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Genesis Chapter 1 Discussion Page 23

Genesis Chapter 1 Discussion Page 23

  • Danielle Brown on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    God is good
  • Dianne - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    You are correct, keep something always on your mind when reading Gods Word. He Has a reason for everything he said how he said it where he said it why he said it when he said it and to whom he said it.
  • Lauren - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Free! Bless you!
  • Free - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Lauren, it good to hear i have the gift who get delivered too me, all for free in Jesus name. Sometime we struggle like in Ephesians 6 : 12 and may belive that it shall be always. We have all different gift in His wonderfull society. I am so happy to meet you all here in the website. Ill didnt know! My first King James are exhausting. And i miss my Holy Bible much. That issue is not longer for sale. And now ill glad ill find it here in my computer. Not fare away, but hidden!

    And il pray for you all in my heart. And the scripture i longing for and hunger for and ill thirsts for, and sudenly the word come to me easy like a brize. He understand what we fighting against Thank Jesus. And for three days ill look big differences. In the translation. That is sad. Thank you again for comforting word. God bless you and yours.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Just continuing with this brother & enjoying the exercises of knowledge & faith that you're giving me.

    Various Scriptures (e.g. Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 12:23) speak of Christ being the "firstborn of creation & the firstborn of the Church". He was first to give birth to His creative work & by definition, entitled to be pre-eminent with highest honour & rank over all. And by virtue of His Death & Resurrection, the first to bring Deity & humanity together in one, i.e. to His Church, as He is now in the flesh as well.

    Therefore, I would rather think that it's not the "DNA of Christ" that is in all atomic matter, but His Spirit Who was in Him & now given to those who call upon His Name. As we know, our composition is spirit, soul & body and that spirit has, since the fall, been devoid of any attachment to the Spirit of God. Yet, it is to that same spirit of man that the Holy Spirit attaches when re-birth has taken place. Then what we read in Acts 17:28, given to the unsaved Athenians, finds its perfect fulfilment in Romans 8:1, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Ephesians 1:3, etc., where once we were just the "offspring of God" receiving life & breath from God, but now, through Christ the firstborn of His Church, we receive spiritual life & the ministry of the Deity in manifold ways. I can't see that His 'DNA' is in all living creation, which after all, have been created from dust, but His Spirit is given to those coming to Him via the Cross.

    I can agree though with your last paragraph concerning "the Lamb being slain from the foundation of the world". What was in God's Will to occur, will occur, & can be treated as fact even before they happen. Christ's crucifixion was real in God's Plan & became a physical reality at Calvary. Thank you Leon for sharing your thoughts.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Brother Leon - greetings again & thank you for your detailed replies. I agree to the beauty of God's Handiwork & Artistry, and as in all artwork, "Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder". What I might consider a grotesque, simplistic & meaningless piece of artwork when visiting an art gallery might well be a thing of beauty & rich in meaning to another, & therefore justifying its high price & demand. So, on this score, I don't see a formless, void, dark Earth as a creation of ugliness & deformity, but simply a part of the whole creation created by God having its own beauty painted by the Master Artist. Though, your next point concerning Eden requires comment.

    You referred to Ezekiel 28:11-19 & Satan's position in Eden. Are you inferring two Edens? One before this 'deformation of the Earth' where the once anointed cherub was found & the second, after a 'reformed Earth' with a restored Eden, yet with the same fallen, iniquitous rebel roaming its pristine environs? If then God's Judgement brought on a deformed cursed Earth because of Satan's wickedness, how does it figure that this newly 'reformed' Earth could contain the same evil now on the prowl and not bring on further similar desolation? Would not the Earth need to return to its 'original state' as the prince of this world now reigns?

    That is why I suggest that even though God's Judgement is sure & will always be evident now & in the future ages, the mentioning of the unformed barren Earth of Genesis, I don't believe is evidence of that judgement. And with so few verses available to form a qualified determination, my response, as in all such biblical scenarios, is to withdraw & accept the verses given without added interpretation. If giving them consideration, they would still remain to me as only hypotheses & add no value to knowledge or faith.
  • OSEAS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago

    You wrote: LEON DAVIS - in Reply on Genesis 1


    Therefore, Christ had already been crucified in the spiritual realm and the elect were chosen before the foundation of the world ( Eph. 1:4,5, 11 Ephesians 1:4,5, 11 (KJV)

    Yes, "the elect were chosen before the foundation of the world", but before which world? Could you tell us? My question is valid because "we understand that the WORLDS were framed by the Word of GOD -the Word is GOD -, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear". Heb.11:v.3
  • Lauren - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Free, what wonderful writing! And very alive in the Spirit, you can just hear the Spirit of life there...

