King James Version (KJV)

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Type Lucifer. The search engine will fetch ALL verses with that name.
Acts 19:19
Satan was defeated at the victory of the Cross of Jesus.
Stan tricked Adam. Jesus took back all POWER AND AUTHORITY which Satan had stolen.
Now search Satan. His name got changed from Lucifer.
Ephesians 6: Satan and demons are invisible.
Unless a human gives their own body to be possessed. Very dangerous!
Our souls belong to Almighty God.
I wanted to add: Jude 1, entire chapter & compare Revelation 12 to Luke 2:1-7, Matthew 2:7-23, John 19:30, 1Corinthians 15:20, John 21:14, Luke 22:69, Mark 16:19, Acts 5:31,
Hopefully these are helpful also
1Chronicles 21:27, Hebrews 1:1-14, please read whole chapter,
the "I wills' of satan are in Isaiah 14:13,14. The other portion you mentioned is from Revelation 12:7!
Revelation 12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven."
This is another verse that talks of Lucifer's fall, Isaiah 14:11-15
It was custom not to record female names unless they had a story in the Bible.
Hopefully this is helpful
1 John 3:9 doesn't mean what you are implying that a Christian cannot sin. The translation in English is a bit unfortunate here. The Greek text doesn't say "do not commit sin" but says "cannot sinning", present continuous. This means that a born again person cannot stay in sin, cannot live a sinful life NOT that he can't sin. We all sin but have the Blood of Christ to be forgiven. To understand that please read 1 John 1:8-10 and 1 John 2:1-2
First i find it very difficult to follow your thinking.
Second if a man sins and doesn't repent the blood of Jesus has no effect on him. It is a necessity to repent first. Not obeying God's commandments is a sin. Of course we are sand and fail many times, but that is why we are given Jesus's Blood to be forgiven and raised up and get on with our christian life. We will fail again and raised up again and so on .This will occur all the way untill death as we carry on life. BUT there is a difference between that and deliberately ignoring the written Word of God, and stay in iniquity because one chooses to follow his heart and not God's rules. Salvation can be lost Please pay attention to Revelation 22:18-19. In simple words God says that if somebody adds or subtracts from what is written in Revelation God will subtract his name from the book of life, and that is also true for the whole Word of God as well. God will not make you accountable if you don't know something but if you know it and delibareately disobey then my brother you have are in a big trouble...
Matthew 7:21-23
You and I and all mankind were born as sinful flesh, not knowing the truth of God.
Christ came, in the flesh, as sinful flesh.
It, SINFUL FLESH, DIED with Christ on HIS CROSS. You and I and all mankind DIED on the cross with Christ.
Three days latter Christ arose with a NEW BODY, we also shared in Christ resurrection, we now are that LIFE.
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy IS HE that hath HIS PART in the first resurrection,...
It is no longer, YOU and I as sinful flesh, but that ONE LIFE of Christ in now, US ALSO.
We are just the body, Christ is THE LIFE, therefore everything we do and say and think is actually THE LIFE of Christ causing it. We are being created in the image of Christ.
Christ is also a body, and the LIFE of the Father is HIS (Christ's) LIFE, HIS (Christ's) WORDS, HIS (Christ's works) WORKS.
Christ said, it's not my words but my Father's words, it's not my works but my Father's works, Of MYSELF I CAN DO NOTHING.
Christ said, I am the vine, you are the branches, without me (MY LIFE) you can do nothing.
Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery ..... (the LIFE) CHRIST IN YOU .....
Philippians 2:13 For it is God that worketh IN YOU (you died on the cross and became a new creation, you and Christ as ONE) both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Revelation 2:26 And he that overcomrth and keepeth MY WORKS .....
And they will say in that day, Lord did not WE, and he will say depart for it was not you but ME.
Most believe that have life of themselves, but the word says life is only in the SRIRIT.
We are just the body that does the labour of CHRIST, THE LIFE.
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God (LIFE and TRUTH) doth not commit sin; for HIS SEED remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Christ's LIFE became your LIFE, and Christ cannot sin.
Well, after some time i understood. Yes, it's possible to work for God but in your own way and not obeying God's rules. You work according to what you think and like and not what God thinks and likes. That is disobedience and it's a sin, and if you keep doing it and don't repent then you will sometime hear Jesus telling you that He doesn't know you.
