King James Version (KJV)

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From Genesis 1:2 - ...darkness was over the surface of the deep... This verse does make it look like there was a created world which then was covered by something (perhaps ice or water) and then at a future time we read the quoted verse about "the surface of the deep".
The Lord in His mercy has not given to us information about the earth before Genesis. That does NOT mean there was nothing before then. It simply means it is not for us to know now. So to answer your question: Yes, there could have been floods before Noah's flood.
The best thing to do is to love the Lord Jesus with all your heart; then, one day you will see Him, and at that time you can ask Him whatever you want.
Peace and love in Christ
He is our wisdom. He is our beginning and our ending of our life. Do not ever forget that!!! GOD IS PURE LOVE!!!!
Otherwise, there are many other Sites that offer such a program. These include The International Bible Society, Christianity dot com, Bible Study Tools (for a chronological reading of the Scriptures) & others.
At the moment he believed (confessed that Jesus died for him in his place), he was sealed with the Holy Spirit as a down payment of His inheritance.
Nobody can snatch him out of God's hand - not even himself.
John 10:27-29 (LEB): 27My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28And I give them eternal life, and they will never perish forever, and no one will seize them out of my hand. 29My Father, who has given them* to me, is greater than all, and no one can seize them* from the Father's hand.
In our sin nature, we will wander away out from under the Lords protection, but He has promised above not to lose a SINGLE one of us!
Have a blessed day
Many get it wrong when they don't put the full weight of God's Word (promise) concerning their guaranteed Salvation once they are Born Again.
May the Lord bless you abundantly in standing firm to His Truth.
If we try to rationalize everything from creation & the appearance of living & non-living things to the future of man & the world he will live in, we'll come up with very different answers to what is declared in the Bible. Scientists have proffered their theories of the distant past & we have an abundance of 'prophetical voices', including those of mediums, who 'foretell' the future. All these may be acceptable as human nature searches for answers, any answers, for the reason for his existence, but to challenge the activity of the human mind & declare that after all is said & done, the voices we hear are only from finite men.
One would have a hard time, for example, convincing the creationist or the evolutionist to side with the other. We remain convinced by what we choose to believe & as such willing to accept all that is given as evidence. What convinces me as a 'creationist', is that God's Word is proven true because of its claims as God's Word. Man's word, based on his limited knowledge & many questionable mechanisms to reveal the past, gives me a rather shaky confidence in his abilities to do that work. I would rather that man concentrate on understanding his known historical past & present, thus learning from his errors or his virtues, than delve into the unknown & presume to be wise from his observations. What grieves me the most is that our children are being taught that which is produced from man's knowledge, rejecting what God has to say & declaring it a result of fables & old myths.
The day will come, when "the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped" ( Psalm 63:11b), & the world will know the God of Truth & the God Who makes & sustains all things.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, and he sees our lives from beginning to the end... including all of our sins. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is bad, but sincere repentance is possible.
He's a Prodigal Son who needs to come home to ABBA; His Father who's waiting for him.
Most of us have been on that road ourselves. Even me. That road back home is hard because every step taken, Satan cries loser! Sinner! He'll never take you back! Fool, Dreamer! Reminding us of all we said or did.
But then you see your Father on the road looking for you...and running to greet you.
Tell your friend, that he is forgiven and will be restored. LUKE 15:18-32
I'll pray you find him soon.
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. ( Romans 5:8-10)
If you've hurt someone or committed some sin against that person, first confess your sin to God & receive His forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ - then go to the one whom you've wronged & confess your error & make restitution if necessary to prove your sorrow.
If you've broken a law & you know that the authorities are after you for the crime, then the right thing to do is to present yourself to them as one admitting to it in a sorrowful manner.
In all these things, one has to humble oneself, admit to the error & seek forgiveness & make restitution. These are the steps towards being honest, humble & receiving peace in your soul about the matter. We all make errors in our lives - God does forgive us readily, but the hardest thing is for us to admit the error & act in humility, which in the natural man, goes against our pride & self justification.
If you're referring to God "resting on the seventh day (of His creating Work)", we understand that means that He ceased from His work, i.e. He didn't get tired from all His hard work, rather, all that He purposed to do in establishing the worlds & all that is in & on them, was now complete & He refrained from further creating. However, this shouldn't imply that God's Hand was withheld from doing anything else in the future, but in establishing the worlds, they were completed.
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With the inception of sin into their lives, their conviction of it, & subsequent attempt to hide from God, showed that that sin also brought the sense of bodily shame, which they never had before. The eyes & minds of those once pure & holy were now subject to the effects of sin, & one of those effects was the sense of shame & need for covering. They initially used fig leaves for covering but the Lord gave them something more durable by way of animal skins. And this in the larger picture showed them that animals could now also be killed, whether for their skin/fur value or later on, in sacrifice & for food.