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Genesis Chapter 1 Discussion Page 5

Genesis Chapter 1 Discussion Page 5

  • Sylvia Hatcher Earley on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    When will people receive the mark of the beast? Now or after the rapture of the church?
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Amen Upendo.

    I would go as far as to say when we are truly saved we should "RECOGNIZE" we have become light "THAT HAS BEEN SEPARATED FROM DARKNESS". And we should walk in that light. 1 John 1:5-7.

    God bless.
  • Upendo Judith on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    The word of God is so powerful, he separated light from darkness.... If only we would follow instructions.
  • Monica on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Love it!
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    If that's true, that is very disappointing. Mark 9, & Matthew 17:21, Matthew 17, helps us understand how to deliver & heal the worst cases of torment upon a person by prayer & fasting. We cannot understand why anyone does bad, the spirit of a man knows the man, 1Corinthians 2:11,

    We're told not to add or take away Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18,19,
  • Gerald on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    "And God separated the light from the darkness ,and the light he called good"

    God does not change as it was in the beginning so it will be at the end .

    For God will separate the " children of darkness " and the children of light"

    Some object to a God who will send people to hell .

    But if you " love darkness more than the light" would not heaven be unjust of God to send you there? For "Heaven" ( gen 1:1) needs no sun or moon for God is the light thereof .

    But would it not be just of God to send you to that place you love the most ? What the scriptures call" outer darkness ".

    I'm not sure what that means but it does not sound good .

    Man was created for the light . His eyes respond to light conscious or not . Put a man in a room with no light for long enough and he will suffer . We were created for the light .

    But due to the fall and of sin we have by that fallen nature become children of darkness .

    Notwithstanding this ,he has the ability to respond to the Light .

    Jesus said though "this is the condemnation , the light has come but men love darkness more than the light "

    If a man finds himself in hell ,it's not so much because he has sinned ( for all have sinned) but that he loved his sin more than righteousness .

    Religion if that is all it is ;is great darkness though it asserts otherwise . " for if your light be in fact great darkness how great is your darkness ".
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Yes, this was the first commandment given to animals and mankind. he has never rescinded this command, but it seems that man is the only creature that tries to limit the number of children they procreate. I don't think that our wisdom is doing us as much good as most people think. Look at Europe, they are suffering from low birth rates that are below replenishing the work force. The United States is close to that now, only mitigated by migration of people into this country. I do think that God 's way is wisest and that couples should endeavor to be "generous in the service to God of bringing forth of life", welcoming of every child God allows to be conceived, and prayerfully deciding when their quiver is truly full.
  • NoamiBay on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Ed,

    The 10 commandments say, "Thou shall not kill". So this means even ourselves. Do you have other concerns or questions about suicide ?
  • Ed Mayfield on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    What does Bible or God say about taking your own life ? Suicide
  • Gerald - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Despite what modern thinking states.The law of God has not changed ,nor will. And every seed will "bring forth fruit after its own kind " each fruit having within itself its own seed which will reproduce after its own kind .

    We are MAN kind for it is nota woman that has the seed but the man.

    What came first ? The chicken or the egg? The chicken .

    You can argue that dog kind can vary from a Great Dane at one end to a tiny toy dog at the other they are all of a kind .A cat being another kind .

    You can cross breed a horse with a donkey for they are a very close ' kind' but while you will get a Mule as a result ,a mule has no life in it to reproduce itself . So if you want another mule you need another horse and donkey .

    So likewise if you mix truth with error you will get ' something' but it has no life in it to reproduce itself .

    Jesus speaking of Himself taught " that unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone ,but if it does it will bring forth much fruit " what sort of fruit? After its own kind.

    When God spoke in the beginning and after Adam had sinned he spoke of " the woman's seed" .

    And "the serpents seed "

    Clearly God knew of the biology he had created but willing to show that this (it) one ,male( he) child born of a woman thus fully man would not be of Adams seed spoke in a manner wisdom dictated . The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head and the serpent would bruise his heal "

    The gospel in embryonic form .

