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In the dream, he had died and he found himself completely awake, and completely conscious of his existence with control of his mind. Only he was in complete darkness and completely alone, he said that in the dream he knew this as eternally.
I was perhaps where you are now in the early and late seventies when I received a dream that clearly put the fear of God within my heart to where I believed that there was a God and I feared Him. Today, I love Him through his Son Jesus.
I believe that you may be pre supposing the existence of a creator god to explain the existence of the cosmos, I reject this notion although I will not rule it out as no one knows what caused the big bang to happen. Your belief in a creator god can coexist with the science, unless of course you take the bible literally. If you could show me some evidence and not just assert that a god did it I will of course yry to investigate further.
Just as a little background to the Lord's Prayer. You remember, Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them to pray ( Luke 11:1). It was common then that disciples of a Rabbi/teacher would give his disciples (e.g. John the Baptist) a prayer that would demonstrate their position before God & speaking to Him. And these disciples were usually quite 'raw' in their understanding & maturity, so a prayer that could be recited was particularly special & endeared them to their master. However, since the establishing of the Church at Pentecost, the disciples not only received power from on high, but also were led to speak & pray according to the Will & Power of the Spirit. Yet, sometimes we do yearn in the spirit for someone or some situation & yet pray lacking knowledge believing the Spirit will help us & enrichen our prayer before God ( Romans 8:26).
So, while it may be special to repeat the Lord's Prayer in a meaningful way, rather than a pure recitation as is often commonly done, by adding your own heart-felt words to it, it's offering to God becomes so much more special & personal. But if we feel our prayer is becoming a little mechanical or repetitive, then praying outside the bounds of the Lord's Prayer is certainly warranted. And I'm sure that the apostles engaged in much 'free' praying for the Churches & the lost.
I'm sure we all have our own relationship with God and Christ. It truly is special when we are intimate with our Perfect Father. Producing good fruit with His will. God Bless you all my brothers and sisters, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
It sounds like one needs a lot more faith to believe those 'scientists' which tell us that certain things happened in the distant past without any verifiable, documented, photographic evidence. Looking at some rocks can give some indication of an history of the worlds, but I've yet to learn of the possibility & reason for a 'big bang' without an instigator. If one would like to question those who believe in a Creator God, one should first convince himself that his belief in these other 'facts' are actually not an expression of faith on his part. When we are convinced that there is no God, then in our minds, the reason for our existence must be found in finite man's mental assumptions that would give us any reason or excuse to justify the non-existence of God.
For explanations on baptisms
Great insight RC...
MY THOUGHTS .... 1/Mathematically: using this measure half an hour would approximate 20.8 years but more likely a last period to reflect and "Choose Ye this day who ye follow".
2/ Therefore: Could the recent lockdowns be part of this quiet time where sides are being galvanised and lines drawn. Where believers are finally taking time to study the word and those seeing the signs of the times are Searching and finding The Word. May all find the truth that For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life., That Jesus led a blameless life, was handed over to his enemies, was scourged and nailed to the cross, to die for our sins that we may be washed in His Blood, and be buried for 3 days and 3 nights as stated in the scriptures. To rise again and to ascend into heaven and sit at the right side of The Father. . God Bless You all. The time approaches, Look up and keep your eye on Jesus called Yeshua(salvation) in Hebrew.
I want to get Baptist and receive the Holly Spirt. I live in Yuba City California. Please help me and Pray for my Soul. I want to go to Heaven not Hell. I want our Lord to be proud of me and guide me Please Father in Heaven I know Your son Jesus died for our sins, he gave his life for ours. Please send your Angels to me and comfort my heart and the pain I feel. I want to get Baptist and receive the Holy Spirt Please give me this gift.
In Jesus name AMEN