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Genesis Chapter 2 Discussion Page 12

Genesis Chapter 2 Discussion Page 12

  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    I mis read that I think as I agree with you that there is no verse in the Bible that says God created another woman except Eve. That is right but over the years I have seen questions on who did so and so marry because apparently sometimes people ask that as if there was no one they could figure out ; and now I am even wondering if I had that wrong also; but time will tell as I will be waiting to see if I can see that type of question again. Yes God only created Adam and eve from adam.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    everything is not necessarily in the Bible. Maybe God never thought that was important at the time and I don't why that is important now. If the Bible says something; that is good enough for me. If it doesn't say something; that is also good enough for me.
  • Diane on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    this site really challenges ones memory, so helpful and encourages me to stay in GODS HOLY WORD1
  • Herman Dcouto - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Dear Abimael,

    Thank you very much for responding to my requests.

    I would like to know what the Bible has to say and not Churches. Or Doctrines of man.

    May be you will be able to clarify more clearly by studying Mathew 12:40, we need to seek the Truth.

    Please help me.

    Warm regards

  • Abimael Seyoum - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Dear, Brother Herman

    Abba in Romans 8:25 is Aramaic . Aramaic is a ancient language that was used in Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Arameans, Hebrews, and Arabs.

    My church teaches that Jesus died on a Friday and rose on Sunday Amen


    Abimael Seyoum

  • Herman Dcouto on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Can some one guide me in understanding some of the following:

    Romans 8:25 Abba, which is the language which is Addressing Father as Abba

    Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. Please let me know the day in English calander when He died on the stake. Ref: Mathew 12:40

    I believe in the Hebrew names of Almighty God as Yahuah and His Son as Yahusha.

    Please respond.


    Herman Dcouto

  • Larry - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Yes, and often in replies to what was deemed a possibility. Pray more and talk less.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO CORRUPT A VERSE. That wAs strictly for ADAM AND EVE. THAT the way i read it and it means that to me regardless of how many times I read it; but people often make mistakes when they take thibg out of context.
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago

    Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

    So; I would say that God created the family; and therefore, if anything takes from that, it is wrong even if it is considered a christian thing to do. If anything, including a christian religion; takes from the family; it therefore seems to me to be a cult; and therefore I would caution christians to consider and be aware of such matters.
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 2:5 - 4 years ago
    Yes, but there was still irrigation. It says there was a mist from the earth that watered the ground in Genesis 2:6. It may have been like a biosphere / biodome and perhaps humid and fertile for plant life.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2:5 - 4 years ago
    Genesis 7:4

    Genesis 7:12

    Genesis 8:2

    you seem to be and I would say that you are right on; but I don't know how long that was after Adam as I have never read the verses between Adam and that flood; and it probably does not list every generation and maybe only the relevant ones. very interesting
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2:5 - 4 years ago
    a good question
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    I think that the days are straight forward up to

    Genesis 2:4

    and then ADAM and Eve was the first generation; and God walked with Adam and gave instructions to him; and created Eve for Adam etc

    I hope that my comments come out in orders and that they are helpful in understanding these 2 chapters of the BiBle
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

    People sometimes have trouble with chapter 1 and 2 and so maybe it is best to take it from the beginning, and look at one verse at a time. I love this particular one as it could not have been said any better. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. It doesn't say when the beginning was, not yet; but later we will see He created "lIght', and dIvided it from darkness and so the beginning was the first day. Genesis 1:5
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    I don't find it confusing as it sorts of or do give an outline in Chapter 1 I think as any book well written. Then in chapter two, it follows up. Just read it in the order given but realize that it does not cover everything, and it high lights what God considered important at that time; and now. Then it probably expands as it goes once again considering what God considers important; and of course that would remain the same as for today. I think that that is the way that I look at it, not sure if it is of course as I never thought about it before; however, it all makes sense to me; and i hope some day, to you also.
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    and man became a living soul. What do we know from Adam about living souls? We know that Adam could talk with God and he was a little lower than the angels and that he was good when he was created; and also that he would have treated his wife good and like all those other words that cleave to or unto means. He didn't think or at least not very much as he just did what God told him over and over ab and that was suppose to be have dominion of the animals and etc.. as it says. etc....
  • Stevo Glover on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Genesis Chapter 1 is rather confusing in some aspects. Forming the sun, moon, etc after vegetation? Does it mean spinning the earth on its axis then sending it around the sun and forming our solar system? But how could there have been 'evenings and mornings' before this because they rely on the earth's orbit. Also it states He created mankind as male and female. Chapter 2 SEEMS to indicate Eve was made later.
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,

    CLEAVE UNTO cleave to;