    I hope you will share more, the Lord shines right through your English perfectly and uniquely......

    God Bless!
  • LEON DAVIS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Brother Chris, this is a continuation of the first post. Concerning Christ being Alpha, the first, the beginning, and firstborn of the creation, I would like you to consider to following postulate: Christ is the transformational means by which God's creative will becomes atomic matter. God is completely Spirit; therefore, His Spirit is an intrinsic element inside of every spiritual entity he creates (e.g. cherubim, angels). However, matter is a different realm, existing outside of God. Therefore, God united both realms by creating the physical body of Christ as the perfect hybrid which was 100% God and 100% matter. Christ became God's archetypical conversion chamber through which all created atomic matter proceeded. Therefore, the DNA of Christ is inside of all atomic matter. Rather, all created matter is inside of Christ, which is why Paul says, "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being." The creation works so harmoniously because Christ, or to be exact, His physical body, was the first created entity, and all the rest of creation contains His DNA. He, then, is the Masterful Conductor who causes all things to blend into a beautiful creative symphony.

    God's dictates all salvation-related events connected to His elect which occur throughout man's chronological journey on earth. His pre-ordained will is signified in the book which Christ comes to take out of the Father's hand in Revelation 5:1-7. It was written in God's created universe that Christ would be crucified should man fall before the first seal was opened and the story of man began. Therefore, Christ was the only one who open the book and begin the story of man for only His life could end the story with man living forever with God. Therefore, Christ had already been crucified in the spiritual realm and the elect were chosen before the foundation of the world ( Eph. 1:4,5, 11).
  • LEON DAVIS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Peaceful salutations in His name! I thank God for you, Brother Chris! Your passion for God's word and the grace of Christ displayed in your replies are commendable! "Iron sharpens Iron" ( Prov. 27:17), which is why conversations such the ones we are having are very beneficial. In response to your initial question, God does not create anything that does not glorify Him, nor serve a purpose to fulfill His Divine will (Is. 45:7; Rev. 4:11). God is the Master Artist, and the created universe is His canvas. All strokes of the paint brush, and the colors and textures of all paints used are intentional.

    Undoubtedly, the conditions in Genesis 1:2 were the result of God's judgment in the form of a Noahic-type flood in which He extracted all light and structure from the earth, leaving it in a "voided" state, the Biblical definition of which is associated with emptiness, desolation, and chaos. Scripture suggests the reason for God's judgment in Ezekiel 28:11-19. It speaks of the adversary, the old serpent ( Rev. 12:9), having been in the Garden of Eden, and subsequently being stripped of all his glory after iniquity was found in him and he became filled with violence because of his merchandise. If, indeed, the earth was the setting for this activity, and had become the product of such violence and corruption, it would definitely have prompted God's judgment. Keep in mind that violence and corruption impelled God to pass judgment in the form of the Noahic flood ( Gen. 6:10-13).

    Following God's judgment, the evidence of which is found in Genesis 1:2, He presents Christ, His Son, in Genesis 1:3, who reintroduces light into the creation, reestablishes order, and proceeds to create. Today Christ continues to be the spiritual glue which holds the creation together and causes its harmonious functioning. Paul says, "by Him all things consist" ( Col. 1:17b).
  • Free - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hallo All, sorry to intervention here but The thread is exiting. And will all day to the werry End stand up for speculation and big wonder.

    The Lord tock me ones into the explamantion of the word, black and white. Thank You Dear Jesus. And thanks for this web who have give me the revelations back. I hade almost forgot it.

    Revelation 1. 4. It said "John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, from him which is and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;"

    from him which is.

    from him which is. And not "are". That i have learned.

    which is to come.

    When He open my eyes it explode in my heart. After that ill read all Different. The word in the Holy Bible was like in a sea, always in motion. Mayby like the wind. And after that i belive in what my heart tell me, who il get from the Holy Scripture. I belive it is the Holy Spirit who is my supervisor. And He give me word for the day who i need or who i need too deliver to someone who need the word.

    ps. English is not my mother tongue, please be patient. God Bless you all to understand, in Jesus name.