Sad but true.
It seems more and more common for some to bend over backwards in order to appease the culture and go along with the world's values instead of God's values. This results in some completely disregarding some scripture as if it doesn't even exist, but it does exist. We can't deny what is written. As Christians we risk being unpopular by following God's word and sharing it. Maybe 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 makes someone uncomfortable, or 1 Timothy 2:11-14, but I believe God's word is truth and we must honor God over honoring man. Who are we going to follow? But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Should a woman be a pastor or preacher? God's Word says the answer is no.
[ There is a lot faulty etymology out there about the English word "woman". It has been said that a woman is simply a man -- with a womb. In other words, some "well-meaning teachers" (falsely) believe that "woman" is a compound of the English words "womb" and "man". However, even a quick study of the etymology of "woman" will prove this idea to be false.[5] Though being a womb-man appears to be harmless and perhaps even edifying, this concept has and can cause a great deal of damage to the many marginalized daughters of the Most High.]
I didn't find anything in Greek or Hebrew, which I consult to prove or disprove.
I also heard a teacher say, when Adam woke up from his deep sleep, that he sat up and saw Eve laying next to him; and he said: WO Texan=Whoa!!
Where do these questions come from, lol
Maybe Chris will know the language used in that. It was something I heard at church.
And man CANNOT understand the TRUTH of GOD'S WORD without being given the KEY TO THE KINGDOM.
That KEY to the KINGDOM is the Holy Ghost, without him revealing the scriptures to you, you cannot understand all the parables, metaphors and other figures of speech used in the scriptures.
THE WOMAN is all flesh, both male and female.
THE WOMAN is Christ church.
THE WOMAN is the virgin.
THE WOMAN is Christ's bride (wife).
Likewise when the word is addressing MAN, it is both male and female.
Genesis 5:2 MALE and FEMALE created he them: and blessed them, and called their (male and female) name ADAM.
These verses in 1 Timothy 2 are parables, metaphors and signified language.
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam (Christ) was not deceived, but THE WOMAN being deceived was in the transgression.
This is saying Christ's church (Christ wife) is deceived, the same thing John says in Revelation 12:9 ... satan who DECEIVETH THE WHOLE WORLD.
1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she (THE WOMAN, includes both male and female, Christ wife, pregnant with THE WORD) shall BE SAVED in child bearing (being born of the same SEED that it was inpregnated with, THE WORD of God).
Being born again of TRUTH delivers you from being deceived.
Teach and preach all you want, in God's kingdom there is neither male or female, only LIFE and TRUTH.
Tiny gray-haired old lady, but I've never heard such a powerful word as this teaching.
If God calls you to preach; nothing is going to silence the voice of the Holy Spirit, except you. Ezekiel 3. The Lord makes the vessel, not us.
I don't have a lot of patience with people (saved and unsaved) who are lacerating those people who are doing what God showed them to be doing, anointed them and the message by the Holy Spirit. If God said to do something it will turn out productive. Someone will be saved, delivered from spiritual bondages, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
The ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is powerful. Jesus had performed no miracles until right after Luke 4:18. He turned water into wine at his mothers request. See Isaiah 61 also.
We are called to follow Jesus. If Jesus has chosen a woman to deliver a message to His Body, it will produce righteous fruit. I know what the anointing does. It took a frightened Gideon and made him a mighty leader of the Army of Israel.
The Anointing is not subject to the Schoolmaster in the book of Galatians. The Schoolmaster shows us what is/was the Law of God, which is the Teacher. The law of the Spirit is freedom in Jesus Christ.
The Lord crafts each vessel. Some are honorable and beautiful; others are understated but strong and useful for daily use. We're not all perfected yet. In 1 Corinthians 13, looking through a glass darkly: looking for perfection. We are being perfected by the Lord. Desire the freedom the Holy Spirit shows us.
If you personally would desire a DOUBLE PORTION ANOINTING from the Holy Spirit; I'd listen to FUCHIA PICKETT, and IVERNA TOMPKINS; on youtube.
I want anything and everything that God has for me. I only said "whoa, slow down once". Then I'd a few years yes, YEARS, when the Lord was quiet. Then I started begging, on my face, for Hom to pour the Holy Spirit into my life again! Don't go there.
1 Corinthians 15:52 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."