    "The seed which is the Word of God " which was not of Adam thus not corrupted nor born in sin nor shapen in iniquity which became flesh was and is the express image of the invisible God .

    Thus the seed of the serpent and the ' seed of the woman ' each brings forth fruit after its own kind .

    And is it not written ? " By their fruits shall ye know them ".
  • Gerald - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I would suggest that the letter to the Hebrews among other scripture shows that man has no connection with angels nor in any image of them nor are they in any image of God .

    "For it was not to angels did God say."

    Nor is there any where in scripture where man was created in any other image but of God .

    But though man was created in the image of God. He is BORN in the image of Adam.

    The image of God has been so lost or marred by the fall and sin of man it is no longer recognisable in man .

    Did not Jesus who was and is the " express image of the invisible God" state He came " to seek and to save that which is lost"?

    And did not He teach ,speaking of himself ," that unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone"?

    But if it so dies " it brings forth much fruit"?

    What sort of fruit? After its own kind .

    Hence the desperate need to be BORN again not of that corruptible seed which is of the first Adam . But of the " incorruptible seed which is of the " last Adam" .
  • Gerald - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    God is being taken out of even the language. We are " Mankind" on the simple basis of biology but also of the law of God that states that every seed will bring forth fruit " after its own kind" .

    Thus overall we are MAN kind .

    In general we are MAN . For man was created first out of the dust of the earth and are apt to forget that the woman was created second out of the body of the man .

    But God doing all things well and right sae fit to have all men be born of a woman .

    The woman was not created from his head to " Lord " it over him . Nor from his feet for him to trample over her . Not from his back so she must walk behind him . But rather from his side his rib, to walk with him and as a " help meet for him" .

    There is also in all this a foreshadow of the Bride of Christ as is fitting . For even as Eve was created from the body of the first Adam so too the Bride of Christ will come from the Body of Christ .

    It is worth mentioning perhaps also that while man was created in the image of God . He is BORN in the image of Adam. Thus born in sin and shapen in iniquity "

    Which is why we " must be born again " not of that corruptible seed but if the incorruptible seed which is the Word of God ".
  • Gerald on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    As it was in the beginning so too is it now . For even as the devil added to the Word of God and " changed the truth into a lie" .From " thou shalt surely die" to " thou shalt not surely die" so all but two(?) modern versions of the Scriptures have been changed in such a manner as to sow confusion and misdirection and ultimately death.

    For Genesis 1:1 states : In the beginning God created the heaveN and the earth ".

    To ' In the beginning God created the heavenS and the earth '.

    Genesis 2:1 all state heavenS. Which is right .

    But if you have heavens in both chapters people are misled to think it is speaking the same thing . It is not.

    For God is a God of order . For in the beginning Genesis 1:1 we have Heaven and earth . Verse 2 onwards it is only speaking of the earth .

    For it was not heaven that was in darkness but the earth .For heaven needs no sun or moon for God is the light thereof .

    It was not God who was in darkness but man. For God is light and in Him there is no darkness nor shadow of turning .

    Further along in the order of God we have the waters that were above the firmament and the waters that were below the firmament and the firmament He called " heaven".

    But this ' heaven' is clearly of the earth . and not of Genesis 1:1. Which is where Gods throne is and all the host of heaven.

    There is another ' heaven' though not mentioned save indirectly . For when God " made the stars also" was that not also stated from Genesis 1:2? Thus there are the heavenS of earth as prescribed in Genesis 2 and the third heaven as in Genesis 1:1.

    And was mentioned by Paul.

    By such inaccurate translations and changing Gen 1:1 from heaven to heavens we have the absurd translation of a ' Students Bible'. " In the beginning God created the Sky and the earth ".