    And today il searched after a word and find it, at once here in the web site. In this thread, Which is " I Am". John 8:12; 9:5.

    This is the biggest word that Jesus speak ever. He embraces Everything! When we look up to the sky and see no End in the space. Thats Him too. We look down in the darkest of darkness, and He is King even there. All thing is made for Him. Becose He have added everything under His foot. He Fulfilled the work when He died on the cross. It was the strongest offer someone has made ever! That where when God the Father Him self, have to sacrifice His Only son. I live today becose of that.

    Can you imagine what the disiple think when they heard this word. Some of they did not belive it. And il gess they created confusion. Ty they had the Master to look up on. And we have that too, in our heart. God Bless you all
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Page 2.

    Revelation 3:14. We see this expression ("the beginning of the creation of God") only here. I would include Colossians 1:15-18 which speaks of Christ being "the firstborn of all creation - for by Him were all things created - through Him & for Him". Even though the Greek for 'beginning' & 'firstborn' are very different, I think the same application is implied: that Christ is the Creator (the beginning) of all creation: both of the original creation & then being the forerunner of those IN Christ (the firstborn (& by implication, the Creator) of the new creation) - also Romans 8:29; Hebrews 12:23. Blessings.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Page 1.

    Greetings to you brother Leon. Sending this response in two pages.

    The Scriptures you cited on Christ the Light & His involvement in creation were excellent: none can oppose such Truth. The question remains, could a God, who is Light & dwells in Light, cannot also create something that has no light or is unformed? Your answer to this is noted - my answer compels me to look at the whole of creation, which does not always attest to a God of Light creating what we would like to think or believe as perfect. We would have to ask about the creation of the other planets & stars: were they created perfect? If yes, then is their present perfection by our standards actually an imperfection? Or, if Earth's formless, empty condition in Genesis 1:2 was as a result of being evil affected, how could an evil entity be able to create such a cataclysmic condition to God's creation? Why hasn't that happened now to the Earth under our present abounding evil? All rhetorical questions no doubt, & for that reason I could never formulate a belief on a single verse & make an assumption that God has to work in a certain manner just because He is a God of Light.

    Revelation 13:8. In the normal reading of that verse, it speaks of the Christ, the Lamb of God, Who was in the Plan of God even before the Earth's creation, to one day become God's sacrificial Lamb. So clear was His destiny, it could be said that His coming as God's Word, His preparation, & His ministry labelled Him as One already sacrificed (ahead of time).

    Yet, when reading this verse from the Lexicon, it's interesting that it's given as 'those whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world, in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain'. However, I doubt whether the verse should be understood in this way, though there is Truth in this also.
  • LEON DAVIS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    I greet you in the name of Christ! My brother Chris, I enjoyed your post, and wanted to continue the dialogue. Christ is the Light of the World ( John 8:12; 9:5), and it is by Him and through Him that everything in the universe was created

    from a foundation of light ( John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:2). God glories in His creation, for it attests to His greatness and excellency! It is His created child; and He would never give birth to a deformed child of darkness as described in Genesis 1:2. Such would be viewed as a microcosm of the rest of His creation, and detract from the breathtaking and incomprehensible beauty of creative mind.

    In a similar vein, I would be interested in hearing your views on John's statement that Christ was "slain from the foundation of the world" ( Rev. 13:8b), and the statement Christ makes that He is "the beginning of the creation of God" ( Rev. 3:14d). God bless you!
  • Alex - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    I could not help but read about the URIM & the Thummim which was just a type of the Holy Spirit THE LIVING word that gives us light. We are not under the levitical Priesthood, We are now under the Melchezedec Priesthood .If perfection came under the Levitical Priesthood what was the need for a New Covenant, A NEW PRIESTHOOD, Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the WORLD .And our high Priest now lives with in us 24/7. NOT ONCE A YEAR,

    Abide in me and i in you. Now the 12 stones ( the Urim and Thummim were symbolic of the 12 tribes ) But now the world are the 12 tribes .The Israel of God As God so loved the WORLD etc . If i be lifted up ( THE BLOOD ) I will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME th world . The field is the world where that good seed will be sown ,Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to Every creature. Jew and gentile a like . Jesus died for everybody JEW AND GENTILE . In Adam we all died but in Christ we will ALL LIVE.
  • Peter Vink - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Jesse
  • Peter Vink - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Melinda Amburn.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hello Leon.

