Exodus 34:2 MEANING

Exodus 34:2
(2) Be ready in the morning.--It was necessary to allow an interval for the hewing of the stones.

In the top of the mount--i.e., in the same place as before. (Comp. Exodus 19:20; Exodus 24:12; Exodus 24:18.)

Verse 2. - Be ready in the morning. An interval was required for the hewing of the tables. It was made as short as possible. In the top of the mount. Where he had been with God previously (Exodus 19:20; Exodus 24:12, 18).

34:1-4 When God made man in his own image, the moral law was written in his heart, by the finger of God, without outward means. But since the covenant then made with man was broken, the Lord has used the ministry of men, both in writing the law in the Scriptures, and in writing it in the heart. When God was reconciled to the Israelites, he ordered the tables to be renewed, and wrote his law in them. Even under the gospel of peace by Christ, the moral law continues to bind believers. Though Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, yet not from the commands of it. The first and the best evidence of the pardon of sin, and peace with God, is the writing the law in the heart.And be ready in the morning,.... This was, according to the Jewish chronology (e), on the twenty eighth day of the month Ab or July:

and come up in the morning unto Mount Sinai; the same mount where he had been before:

and present thyself there to me on the top of the mount; where the pillar of cloud removed and stood, and near it Moses was to stand and wait to hear what would be said unto him, and to see what would be made to pass before him.

(e) Seder Olam Rabba, c. 6. p. 19.

Courtesy of Open Bible