided to take a look

    He was reminded of the time

    When Mordecai reported the plot

    The king wanted to know

    How he had been thanked for his troth

    Nothing had been done

    Not yet for this man

    The king wanted to reward him

    Thank him for his stand

    Haman had just arrived

    To ask for Mordecai's death

    The king asked for Haman's presence

    They hadn't spoken just yet

    He asked what should I do

    To honor a good man

    Hey man thought he would get

    All that he can

    He must be speaking of me

    I am the man he upholds

    I would give him a royal horse

    Put on him a royal robe

    I was slowly parade this man

    Through the city streets

    Proclaiming his royal honor

    For all of the people to see

    Go do these things at once

    You'll leave the horse, yes you

    Do all that you recommended

    For Mordecai the Jew

    Haman robed Mordecai

    Led him through the city streets

    Proclaiming his honor for all

    For all the people to hear and see

    Mordecai went back to rest

    Sit down at the palace gate

    Haman rush home and told his wife

    All about his day

    She said he must forget

    About his malicious plan

    Because now the Jew he hated

    Was a famed and honored man

    Haman was not happy

    For he knew what she said was true

    How did the tables turn?

    Now he must honor the Jew

    It's time for Esther's banquet

    Where the king wants to hear her voice

    Haman had to hurry

    To attend he had no choice

    (By Esther Coleman-Spells)

    I hope you enjoyed the poem for Esther 6.
  • Rob - In Reply on Esther 6:8 - 4 years ago
    I came across these verses after reading your question,

    1 Timothy 2 v9,10 . I hope that helps
  • Bless on Esther 6 - 6 years ago
    verse 1, may God take away sleep from those that are in position to help us and cos them to hasten up to remember us and help us. also let those who plan for our down fall be the ones that will experience it
  • BSP on Esther 6 - 6 years ago
    Verse 6~Haman was presumptuous and this led to his humiliation and to his downfall.
  • Anonymous on Esther 6 - 8 years ago
    God's timing is the best.
  • Andy on Esther 6 - 8 years ago
    The two words "...due season..." are very important because we want everything to happen "due our chosen season."
  • Jennifer on Esther 6 - 8 years ago
    The Lord sees, and He has a plan to prosper us. He will make our enemies our footstool and He always cause us to triumph! God exalts in due season.
  • Bee on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    Verse 6 shows the folly of being presumptuous. Haman assumed the king was talking about honoring him but he was sadly mistaken. We want to avoid jumping to conclusions and this can save us shame and embarrassment.
  • Donald on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    We must always remember the promises the Lord made to us are going to come to pass. The scripture plainly says that pride goes before the fall. Haman was so full of pride that he thought no one could touch him, but he is beginning to fear the consequences of all the evil things he had been planning. His family and friends also knew what would take place.
  • Anne on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    It is not who we are or what we are but whose we are. The Lord looks after His own.
  • Joseph kirianki on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    Those who trust in the lord shall never be put to shame
  • Kanu philip on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    Modeicaiah's case is something that every christian who wish to attain greatness must emulate.Though he revealed a conspiracy,he was not borthered about his promotion.He remained a common gateman,until his time came.
  • Chrisly chris on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    whatever we do today will become an event or history in the future time
  • Rose on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    This scripture give us hope on doing good and great doesnt matter how long you wil get a reward.Remember God s time is Best time
  • Rose on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    This scripture give us hope on doing good and great doesnt matter how long you wil get a reward.Remember God s time is Best time
  • Daisy on Esther 6 - 9 years ago
    People like Haman, should do to others what they want also to be done to them.
  • Ann on Esther 6 - 10 years ago
    v13, ...If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him. Zeresh was actually giving her husband a prophecy which came to pass Jews were God 's chosen people.
  • Joseph kirianki on Esther 6 - 10 years ago
    God is able to change what your enemy has planed against you
  • Salumi Ledua on Esther 6 - 10 years ago
    God is so amazing, for he chooses his own in the midst of our enemies who tries to destroy us, because the battle is the read and understand the book of is so lovely and a blessing that she was a chosen woman out of all the lot,for her people to be saved. Praise the Lord!!
  • Jennifer on Esther 6 - 11 years ago
    God prepares a table in the presence of our enemies
  • Rhonda on Esther 6 - 11 years ago
    Such a great book this is...As fast as Haman received all his clout as fast asit was being removed from him. Mordecai deserved all that was good coming to him for he raisd a brave an obedient lady up.
  • Robert nyasimi oigo on Esther 6 - 11 years ago
    God will bless and exholt you in the presence of your enemies no matter what kind of hard situation is.
  • Miracle on Esther 6 - 12 years ago
    True Exaltation and Honour is from God. The way or manner for one's honour to manifest is in GOD's hand. It may not be all roses, but it will surely come. Haman's selfishness is for Mordecai's Glory. God is limitless in power; He can change every negative situation in my life in a twinkling of an eye.
  • Maina kianda on Esther 6 - 12 years ago
    God hates hypocrites and disobedient people.
  • Mbaimbaiaby on Esther 6 - 12 years ago
    With God the best is always done. Do the humble who fears and obeys his commands and the enemy shall be your servant. In Jesus' name!
  • Mee on Esther 6 - 12 years ago
    Everything is in God's hands, even sleep. He knows when to keep someone awake to work in His people's favour. God kept Ahasuerus awake to honour Mordecai who honoured (Ahasuerus by protecting his life) and God, by bowing to God alone; because GOD said 'they that honour me I will honour'

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