    Thank you again for your well-presented argument. Though not meaning to be argumentative, I would raise a question with your statement, "The inherency of the presence of light in God's creation as stated in Genesis 1:1 is based upon the law of reproduction." If I were to see a Law in operation in Genesis, I would more likely see a Law of Creation revealed to us rather than one of Reproduction. And in this Law, I would think that God could choose to create the worlds in whatever manner He wished & to create human/animal life to appear & behave according to that Design. Considering the worlds, I'm sure that not just the Earth only, but also the planets, stars & constellations, would have been created in the same manner, yet God choosing to make the Earth a habitable place to sustain His other Creations that were designed to live thereon. In very truth, God is Light & Perfection & couldn't be one iota less than His Glory demands, but He remains a God Who creates according to His Wise Determination whether in perfection & beauty or formless & empty.

    And indeed as you wrote, the Urim & Thummim have generally been understood to mean "lights & perfection" respectively, & yet there is any amount of other interpretations/meanings applied to them as well: such as 'revelation & truth', doctrine & truth', 'cursed or faultless', etc. Since Urim & Thummim don't have specific meanings in Hebrew (as do other Hebrew whole words), the use of certain Hebrew letters within those words (aleph, vav, resh), have other meanings that have been attached to them; hence "lights & perfections" have been strongly suggested. This information has been gleaned from various Hebrew sources.

    With that in mind, if I err by refusing to accept what is proposed, then so be it - I'd rather be cautious & read only from the Word & learn from the original language, than settle on other teachings or possibilities that might take me further away from what the Lord has intended. Blessings.
  • LEON DAVIS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Greetings, brother, in His mighty name! Thank you for responding; I am enjoying corresponding with you. The inherency of the presence of light in God's creation as stated in Genesis 1:1 is based upon the law of reproduction. God is light and perfection. Therefore, just as any offspring must contain the DNA of its parent(s), all creative matter proceeding from God must also contain His light and reflect His perfection. An unformed, imperfect glob of earth submerged in water and suspended in total darkness ( Genesis 1:2) could never proceed from a God of light who is the quintessence of perfection.

    Concerning the Urim and Thummim, the words mean, respectively, "lights" and "perfection," which are two of the dominant characteristics of God. Therefore, when Aaron, the first high priest, who was imperfect because of an inherent sin nature, went before a perfect God of light, he had to put Urim and Thummim in the breastplate upon his heart ( Exod. 28:30) to make himself symbolically compatible with, and presentable before a God of light and perfection.

    Christ and His shed blood has now become the Urim and Thummim upon the hearts of all believers whereby we are now compatible with, and presentable before the Perfect God of the Universe! Amen!!!
  • Franklin Thomas on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Leon for your comments. I looked at Genesis 9:1 also, & the same Hebrew word is applied there, so really it is a matter of how one chooses to apply that word to those three references in Genesis given, whether "to fill up" or "to replenish"/refill. And when I read your understanding of Genesis 1:1-3, I still cannot discern a previous creation of humans being implied, nor that there was light created in verse 1. I'm not saying that those things are impossibilities, but I don't see it in the normal reading & understanding of that Scripture. Are you learning this information from other sources?

    And as far as the meaning & use of the Urim & Thummim goes, again, I can't assimilate them with God's pure Light & utter Perfection. God bless.
  • LEON DAVIS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Greetings in the name of JESUS, Our celebrated King! Your observations in your reply to Darrell were astute. I ask that you consider the possibility that life was, indeed, upon the earth prior to the re-creation which began in Genesis 1:3. The first creation, which is mentioned in Genesis 1:1, was filled with God's pure light and utter perfection (the Urim and Thummim - Exod. 28:30). God is the quintessence of light and perfection. Therefore, everything He creates must reflect His level of creative beauty and flawlessness, for it comes from His being of utter perfection. However, in Genesis 1:2 all light and perfection have been removed from the once perfect creation, and only three elements remain. They are darkness, a voided earth without form, and evidence of a Noahic-type deluge which probably reflects God's judgment.

