King James Version (KJV)

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Two stories or one?
Until the latter half of the 19th century Genesis 1 and 2 were seen as one continuous, uniform story with Genesis 1:1–2:6 outlining the world's origin, and 2:7–2:25[19] carefully painting a more detailed picture of the creation of humanity. Modern scholarship, citing (1) the use of two different names for God, (2) two different emphases (physical vs. moral issues), and (3) a different order of creation (plants before humans vs. plants after humans), believes that these are two distinct scriptures written many years apart by two different sources, chapter 1 by the Priestly source and chapter 2 by the Jahwist, with the bridge the work of a "redactor", or editor
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Before I begin let me say that God hath made 7 dispensation meaning God made different time of salvation and for every time, there was salavtion as I explain thru the knowledge of God wherein God commanded Adam to freely eat all the fruits in the garden, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day you eat of it, you will surely die.
So man disobeyed God when they eat the fruit of good and evil they died on that day because 1,000 years is ONE DAY FOR THE LORD. But before God remove them from the garden, He didn't let them go out without changing their dress, God put them with a SKIN OF ANIMALS which is the SKIN of the LAMB, THE TYPE AND SHADOWS TO COME, meaning this is where God will take place his salvation to mankind. The SKIN OF THE LAMB represent the BLOOD OF CHRIST to be SHED UPON (Heb.9:22) Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
The Skin covering of Adam & Eve representing what God will do to remove the CURSE (DEATH) which came into the world by ONE MAN, and so SIN entered the world, and DEATH passeth to ALL MEN, for ALL HAVE SIN. ( Romans 5:12) We are all BORN SINNERS IN THE SIGHT OF GOD ( Psalms 51:5) There is none righteous, no not anyone in the sight of God. ( Romans 3:10)
The only solution for this CURSE that we INHERITED IS THRU RECONCILIATION BY OBEDIENCE THRU GOD'S WORD, THRU IMMERSION BY BAPTISM IN WATER IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF OUR SINS, AND YOU SHALL RECEIEVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. ( Acts 2:38-39), wherein you will clothed with Christ, and we will be buried thru his death thru baptism, that is why Galacians 3:27= All have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Because there is only ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, and ONE BAPTISM (Ephessians 4:5) There is only ONE GOD and he is the ALPHA, the OMEGA the BEGINNING and END ( Revelation 1:8)
He is the IMAGE OF THE INVICIBLE GOD ( Colossians 1:15) He is the ONE True GOD that was manifest in the FLESH ( 1 Timothy 3;16) He is the True God and eternal LIFE ( 1 John 5:20) And He will be SOON COMING IN THE CLOUDS FOR HIS BRIDE (The Church) Titus 2:13) ( Matthew 16:18-19) For there is no other name in heaven whereby we must be saved ( Acts 4:12) He is the messiah that the Israelites until now still waiting for Him to come, but doesnt understand this Messiah is already came back to heaven in His throne as God Spirit ( John 4:24) To God be the glory in Jesus Christ name, amen.
Godbless you all
Once he ate from the tree, he had the knowledge of the angels. In the image of GOD he was created. At that point his position as an angel was lossed and he was cast out. He was cast to the earth, as SATAN was cast IN the earth. Man no longer was protected with the HEAVENLY HOST but allowed SIN to do what SIN do - KILL and DESTROY. (sin = Satan)
If the trinity is a viable theory how can They being as one be completed in genesus?
The clue is in 2:4, as this verse states that the chronological order of creation has been vaguely explained, and the detailed description of these events are to follow.
Many people still believe that man was created on day six, and "Ha - Adam" on day eight, when verse 4 is simply the seperation between the synopsis and the the detailed accounts.
As anyone can see the so called 8th day is never mentioned, as both descriptions refer to the same instance of events.
In verse 5 "before" doesn't mean earlier, it means in front of; the (seeds of the) plants and herbs are ready to go.
In verse 6 we get clouds and rivers so Nature kicks off.
On the 6th day God created people in general and put them at the top of the food chain.
In Ch2 verse 7 he creates THE man called Adam and the rest of the Bible is about his descendants - ie the Jews and the Moslems.
We know there are other people around because in Ge 4:17 Cain "lies with" one of them, and after that it's a free-for-all.