The possible answers to your questions relate to other names that have been associated with these Persian kings or a lack of chronological listing of events in Ezra, etc. Rather than share what is on the Web, could I direct you to: apologeticspress. In their Search box, type in: Kingly Chronology in the Book of Ezra. There'll be ample information there for you to consider & formulate an understanding.
I dont understand the order of the kings of Persia - the building of the house of god started
1st year of Cyrus (chapter 1) then in Chapter 4 speaks of false accusations being sent to
Artaxerxes which seems to me as the 4th king after Darius and Ahasuerus. Then in Chapter 4 24 it says the work ceased 2nd year of reign of Darius which to me seems like the 2nd king.
If we look at this spiritually too, our bodies are the temple of God and when we try and do right and live by the fruit of the spirit, satanic things and people come against us as well and we must get up every morning praying and reading our bible so we can be equipped and ready to desern wrong spirits that come against us.
"Let us build with you: for we seek your God, as ye.." There are many examples in the Bible for learning how we ought to use discernment and be prudent regarding the deceitful endeavors of the adversary against us. 1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Don't just let everyone in!
This is a classic example of subterfuge. You can get away with man but you cannot get away with God. Even with man as we shall see, the reward can be noxious. Rehum, Shimshai the scribe and their companions paid a heavy prize. We must shun things that will bring down the house of the Lord- our bodies which is the temple of the Lord. We must shun sin.
Matt. 16:18 - yes, "my church". Jesus' church, as found in Acts ch. 2. That's when Jesus' church began. Acts 2:38 is HIS plan of salvation - just as He said in Matt. 28:19 - in the NAME of ........... Just as the people tried to, and did for awhile, frustrate the temple bldg., so do people rail now against the TRUTH of God's word being preached. They want their ears 'tickled'.
How sad it must have been to see the building of God to cease. How sad it will be when God ministers to man no more because of his sin and rebellion. We must work and win souls to Christ before it is too late.
Wow! what an interesting text of scriptures. I thought it great how Zerubbabel was able to discerned the adversaries when they asked to help build the temple. Whereby they came only to frustrated the purpose. Many have learned too late that when the church allowed the government to help them build it frustrated the purpose of God. Whereby they have continued to try and frustrated the purpose in which the things of God are built. But Jesus said in Matthew 16 18 ...I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Exodus 25, Romans 11,
Hopefully these are also helpful in your study
1st year of Cyrus (chapter 1) then in Chapter 4 speaks of false accusations being sent to
Artaxerxes which seems to me as the 4th king after Darius and Ahasuerus. Then in Chapter 4 24 it says the work ceased 2nd year of reign of Darius which to me seems like the 2nd king.
Please explain.
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