If you are a Christian, you should know you are a 'spiritual jew ' and it is in your own interest to obey the word of God and not try to raise your culture and tradition against the Word of God. Circumcision is a mark of covenant relationship with God only for all males . Obedience is always better than sacrifice! Also, one thing i learnt from the life of Abraham was that He was always hasty and prompt to OBEY the Word of God, not to seek opinion from people who are ungodly, unlearned in Scriptures, spiritually ignorant. Anytime we seek man 's opinion when the Word of God is revealed to us, we are looking for trouble as Satan is there to tempt us from questioning God and His Word. Our obedience to God and His Word must not be based on feelings or emotions but grace to obey and to do it promptly. Those promoting and supporting same sex in some 'liberal churches ' started from a point in delaying to obey the Word of God and the tempter is consuming them through lust etc. PSALM 119 60 'I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments. ' The Lord give us grace to obey His word promptly.
I know that if the family is jewish according to the Jewish Law the child must be circumcised But if they are Christian no Please see for this Galatians Chapter5 2 7 what Paul says about this subject In any way it s the parent s decision for cleanliness reason too God bless the baby and all of you
I totally agree with circumsicion but I have a a 30 day old grandson who is not circumcised yet His mother says she does not believe and does not have the money to circumcise Although our family have offered to pay 300 she does not want to take the money I do believe in circumcise For the male child more cleanliness less to deal with as the reach manhood
Yes God always keeps His word promise prophesy He did make a great nation from Ishmael But He promised one Covenant through the seed of Isaac and that will be an everlasting Covenant See verses 19 and 21 of same chapter Also He blessed Sarah and made her mother of Nations
In today's world, where everyone is under the race of walking perfect before others, this verse is a caution that we ought to walk perfect before GOD and not before people.
Abraham's prompt obedience to God's word is very instructive. In verse 23, he never premeditated the degree of pain he would pass through alongside all that were to be circumcised. It is obvious that he derived joy in obeying God promptly. No wonder God lavished His divine love on him. If believers will learn to obey God "abrahamically", swimming in God's blessings and making heaven will be easier.
I thank God for He is a ever righteous and accomplishes His mission in his fullness set time, that whatever He has in mind for me will definitely come to pass despite the challenges on the way.
Darby T, Galatians 5:6 says if you are trying to be justified by flesh that has been alienated from Christ, you have fallen away from grace, circumcised or not doesn't matter to God, but a new creation in Christ, so is the heart that needs circumcision to curb its filthyness that separates us from the grace of Jesus.
Circumcison of the heart? There is no argument to that. The language does not lend to that idea, nor does the idea itself lend to meaning anything metaphoric or figurative. If this isn't one of those "literal" passages, then I am not sure if anyone has the authority, judgment or intellect to interpret anything that they read.
Concerning Circumcision, it is comprehensible for the fact that ,the LORD who had in the first place required the firstflesh to be circumcised also later expect it not of man as a should but promulgateth it he will write his commandments in heart of men that are his .even this means he {GOD} updateth his words and works