    So in the beginning so too at the end from changing" IN His throne " to .ON His throne " Rev 3 .

    and much else in the middle .

    I thank Almighty God for the KJV.
  • Nicoletta Brown on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Why do new versions of both the Protestant and Catholic Bibles eliminate verse 21 of Matthew chapter 17?
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello, these ideas are entertaining, but untruthful.

    It says right in the Bible the earth is round.

    "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:" Isaiah 40:22 KJV

    Circle means round, it doesn't mean a dome or pancake. Discrediting nasa or people or videos has nothing to do with what the truth is as they aren't gatekeepers of the truth, God is.

    You can also easily confirm and prove God's truth by simply flying around the world as many do every day. Just fly in one direction and you end up where you started. You can also prove the rotation of the earth and direction and the sphere when you have longer days when flying toward the west, and shorter days when flying east. It also takes seconds to compare the length of shadows on the earth in different parts of the day. Just facetime your friend on the opposite side of the world and he/she will be in darkness when you're in daylight and vice versa and measure when the sun rises for each place around the world and measure shadows along different axises and then you realize, yep, God is right that the earth is in fact round. God bless.
  • Anonymous - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    The firmament is an enclosure over our earth (dome) and we cannot get out or escape it There are 240 verses in the Word of God pertaining to our fixed earth covered by a firmament. God took waters from the firmament to create the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers but there is still water in the firmament above (divided)

    There are -0- verses in the Word of God pertaining to a round spinning globe at 1000 mph which defies every law of physics when it comes to a thing labeled "gravity".

    The earth is actually massive compared to what we've been told and there's a youtube video that's been deleted and is now on Rumble, where Buzz Aldrin is asked by a young girl what it was like being an "astronaut in space" Buzz Aldrin struggles to answer the question, pauses, and then reveals the truth by saying "he was never really an astronaut, he was a scuba diver"... Buzz Aldrin's mouth peace (handler) is squirming in his chair to contain himself to end the interview.

    NASA = SATAN = anagram backwards NASA minus the T. The NASA logo has a red forked tongue of a snake licking across the logo which anyone can research the truth which is why astronauts get a star on the Hollywood walk of shame.

    So we have two choices on our earth. We can choose to believe God or we can choose to believe man in which case Jeremiah 17:5, God makes perfectly clear, man will deceive you. I choose to believe God's Words over man's words.
  • Duncan - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    GOD created them from the start only man was made formed his likeness meaning he formed man and created him to walk like God look, talk and sit and stand like GOD but not in the nature of God

    The bible clearly states that In Genesis 1:21 God created great whales and onwards shows they are not a copy of another creature from heaven above or earth below.

    On 25 about beasts of the earth as it is written GOD made them after their kind meaning classification or into different category or specific groups not a copy as well.

    Remember this is the word of God which is in truth

    Pray and ask for more understanding God is faithful to shows us amen
  • Baker - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    According to (it's) kind is the correct read . groups of living organisms belong in the same created kind if they have descended from the same ancestral gene pool . grass seed will yield grass , fruit seed will yield fruit ... This does not preclude new species because this represents a partitioning of the original gene pool . Information is lost or conserved not gained . A new species could arrive when a population is isolated and inbreeding occurs . By this definition a new species is not a new kind but a further partitioning of an existing kind . Strong's Hebrew

    After reading this , go back to the chapter and read verse 11 - to the end , I think it will provide a bit more clarity , it did for me , thanks .
  • JaimeDawnP31 - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I believe that all the animals were tame before Adam and Eve sinned against the Lord.
  • JaimeDawnP31 on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    In Genesis 1:25 it says God made the "beasts of the earth after his kind". I am unsure what this means?
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Greg. A 'firmament' as in Genesis 1:6-10, means 'an expanse, an extended surface'. This was a specific creation by God, which He called 'heaven' (v8). This is generally taken to mean the expanse we see above us.

