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Exodus Chapter 20 Discussion Page 9

Exodus Chapter 20 Discussion Page 9

  • MockingBird on Exodus 20:3 - 9 years ago
    God put this warning in His word because we are flesh and we have a notion from time to time to allow our flesh to want something other than to have God in our lives. That is why it is in God 's word. There are many warnings in God 's word of exhortation to beware of . We will always be warring against our flesh to have other things before us other than God. He says that He is the one and only God because He is the one and only true God. Anything that I put before Him is an idol. If my Lord tells me that I must need to meet with Him in prayer and there is a TV show on that I had been wanting to watch for a long time : I watch the show instead : Then that TV show is god : an idol to me and then and I missed what God had in store for me . Not good at all !! Just one of many things that come into our lives.
  • ChildofGod on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. To honour ones parents means to give them the respect that they deserve. To honour someone is to bring out the good not the bad,qualities, and characteristics of them. Speak positive things, about the person in whom you honour. Speak respectfully to them. Do not disrespect your parents. Overlook the negative things, cover the mistakes or wrongs of a person with love and forgiveness.When honouring someone be sure to leave that person in good reputation. To God be the glory in Jesus name Amen.
  • Tracey harvey on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    I love this chapter
  • AMEN JAY on Exodus 20:3 - 9 years ago
  • Lilian on Exodus 20 - 9 years ago
    Enochhiss, i refer my comments that Jesus died for us and He rose again as he is the ressurection of life even if we are died we still have life. This is the promise of God.. This is the literal meaning of my comments sorry if you missed unterstood. God is a God of life and not death. Jesus loves you
  • Enochhiss on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    God never died. Lilian 's Exodus
  • Lilian on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    God has appointed time to destroy the works of the defeated devil. We must accept his words as his words gives us life, peace and joy. Jesus loves you
  • Lilian on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    God loves us so much even from his death he confirmed his love and mercy to us. In fact he provide us his words as his words is so powerful and we must accept his words. Fix your eyes to Jesus and he who loves him will keep his commandments. Jesus will help you to understand his words just accept him. God revealed himself that he is God. He made and created all things that we can and can 't see therefore He is the only one who can destroy everything he have made. Jesus loves us as he always confirmed his love to us.. The scripture says as God promises that every man will bow down before God whether you believed or not He is God, our King and we are his servants that needs to bow down to our King. Jesus loves you whether you believed or not.
  • JHH on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    Tina, verse 4 means not to have any other gods - graven images - don 't worship the moon, stars, planets etc. OR anything else that may take the place of GOD. Hope this helps. God bless.
  • Stan on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    IF Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill. " is wrong, then how many other errors are in the Holy Bible? There are 134 occurrences of "Kill ", and 17 occurrences of 17 and 137 occurrences of slay in the Old Testament. IF the translation of "kill " in Exodus 20:13 should have been "murder ", then why are there occurrences of both Kill and Murder in the Old Testament?
  • Tina on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    I am Seventh Day Adventist and the fourth commandment seems to be the hardest for most peopel to believe. Most will attempt to explain it away or ask how do you know the caledars are correct? I have no comment for that type of questioning because God 's word is very clear.
  • Carolyn on Exodus 20:4 - 10 years ago
    Do you have an inspirational image for Exodus 20:4?
  • Cynthia kelly on Exodus 20:4 - 10 years ago
    First of all if our Father says not to do something you should not.He does not have to ans to you but you ans to him.
  • Carolynn on Exodus 20:7 - 10 years ago
    This reminds me of a scripture in the new testament that says ' 'God cannot be mocked ' '
  • Geri on Exodus 20:25 - 10 years ago
    Anything unnatural manmade is corrupted and does not give our Father His due reverence. Makes you wonder what He truly feels about the brick and mortar churches of today.
  • Ayindesoji on Exodus 20:12 - 10 years ago