    The word "replenish" in Genesis 1:28 and "fill" in Genesis 1:22 are translated from the same Hebrew word. However, scripture always verifies itself. Therefore, one must look to another verse usage for contextual clarification. God also told Noah to "replenish the earth" ( Gen. 9:1), and it is very obvious He meant for Noah's family to reproduce for the purpose of repopulating the earth because the prior inhabitants had been destroyed by the flood. Adam and Eve were given the same command to "replenish" because, with a high degree of probability, God's judgment in the form of a flood had also been passed upon the earth and its inhabitants.
  • LEON DAVIS - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Greetings in the name of Christ, Our Wonderful Savior! My brother Darrell, you are correct. Indeed, there was life upon the earth prior to the re-creation which began in Genesis 1:3. The first creation, which is mentioned in Genesis 1:1, was filled with God's pure light and utter perfection (the Urim and Thummim - Exod. 28:30). God is the quintessence of light and perfection. Therefore, everything He creates must reflect His level of creative beauty and flawlessness, for it comes from His being of utter perection. However, in Genesis 1:2 all light and perfection have been removed from the once perfect creation, and only three elements remain. They are darkness, a voided earth without form, and evidence of a Noahic-type deluge which probably reflects God's judgment.

    As correctly pointed out by one of the responders to your post, the word "replenish" in Genesis 1:28 and "fill" in Genesis 1:22 are translated from the same Hebrew word. However, scripture always verifies itself. Therefore, one must look to another verse usage for contextual clarification. God also told Noah to "replenish the earth" ( Gen. 9:1), and it is very obvious He meant for Noah's family to reproduce for the purpose of repopulating the earth because the prior inhabitants had been destroyed by the flood. Adam and Eve were given the same command to "replenish" because, with a high degree of probability, God's judgment in the form of a flood had also been passed upon the earth and its inhabitants.
  • Adams39s Mandate - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    The interesting part of that verse, is: God gave them dominion over what he outlined. He did Not give him dominion over other humans.

    God created, garnished and filled the Garden. Their task was to tend to replacing what was being used. They would have children eventually.

    I was curious how they learned to make fire so they could cook and make materials for a house?
  • Cheryljohnson on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Prayer request pray for family needs prayer some of my family needs the lord
  • Bible and Helps on this website - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Go back to the red link page and check those for a downloadable Bible.

    There's a KJV Bible, SEARCH box with a fast search engine

    Drop down from a searched verse and you'll see the Commentary Box
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hello Darrell. Genesis 1:28 has sometimes been used to propagate the belief that the Earth was once populated by other humans & then maybe wiped out for some reason but now restored with the creation of Adam & Eve. In which case, these two are commanded to replenish that which was lost.

    However, upon checking the Hebrew word used in Genesis 1:28 & noting that the same Hebrew word is used in Genesis 1:22, the words 'replenish' & 'fill" appear to indicate that through procreation, both humans, sea creatures & fowls (& of course other creatures, by implication), should 'multiply their kind', therefore filling the Earth with God's creations as He purposed. I don't however, submit to a previous creation theory.
  • Darrell Coleman on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    In Genesis 1 vs 28 when God blessed Adam and Eve and said "Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth". What is meant by "replenish "? Doesn't this allude to it having once been full and needs refilled?
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Hello Donna. That would have to be one of those decisions that can never be easily made & I'm so sorry to read that you might be in that position. In my understanding, such an act to remove a person's life support would not be a sin, as a sin would have to be a wilful act of taking of another's life, or even planning to do so.

    Such a decision would have to be made in consultation with the person's medical practitioner, who would have reported the full state of the person's condition: whether failure in organs, absence of mental activity, in a coma or vegetative state, etc. As well, the wishes of that person, if declared earlier, would be taken into account. And even with all that, for a loved one to make such a decision would be extremely difficult & heart-wrenching.

    Technically speaking, to remove a life support is not the taking away of that life; it's just a denial of a life-giving support that the person may not ordinarily have in other circumstances. There are folk, & I know of one lady particularly, who, knowing that she needed an urgent operation to her stomach, had a firm belief that God would heal her if He so chose to. God did not grant her healing & she passed on. She chose to refuse medical intervention, yet did not do anything specifically to end her life - i.e. she desired to be left in God's Hands rather than to receive medical help or even life support.

    In like manner, a dear one who is maybe clinically dead without any hope of recovery, even without some vital sign appearing during the duration of the life support, could be considered passed away with organs operating only because of mechanical intervention. Such a state would certainly be undesirable for that person, nor will give any hope to loved ones attending. The peace you need about this matter can only come from the Lord as well as a clear indication by the doctor that the dear one has passed the point of any hope or recovery. May you have the comfort & peace of God in your heart.
  • Donna on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Is it a sin to remove a love one from life support if you have to make that decision?

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