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Thank you very much for responding to my requests.
I would like to know what the Bible has to say and not Churches. Or Doctrines of man.
May be you will be able to clarify more clearly by studying Mathew 12:40, we need to seek the Truth.
Please help me.
Warm regards
Abba in Romans 8:25 is Aramaic . Aramaic is a ancient language that was used in Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Arameans, Hebrews, and Arabs.
My church teaches that Jesus died on a Friday and rose on Sunday Amen
Abimael Seyoum
Can some one guide me in understanding some of the following:
Romans 8:25 Abba, which is the language which is Addressing Father as Abba
Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. Please let me know the day in English calander when He died on the stake. Ref: Mathew 12:40
I believe in the Hebrew names of Almighty God as Yahuah and His Son as Yahusha.
Please respond.
Herman Dcouto
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
So; I would say that God created the family; and therefore, if anything takes from that, it is wrong even if it is considered a christian thing to do. If anything, including a christian religion; takes from the family; it therefore seems to me to be a cult; and therefore I would caution christians to consider and be aware of such matters.
Genesis 7:12
Genesis 8:2
you seem to be and I would say that you are right on; but I don't know how long that was after Adam as I have never read the verses between Adam and that flood; and it probably does not list every generation and maybe only the relevant ones. very interesting
Genesis 2:4
and then ADAM and Eve was the first generation; and God walked with Adam and gave instructions to him; and created Eve for Adam etc
I hope that my comments come out in orders and that they are helpful in understanding these 2 chapters of the BiBle
People sometimes have trouble with chapter 1 and 2 and so maybe it is best to take it from the beginning, and look at one verse at a time. I love this particular one as it could not have been said any better. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. It doesn't say when the beginning was, not yet; but later we will see He created "lIght', and dIvided it from darkness and so the beginning was the first day. Genesis 1:5
CLEAVE UNTO cleave to;
2 adhere to, hold to, cling to, stand by, abide by, be loyal to, be faithful to, remain true to.
adhere strongly to (a particular pursuit or belief): part of why we cleave to sports is that excellence is so measurable.
become very strongly involved with or emotionally attached to (someone):
I love the word "cleave to or unto" as right from the start that is what a man is suppose to do; and i don't see why they can get that confused and treat their wives different; and still they do and some even believe and or interpret it differently in other parts of The Bible; but believe me; every word in the Bible is consistent and compatible and add up the same where ever you see it.
Probably 6, 9, 16, 24, one of them, but I am not sure which, Incidentally, I would say that we can see God's purpose in this chapter.
I believe in Heaven and that we can go there and we can become angels; however, I would agree that no one orders angels around. I will however search Angels to see what the bible says.
We don't get to become angels; on earth or in heaven. People don't have power to order the angels around. You have to ask God for assistance.
I don't know what you read but some of the info is scrambled. Use the search box at the opening of this website and type in angels.
Thank you very, very much!
For example Man was created to replenish the earth Genesis 1:28; and Adam was blessed and told this and had dominion and could subdue all those other things as soon as he was created; That's intelligence; and if God give you something to do, you can do it. Adam started to do these things along with Eve as soon as she was created, and called woman.