    2 adhere to, hold to, cling to, stand by, abide by, be loyal to, be faithful to, remain true to.

    adhere strongly to (a particular pursuit or belief): part of why we cleave to sports is that excellence is so measurable.

    become very strongly involved with or emotionally attached to (someone):

    I love the word "cleave to or unto" as right from the start that is what a man is suppose to do; and i don't see why they can get that confused and treat their wives different; and still they do and some even believe and or interpret it differently in other parts of The Bible; but believe me; every word in the Bible is consistent and compatible and add up the same where ever you see it.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Genesis 2:18 - 4 years ago
    Do you think that "him," is used two times to include "the last Adam" in 1Col 15:45?
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Genesis 2:18 - 4 years ago
    Do you think that is may be because, Eve, begins with an E.
  • Valencia sanchez - In Reply on Genesis 2:3 - 4 years ago
    I am in the middle of looking for sources, but the term rest - in this verse means that he reigned from that moment on. He didn't go and take a nap. It meant that his kingdom was established. So he sat on his throne and reigned. That's why they kept sabbath because it was a reminder to the Jew's that on the days they did little to nothing, God is in control; nothing stops moving and God doesn't stop working.
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    5, 6, 7 9 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 so difficult and fun to pick my favourite verses but I think

    Probably 6, 9, 16, 24, one of them, but I am not sure which, Incidentally, I would say that we can see God's purpose in this chapter.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Sorry for a late reply but I only saw t your reply today.Thank you for doing so.

    I believe in Heaven and that we can go there and we can become angels; however, I would agree that no one orders angels around. I will however search Angels to see what the bible says.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    LET US (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) crested Adam from dirt. Dirt because he would eat of the earth. God breathed into Adams nostrils & he became a living soul (mind, personality, will) and he was connected spiritually. As people who are born again are now.

    We don't get to become angels; on earth or in heaven. People don't have power to order the angels around. You have to ask God for assistance.

    I don't know what you read but some of the info is scrambled. Use the search box at the opening of this website and type in angels.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Thank you, I learned it the same way. Adam was a living soul; a little lower than angels and so it is interesting and I wonder what he had to therefore do to become an angel. Also what would have happened to him, if he lost his soul; and i would think that he would have had to continue to be good or learn how to be good or what is good, and do it to become as perfect as angels; and of course if he lost it; then I think he would have to go where men go that have lost their souls; and I think that we can learn what Adam was learning from God, in the Bible as best as we can; and we have Jesus who took our sins for forgiveness; and I expect we will therefore make it; but the job may be in stayin
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    For Peter: in Genesis 1:26..and God said, LET US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness; and let them have dominion (over everything on earth) EXCEPT other man. No place did he give people dominion over each other. LET US means that Father, Son, Holy Spirit we're doing the creating. Adam was spiritually connected to God. Eve was made not from the earth initially; she was made from Adams rib. After Adam and Eve sinned the spiritual connection was severed. They had to leave the garden of eden. We descended from them: soul and flesh. Mankind waited for the Savior & Redeemer to appear in history. Being born again reconnects is to God, spiritually. This is how I learned it. Anybody else
  • Paula on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    I would like to thank you people who took their time money hard work to establish this site. It has really been a blessing to me

    Thank you very, very much!
  • Peter on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    So my first assumptions were wrong. Adam was the first man and the first living soul; but when he sinned; there was danger of him losing his soul That is what I should have thought about and compared with rather than with animals and with Adam before he became a living soul; and there isn't anything in the Bible as far as I know about anything having a soul before or even after except for man. That doesn't necessarily mean that nothing does as all it really means is that is not mentioned, if in fact, it is not.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    and I agree with what you said in that regard; but there is far more to the Living soul and the Garden of Eden, in direct communication & obedience to their Creator, I think, than we realize. For example:

    For example Man was created to replenish the earth Genesis 1:28; and Adam was blessed and told this and had dominion and could subdue all those other things as soon as he was created; That's intelligence; and if God give you something to do, you can do it. Adam started to do these things along with Eve as soon as she was created, and called woman.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    ( Heb 2:9) so interesting, and Jesus, in the image of man without sin, felt unbearable pain as He died for our sins. We all fear such pain and hope to die easy; and how interesting, that if God and or the angels were to come down to earth, the image that they would have taken, stands on 2 legs, has 2 arms etc, but was created a little lower than the angels and when you think about it; the reason is obvious as if he wasn't created lower; then we would all be angels but it's not bad being a little lower, we are all born very good just a little lower than the angels; however, in regard to the living soul, I thought the same as you, until I started to wonder what a living soul was; and I agree wi

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