Exodus 38:23 MEANING

Exodus 38:23
(23) Aholiab . . . an engraver.--This is a mistranslation. Kharash means a worker in any material whatsoever. It should be rendered artificer, as it is in 1 Chronicles 29:5; 2 Chronicles 34:11.

A cunning workman.--Literally, a deviser; but the root is used especially of the devising of textile fabrics. (See Exodus 26:1; Exodus 26:31; Exodus 28:6; Exodus 28:15; Exodus 36:8; Exodus 36:35; Exodus 39:3, &c.)

Verse 23. - Aholiab's special gifts are here pointed out. He was

1. An artificer (a general term with no special application);

2. A skilled weaver; and

3. An embroiderer.

Altogether, his business was with the textile fabrics - not with the wood-work or the metal-work - of the sanctuary.

38:21-31 The foundation of massy pieces of silver showed the solidity and purity of the truth upon which the church is founded. Let us regard the Lord Jesus Christ while reading of the furniture of the tabernacle. While looking at the altar of burnt-offering, let us see Jesus. In him, his righteousness, and salvation, is a full and sufficient offering for sin. In the laver of regeneration, by his Holy Spirit, let our souls be washed, and they shall be clean; and as the people offered willingly, so may our souls be made willing. Let us be ready to part with any thing, and count all but loss to win Christ.And with him was Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan,.... Of him see Exodus 31:6.

an engraver; of precious stones, as those in the ephod and breastplate:

and a cunning workman; in devising and working curious figured works, either in weaving or with the needle:

and an embroiderer in blue, and purple, and in scarlet, and in fine linen; which were used in the curtains and hangings of the tabernacle, and in the priests' garments.

Courtesy of Open Bible