Ezekiel 39:1 MEANING

Ezekiel 39:1
Verses 1-20. - In the first main division Ezekiel repeats the substance of what has already been advanced concerning the defeat of Gog (vers. 1-8), after which he strives to represent its completeness (vers. 9-20), by setting forth

(1) the immense quantity of spoil Israel should obtain from the fallen foe (vers. 9, 10).

(2) the length of time it should take Israel to bury the dead and cleanse the land from defilement (vers. 11-16, and

(3) the horrible carnage which should ensue on Gog's destruction, symbolized by a vast sacrificial feast prepared by Jehovah for the beasts and birds (vers. 17-20). Verse 1. - The chief prime of Meshech and Tubal; or, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal (see on Ezekiel 38:2).

39:1-10 The Lord will make the most careless and hardened transgressors know his holy name, either by his righteous anger, or by the riches of his mercy and grace. The weapons formed against Zion shall not prosper. Though this prophecy is to be fulfilled in the latter days, it is certain. From the language used, it seems that the army of Gog will be destroyed by miracle.Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,.... As he had been ordered to do before, and must still continue to do it:

behold, I am against thee, O Gog; which is repeated for the confirmation of it, and to inject terror into him; for terrible it is to have God against any:

the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; See Gill on Ezekiel 38:2, the Septuagint version adds "Ros" here as there.

Courtesy of Open Bible