    In my understanding, & I can't be certain for lack of more detail, God took the large body of water that encompassed the Earth & placed an empty expanse to separate the waters. The higher part of the waters were above the sky & the lower part of the waters remained on the Earth. This smaller amount of water on the Earth, God gathered together in a way that dry land could now appear, so we now have land fit for air-breathing creatures to live on & seas fit for sea life as well. What happened eventually to the large body of water above the sky is anyone's guess.
  • Greg VanGrouw on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    what is a firmament
  • Sina Delong on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Is the bible saying that all the animals were tamed one and could live in perfect harmony
  • Richard McBride on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    God gave people dominion over his world in the Bible 40 plus times?

    with this in mind I asked GOD to protect the driver and his family While driving in a Motor car?

    Then I lifted the bonnet of the car and could feel GODS spiritual energy flowing down my arm into the cars motor, then God told me to project his energy over the whole car, internal and external.

    Firstly, the owner/driver must give permission to heal their car, so they can reap God given benefits.

    The outcome was that the driver was using his subconscious mind to drive with.

    The subconscious mind or GOD is in control to the extent that your mind avoids potholes, tells you if any part of your car needs repairing and informs you how to have those repairs done cheaply.

    If you need a parking spot your subconscious mind will find it for you by adjusting your speed of travel so that you arrive just as the parking spot becomes available. Also, your car will never have an accident, and your fuel bill will be less and cheaper because GOD will communicate where to buy fuel.

    So, by living the life GOD intends, never will your family be in danger in any and all situations as God can see the future and allows you to act accordingly.

    You may find that substance abuse in the family will stop and that all participants who have their motor car prayed for will remove guns from the home.

    In the Bible God Asked Gideon from 5,000 soldiers only take those to battle who drink the water and look for the enemy at the same time. If you pick up water in your hands looking for the enemy as you drink Your eyes and eyebrows are raised. GOD had direct communication with the 300 soldiers selected.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear John.

    I think that it is best for one to believe that Jesus in the eternal Son of God who became flesh for us. Believing that Jesus is God and equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Love of God, His plan of redemption, and his workings in history to redeem for Himself a people called by His name, which Jesus refers to in Matthew 28:19 when He told the disciples to baptize disciples in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

    John, I am wondering more of what you think about this. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Willie Taylor on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    MY comment is between verses 1 & 2, what happened that God had to say let there be when He already made heaven and Earth? Was there a catastrophic event that had occurred for God to hover over the deep?
  • Pete on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    It amazing; The proof is all there. God created the universe; and rested from his work on the seventh day. What is work but the using of Energy. Yes, He created the universe and energy and space all at the same time probably as scientists say with the Big Bang theory; and of course the universe seems to be still expanding and stars are still exploding; not all of course but some; and thus planets are still being created; maybe even new earths and moons just like ours but so far away; forget about them. We will never really know; but now I do know that God rested by stopping using His energy. I now know what rest is and I hope to do so on the Sabbath; unless there is Good that I must do on that day. There are always blessings in the 10 commandments and what God says to do; and I can see that in resting on the Sabbath, Both the mind, body, brain and soul, the physical and the mental.
  • Robin McAvoy on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    If Gods plan was for us to die, why did he ask Adam and Eve, "not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and Evil?" That would make the God I know, to be passive aggressive/manipulation. The God I know is straight forward with his commands. I believe God meant what he asked. We always seem to choose the long way around the truth. We are dismissing the fact that the serpent betrayed God and man. The tree of life is still in Eden, guarded by the Cherubims. God is all good/trusting and knowing, but I can't believe he is manipulating. I believe he always has another plan for the times his plans were interrupted by Satan. I also believe his plan would run smoother and if he didn't have to "allow" Satan to dig his hole into eternal outer Darkness. "Thats where we all come in, the witnesses."
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Yes, true. These three persons are eternally alive in the Godhead prior to creation, none of them having any beginning or creation.

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