    It is good to give honour to old age and even to every man. Question. WHAT HAPPEN TO THOSE WHO ARE NOT GIVE HONOUR TO THEIR PARENTS?
  • Shawn young on Exodus 20:8 - 10 years ago
    Exodus 20 8, should be remebered every Sabbath "Let us not profane, dishonor and level that with common time, which God 's blessing hath thus dignified and distinguished. " The Sabbath is the Seal of the Living God A memorial and symbol of The Creator, His Authorship . Whom do you worship?
  • Dominic Strachan on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    battling the sabbath day
  • Srgross on Exodus 20:13 - 10 years ago
    Exodus 20 13 is Murder and not Kill, there is a complete difference between the two. Hebrew translations say Murder. Please do not twist GOD 's word to man 's.
  • RNM Verse 10 & 11 on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    GOD says he would know his people by the Sabbath day they kept, THE SEVENTH DAY it has never changed since the creation, about half of the worlds population believes otherwise but they have been deceived, the roman catholic church claims authority over the change, saying, in there own words it is the church 's MARK of ecclesiastical authority over the change from the Biblical 7th day Saturday to the 1st day sunday. The seventh day Sabbath has been around since the beginning, it 's not a Jewish day or an Adventist day it 's just GOD 'S SABBATH1 like it or not! and you will be judged accordingly, so if you have any desires to inter into GOD 'S Kingdom you need to be doing some serious research into this subject, and half to stand before the King of Kings, and him say he never knew you. Just a caring warning, time is short and the end is near, maybe at the door!
  • Blessed on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
  • Amen jay on Exodus 20:12 - 10 years ago
    Is a command from GOD that we should honour our parents, honour is almost like love,it does go way beyond our parents just as we should love all as our self sameway we honour everyone
  • Mockingbird on Exodus 20:12 - 10 years ago
    My Dad Mom are gone from me. Dad about 20 yrs mom about 4 yrs. When I was a teenager I rebelled against my parents to my hurt When I got my heart right with God I started respecting my parents and honoring them to the best of my ability and I also grew to love my parents greatly. I was crushed when my Dad when on and I had to care for my mom. God gave me parents that were good to me and they punished me for the bad that I did But they also helped me get out of the wrong that I did and set me on a good path. I Praise God for my parents.
  • Roseline Igboh on Exodus 20:12 - 10 years ago
    How to honour our parents which was the first commendment of our Lord Jesus Christ to us, honour whose in the authority so that our days will be long.
  • Chet on Exodus 20:4 - 10 years ago
    This is the most true but sadly one of the most misinterpret guideline of wisdom. It is really unfortunate for people to think of this as just the shell or surface of the true meaning.
  • Andrea Stephens. on Exodus 20:24 - 10 years ago
    Iwish that we all can try to live or obey the laws that our heavenly father gave us, that will make life so much healthier and prosperous for humanity. We do not love one another as god has loved us.
  • Tony Martin on Exodus 20:3 - 10 years ago
    the obvious Israel left Egypt after God attacked their "gods " with plagues. Freed from long, harsh servitude they were not ready to become a nation. What would bind them together and ween them from serving men Egypt with its many gods is SERVING one God. "Before " can mean before he existed, in front of him or in his presence, something more important than him, something that competes with him. It may mean all of those things. If you want to exist as a nation, worship only me. Not only does he have those things that will make for a good government, ie, ten commandments,but he is not, he claims, a man made god. He is for real. So, if you want him on your side, this is what you should do ... and God begins to win them away from Egypt.
  • Sampson on Exodus 20:10 - 10 years ago
    No one can 100 keep Gods LAW.the LAW kills so be cearfull According to Galatians 3 10 for all who rely on observing the law are under a curse,for it is writhen curse everyone who does not continue to do everything writhen in the book of the law
  • Tina on Exodus 20:4 - 10 years ago
    "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of any thing ' that is in heaven above "? I do not get this. The Bible would be in the heaven 's above, and it says we can 't have anything in the likeness of the heavens above.
  • Bennion on Exodus 20 - 10 years ago
    This verse is the "constitution " in His Kingdom. There are no two ways about it. As Saints or Children of our Heavenly Father this supreme law matters. Likewise for what our Saviour, Jesus Christ mentioned in the Gospels.....New Testament..

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